With a profession like a priest by your side, even when you are short of blood, you only need to hit ++!

This is also a common problem among all other professional players. When their blood volume drops, they always type such symbols to ask for help.

Of course, if there is a fixed wet nurse profession in your team, the wet nurse will always add treatment to him as soon as possible.

If not, I met some people in the map who were in this profession. They would also type out such symbols and beg for the nanny profession to add a tube of blood, so that they could at least support some potions.

Of course, the most important thing is not only the issue of adding blood, but also the need for the nanny profession to add a circle of attributes to them.

Only times like this can make them full of energy within three minutes, and they will also take advantage of this short time to attract a few more monsters to their side.

In this way, at least it can be used to its maximum effect within a limited time, and maybe a piece of equipment can be produced while the attributes increase.

Wang Yang also has a deep understanding of this matter, although Wang Yang's defense and attack capabilities are higher than others.

But in real battles against demons or sieges, only when you get the help of a wet nurse can you exert greater power.

Because Wang Yang knew that if there was no wet nurse to give him additional status, he would have no way to continue to persevere when faced with attacks from some demon kings. Even if he swallowed potions continuously, he might not be able to withstand it.

Therefore, it is only possible to kill the boss with the help of the wet nurse. Of course, during the process of killing the boss, the single player with the highest combat power is specially taken care of by the wet nurse.

And he also enjoys the group treatment of the priests in the team. It is precisely because of the care of an individual priest and the group treatment of the priests in the entire team.

So in this situation, as long as you are careful when facing the boss, there is still some safety guarantee. Of course, if the boss is manic, you may be killed even in this situation.

Therefore, when fighting a boss, risks and benefits always coexist. If only some top-quality equipment is revealed, everyone will feel very excited.

When the boss goes berserk and kills several people in the team in succession, everyone will feel some danger and vigilance, and they will immediately rush into their minds.

"The priest is worthy of being called a nanny. Only such a profession can carefully care for everyone around him. And when these people are taken care of, of course they become extremely brave. After all, all the attributes of the body are comprehensive. increased"

"The most regrettable thing is that although everyone knows that the nanny profession is very important, there are not many people who are willing to play the nanny profession. Except for some people with gentle personalities, most of them are female players who choose such a profession."

"Because such a profession is determined, no matter when they appear at any time, they are born to assist. They have no ability to fight alone. Even when they fight monsters and upgrade, they need to fight with others. Only through cooperation can we achieve the purpose of upgrading."

When everyone reached the blank handover point in the third circle, no one could make any sound.

Because everyone had cut out the game according to the previous plan and downloaded the chat voice software.

Wang Yang He also quickly exited the game, and then downloaded the software and registered it immediately. It took about three minutes in total.

Although Wang Yang didn't know how to operate the software, now that it was registered, You can just wait for the guidance of other people who know how to operate.

Then you can create a room and let everyone talk in this room. Wang Yang saw that there were still two minutes and tried to figure out how to set up the room.

Wang Yang found that it was very simple, so he found the option to create a room. After creating the room, Wang Yang set a password for the room.

After all, everyone could not enter and exit the room at will, so that everyone could chat together. It is inconvenient.

Only when people in your own team enter the room according to the password can you ensure that the room is absolutely quiet and that everyone in the room is discussing something. Or should we make some arrangements to ensure that everyone can react in a timely manner?

After doing all this, Wang Yang debugged his own voice, and the system found that all these things were very good. It's so simple that even a novice can successfully test it, which makes him feel relieved because Wang Yang didn't have time to do these things a few days ago. At that time, he was still worried that if the software was too complicated, other people might not. It can be used very easily.

After all, some people are not particularly good at these things and need to be taught how to do it step by step.

But now that he sees how simple this software is, Wang Yang also opened the room. He returned directly to the game.

Now Wang Yang is sorting out his backpack, because there are some more whiteboard equipment in the backpack. Recycling these equipment can save some space and make the backpack look much neater.

"These guys haven't come up yet, I wonder how long it will take them to be clumsy? If the delay is too long, you need to remind them to give up wasting time and register. They should go around again and wait until the next break before letting them complete the registration."

"It is better to swipe the newly registered room number and password lock in the message bar first, so that other people can see it and add it in time. Now I have seen that some people are online, maybe because they don't know how to do it. Because I know the room number, I can't join the chat."

While Wang Yang was thinking about these things, a voice came directly into his ears.

"I'm Xiaohei, can anyone hear me? Does my microphone work well? This software seems very convenient and good."

"Of course you can hear it. Everyone has changed their names to names in the game. This way, it will be easier to identify when something happens. At the same time, when there is a need to communicate with each other, it will be much more convenient to use the name."

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