The moment Chen Feng entered the room, the scenery of the replica suddenly changed, the surrounding scene changed for a while, and the original ground turned red.

As soon as Tatsumi stepped on the floor of the room, a hot sensation came from under his feet, and "-500" was constantly bubbling above his head. ".

"Dingdong, when you enter the Red Yan Land, you receive 500 flame damage per second, and the effect disappears after leaving the Chiyan Land."

After hearing the system prompt, Tatsumze looked at the surrounding summons, except for the flying magic dragon, all the summoners were constantly bubbling "-500" above their heads. ".

A deduction of five hundred and ten seconds is five thousand, even if the wind is long, it can't withstand this continuous damage.

Hurriedly commanded the Holy Light Spirit, released several healing magics, filled the blood bar lost by himself and the summoned beast, and then commanded the dark demon dragon to bring himself and the summoned beast to the sky.

The flame damage taken after leaving the ground stops.

At this time, Chen Feng began to look at the environment he was in now

, looking down from the sky, the entire BOSS room was a hall of flames, and the walls and pillars around him outlined these countless flame totems.

"Human, I didn't expect you to come here alive!"

At this moment, above the main hall, a hoarse voice came over.

Chenfeng frowned and looked in the direction where the voice came from.

I only saw that above the throne of the main hall, there was a huge flame figure, different from ordinary flame figures, this flame figure was covered in armor, wearing a flame crown, and a crimson staff in his hand was very dazzling.

[Flame Lord-Soult] (Epic NPC)

[Level]: lv60 [

HP]: ???

[Attack]: ???

[Defense]: ???


Description: The fire spirit, which existed in ancient times, slowly grew up to become the monarch of the Fire Land, was summoned by the evil Lich King through a summoning ritual and enslaved it, trapped here in the war with the dragon clan, and after years of consuming strength, now he has become a guard boss in the Flame Secret Realm.

"It turned out to be the Flame Lord." Seeing the information coming from the reconnaissance technique, Chen Feng was a little shocked.

The Flame Lord-Sirte was one of the few demigod-level NPCs on the road of the [Source Universe] in his previous life, and he commanded this million-strong flame army under his hand, and no one dared to match it wherever he went.

I didn't expect to meet here.

Moreover, the powerful demigod-level BOSS Flame Lord in his previous life is now so stretched in strength, he has fallen into an epic BOSS, and he is still trapped in the secret realm.

However, according to Chenfeng's understanding, it should have left the secret realm by some method.

Moreover, the Flame Lord-Sirte still got the Eternal Flame in the later stage, and after absorbing it, his strength grew by leaps and bounds, becoming a demigod-level creature, forming another huge force in the Source Universe Continent.

And because the Lich King once enslaved him, the Flame Lord hated the Undead Tribulation very much, and often fought against the Calamity Legion.

As the saying goes, the enemy of an enemy is a friend, and Chenfeng no longer wants to kill the Flame Lord-Sirte at the moment, if he can take him as a younger brother, it seems to be a good choice.

Just when Chen Feng was thinking of taking the Flame Lord-Soulte as a younger brother, Soult also had this idea at this time, he has been trapped in this secret realm for an unknown amount of time, and finally an adventurer, it seems that the strength is not bad, there is still a chance to help him leave the secret realm.

"Human adventurer, your coming here shows that your strength is very strong, if you submit to me and help me escape from this secret realm, I can not only spare your life, but also make you the leader of the flame army under my command, what do you think?" Sirte spoke.

Tatsumeze glanced at his mouth and looked at Sirte.

"I can help you get out, but you have to become my slave when you go out, and you need to sign a contract with me, how about it?"

Sirte was instantly furious after hearing this, this human really does not measure himself, my dignified flame lord, the king of the land of flames, let me recognize this young human as the master, what kind of joke, even if I am trapped in the secret realm for a lifetime, I will not recognize this evil human as the master!

"Young man! You really don't know how to be evil, since that's the case, I'll let you see the power of flames!"

Sirte said coldly, he wanted to show a little strength so that the young man in front of him knew how powerful he was.

I saw that Soult held the void in his hand, and the flame element condensed on his other hand, and soon condensed a flame giant sword.

"Let you taste the flames first!"

As soon as the words fell, the flame giant sword in his hand suddenly became huge, carrying a huge heat wave, and fiercely swept towards the wind in the air.

Seeing this, Chenfeng also understood that it was impossible for him to obey himself without defeating Sirte.

Command the dark dragon, lower your altitude to dodge the Flame Greatsword, and then command Louis to release the ice thorn.

Ten Great Magicians, Louis, released ice needles at the same time, turning the heat of the room cold in an instant.

"Huh..." Ice thorns formed in the sky above the hall, stabbing towards the Flame Lord-Sirte at an extremely fast speed.

Soult looked at the ice thorn flying towards him, and the red staff on his other hand waved, and a stream of flame energy formed a flame giant shield around him.

"Oh~..." A

sound of ice and fire came, and ice thorns constantly hit the flame giant shield, and the two energies were constantly dissolving.

"Damn, how can the strength of this human summoner's psychic summoner be so powerful, it seems that I am going to use my full strength." Soult was a little shocked to see that Chenfeng's summoned beast could actually maintain a stalemate with him, but then became happy again, the stronger this summoner is, the higher the chance of helping him get out of trouble.

I saw that the flames on Sirte's body became more vigorous, and the flame giant sword in his hand pointed at Chen Feng, and a pure flame energy broke through the ice thorn in the sky at an extremely fast speed and blasted towards Chen Feng.


The flame energy hit the roof of the hall, causing the entire roof to tremble, and the dust generated shrouded the entire hall.

"It's over, use too much force, don't beat it to death." Soult looked upwards and felt that he might be pushing too hard this time, and if he killed the human adventurer, his hopes of getting out would be dashed again.


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