Sakura Country Resurrection Point.

With a flash of light, Wild Bi Kumagen was resurrected at the resurrection point.

"Nani? What just happened and how did I get seconded? Nobi Kumahyun looked around suspiciously, it was obvious that he had returned to his main city resurrection point.

Before he could calm down in doubt, dozens of white rays of light appeared at the resurrection point.

Members of the Nobi Guild are also resurrected at the Resurrection Point.

After everyone was resurrected, they were also the same as Nobi Kumajian, looking at their companions around them with a confused expression.

"Just now, is that powerful player a god, why is it so terrifying?"

"I only saw his weapon move slightly, and I returned to the resurrection point."

"A miracle for sure! The great Amaterasu has come to punish us. Seeing

his mentally retarded accomplice, Nobi Kumahyun was speechless for a while, and then checked the system prompt.

"Dingdong, you were killed by the player 'Kill the Sky', you are dead, since the 'Killing the Sky' is not a player in this faction, he does not increase the sin value by killing you."

"Ding-dong, since you are dead, your level drops from LV15 to LV14, and your equipment [Knight Heavy Armor] (Bronze) drops."

"I wipe, it's not good, it was the 'Heaven Killer' of the Dragon Kingdom who killed us, not some archer!" Nobi Kumahyun shouted excitedly.

"Yaga, Xiong-san, are you insulting us? All Blue Star knows that 'Killing the Sky' is a summoner profession, do you think that a summoner can kill me a thousand-blood knight in seconds without using a summoning beast? I see that you are stimulated and have a problem with your brain.

"That is, I see that Xiong Sang has been frightened by the killing of the Dragon Kingdom, and there is no trace of the spirit of an imperial warrior."

"Xiong Sang, you have forgotten your faith."


Nobi Kumagen was speechless.

"Let's take a look at the system prompt of [Source Universe]."

The guild members glanced at each other and looked at the system prompt page.

A few seconds later.

"This.... Why is this, isn't 'Killing Heaven' a summoner, why didn't he use a summoning beast to kill me in seconds?

"Did he open the hanging!"

"Yes! He must have opened the hanging, we have to report it to the authorities!

"Report! Report. Kill the sky this hang-up! "


At this time, Nobi Kumagen ignored the group of mentally retarded people and sent a message to the president Nobi Yuta.

Nobi Kumajian: "President, it's not good, 'Killing the Heavens' has come to the swamp of doom." Yuta

Nobi: "Nani! Kill the sky!? "

Nobi Xiongxian: "Yes, it is the one who killed the sky in the Dragon Kingdom." The

other party was silent for a long time.

Yuta Nobi: "Are you sure it's a Heaven Killer?" Nobi

Kumagen: "Sure it's him...!" And recounted what had just happened.

Yuta Nobi: "It will take at least several months for his main human city to reach us, how can it be so soon?" Nobi

Kumagen: "He may have a space magic weapon." "

Space magic weapon!" Nobi was taken aback first.

Then I thought about it for a while, as if it was indeed possible.

"Is it really like the Angel Guild of the Star-Spangled Country said, there are mysterious treasures on the Heaven Killer? Perhaps, not only the space magic weapon, but also there may be an artifact! Thinking

of this, Nobi Yuta seemed to wake up.

The Angel Guild had them crouch in the swamp of doom, and reach their camp range in such a quick time, as well as kill the Wild Bichon Hyun and his group, which is the only way to explain what is happening at this stage.

"If we can leave the equipment on the Heaven Killer in our Sakura Country.... Hey~.

"Then we don't have to obey the words of the Star-Spangled Country, when the time comes, our Yebi Guild will win the world's number one guild, what kind of angel guild, I won't put it in my eyes." Hahaha" At this time, this crazy idea popped up in the mind of Yuta Nobi.

"Can't tell the Angel Guild gang, the artifact must stay in our Yebi family! As for killing the sky~ this time, I will definitely let you have no return. Immediately

began to arrange a plan to intercept Chen Feng.


Tatsukaze over there.

At this time, according to the induction of the coiling dragon ring, he had already arrived at the entrance of [Ancestral Dragon City].

Seeing that a large part of the city in front of him had become dilapidated, one by one the walls had collapsed, and a large part of the buildings had sunk into the ground, only a hall hundreds of meters high in the middle still stood in the center of the entire city.

Even so, this ancient castle looks very grand, and it is not difficult to imagine what this city looked like in its glory days.

Tatsumeze came to the entrance of the castle and prepared to enter.

A transparent film appeared, but after the coiled dragon ring in Chen Feng's hand emitted a faint light, Chen Feng entered the interior of Ancestral Dragon City.

"Dingdong, you come to the unexplored location [Ancestral Dragon City], and as the first player to explore the map, you will be rewarded with 10,000 reputation points. Trigger [100x Reward Increase], and you get 1,000,000 reputation points. "

The moment I entered, an exploration system prompt sound came.

Before Chen Feng could see the situation around him, he saw a huge fist smashing towards him with a sound of breaking air.

Seeing the huge fist smashed over, Chen Feng subconsciously released the equipment skill time and space shuttle, and his body appeared ten meters away, and then a reconnaissance technique was thrown over.

[Fire Rock Golem] (Silver level creature)

[Level]: lv48

[HP]: 15000 [Attack]: 2500 [Defense]: 1500 [



Thunder Strike, Rock Armor, Heavy Hit.

Description: A rock guard created by dragon magic, which will attack all invading outsiders.

"The defense is so high."

Seeing the data coming from his eyes, Chenfeng muttered.

The summoning skill begins to be released.

"Summon [Dark Demon Dragon]"

After a few seconds of casting, ten spatial magic arrays appeared in the sky, and luckily triggered the attribute passive of the equipment, and ten black dragons appeared overhead. (You can fly in the city.)


did not continue to release other summoned beasts, creatures of this level did not need to release other summoned beasts themselves, dark dragons existed permanently, and there was no need to waste mana to summon others.

Command a dark dragon to fly towards him, and the rest of the dark dragons attack the Fire Rock Golem.

The demon dragon breathed out flames one after another and attacked the Fire Rock Golem.





The breath of the four dark demon dragons went down, and directly smashed the blood bar of a fiery rock golem.

The Dark Demon Dragon with a level of LV53 has now attacked as high as 5,800 points in itself, plus the suppression of the level, these fire rock golins simply could not survive a few attacks before falling to the ground and turning into stone powder.

"Dingdong, congratulations on killing LV48 [Fire Rock Golem] (silver-level creature) to gain 3,000 experience points, triggering [100-fold reward increase] you gain 300,000 experience points."

"Dingdong, [Elf Girl-Xi Shuo] gains 50% of experience, and [Elf Girl-Xi Shuo] gains 150,000 experience points."

"It is worthy of being a LV48-level silver-level creature, and there is still a lot of experience." Chenfeng whispered.

Continue to direct the Dark Dragon to clean the perimeter of the Fire Rock Golem.


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