Everyone was typing messages in the chat box. Wang Yang already knew through these messages that some people had actually started trying it for two days.

I think this software is really good and can meet some of everyone's needs when chatting while fighting monsters.

And it can also make it easier for the person who directs everyone to do tasks to save a lot of rhythm. In the past, everyone often directed this person when commanding the battle, and there was no way to participate in the battle.

It's because he can't fight enemies while typing, but now he doesn't have to think about this problem at all. With this chat software, he can fight enemies while adjusting everything in time according to the form of the entire environment. Player tactics.

This can actually improve the combat capabilities of the entire team. After all, everyone can be notified in a timely manner of what to do.

Everyone can respond in a timely manner, which is why Wang Yang pays so much attention to this chat software. Now that he knows that it can meet everyone's needs, he will tell everyone in the future.

During the break, everyone needs to download the chat software and enter the same room after registration.

For every mission in the future, all players need to collectively enter a room as they do now, and then chat with each other in this room, thus saving time on typing on the screen.

Moreover, through such a chat method, no one will be affected whether they are fighting monsters or packing their backpacks.

On the contrary, it not only improves everyone's security, but also improves everyone's efficiency. Such a software can be regarded as a good helper for everyone.

Of course Wang Yang knows that this is the simplest thing, and everyone can understand the benefits of it, so when he recommends this software to everyone, everyone will be very interested and have already Someone made such an experiment.

Now that the test has been successful, of course everyone needs to use this software immediately

"I can’t wait. Now we should have about 10 minutes before we can clear the two empty spots. When we take a break, everyone will take the time to successfully download the software and register it. Use this software immediately."

Wang Yang also thinks that it is okay to use this software during breaks. If there are some people who don't understand, everyone can teach them.

"Then let's set a rest time like this. It should take everyone 5 minutes to complete the download and registration of the entire software. At that time, we will log in together, and then I will create a room. After you all join this room, we can Chat freely"

"In this way, when we fight the bottom boss, we can directly use voice commands. This is indeed a convenient thing for us, and we can't guarantee now that the first boss will be able to explode what we need. equipment"

"We don’t know how long we need to stay in the boss’s lair! It is definitely much more convenient to have such software!"

Wang Yang led everyone. When they cleaned up the monsters this time, everyone felt very relaxed. After all, everyone was thinking about downloading the software for a while.

Wang Yang killed him with a few direct attacks. He killed all the monsters in front of him, and then helped the warrior next door to clean up the remaining monsters in a straight line.

Wang Yang solved the problem for him after watching a small monster die and reveal a piece of equipment. It was directly picked up by others, and the system indicated that this piece of equipment had been transferred to his backpack.

Wang Yang saw that there were not many monsters left, so he also clicked on his backpack to see if it was an ordinary item. The equipment is still a piece of equipment that can be used. After all, the mobs also have a chance of exploding top-quality equipment.

Although everyone only fought mutant monsters along the way and exposed a good top-level equipment, the rest of the equipment was just a few. Small best. But even small best has its use value in the end. It is better than ordinary equipment. For some civilian players, small best equipment is their best transitional equipment.

They only get the best equipment they need to use when they are at a critical level, but in normal times they use these ordinary little best equipment excessively.

There are even some players who don't have enough money, even ordinary little best equipment. They don't have any equipment, so they can only use the most common equipment to transition to some unimportant levels.

Small top-quality equipment is also the favorite of some medium-invested players, who usually like to use it when they are working on projects or brushing some experience maps. This kind of small top-quality equipment has average attributes.

It is better than ordinary equipment, but it is much worse than some large top-quality equipment, and its price is relatively moderate. , for some players with medium investment, when using such equipment to fight monsters or attack cities, the efficiency will definitely be higher than that of ordinary equipment.

If some high-quality equipment is exploded on them. It will be distressing, and if such equipment is accidentally damaged, it is acceptable for the equipment to be taken away by other people. After all, the price is there.

"I hope God will bless me and give me another good piece of equipment, so that I can earn back all the potion money I spent this time. And if top-quality equipment really comes out, it will be a good thing to digest it internally."

"If you can really get such a piece of equipment, you should be really lucky. You have got one useful piece of equipment on average in these two levels of maps, although we still don’t know what you can get in the following levels of maps. , but obviously it feels very gratifying to get equipment at any time"

"Taishang Laojun wishes the Jade Emperor to bless me! This time, I will definitely find a useful top-level equipment. Although it does not require a large level of top-level equipment, it can at least allow me to spend money on potions for playing the map this time."

Wang Yang opened his backpack during this random prayer. This was also his habitual action, hoping to be blessed by gods from all walks of life so that he could get things with good properties.

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