Online Games: Adding Full Attributes Every Second

Chapter 13: You Shouldn't Threaten Me (For Collection)

Chapter 13: You shouldn't threaten me (for collection)

The appearance of Leng Chen has attracted the attention of major organizations.

Feeling these gazes, he ignored them and walked straight to the back of the village.

As the windmill tower got closer and closer, Leng Chen couldn't help frowning at this moment, his gaze behind him never disappearing.

He didn't like being followed, especially now that he was looking for a third opportunity.

When he reached the windmill tower, Leng Chen suddenly stopped and turned around to look behind a few trees.

"Strange, why did he stop... Wait, he couldn't be looking at us."

"Probably not. If we could have discovered it, we would have discovered it long ago. Why did we let us follow until now?"

"Is there no news from above? We all followed here from the entrance of the village."

"Not yet, but why is he here? We have gone around the windmill tower a few times, and there is no chance to trigger it."

Leng Chen stopped, and so did the casual followers.

"After following for so long, it's almost time to come out..."

Just as this group of people were discussing, the cold voice echoed around, as if the temperature also dropped.

"He really found us?"

"Shouldn't be there, even if we were there, we wouldn't go out, and people from our organization are not the only ones accompanying us."

"It makes sense, it's better to stay honestly and let others go out."

As if they were all holding the same idea, after a while, Leng Chen saw that several people hadn't come out, he slowly raised the machete in his hand, pointed at one of them, and then the uncle spoke.

"Three behind the tree on the right, three behind the tree on the left, five behind the barrel, and five in the haystack. Please come out."

As soon as the words fell, there were sparse voices from the pointed direction, and several figures came out slowly, just like Leng Chen said, there were 16 people.

Four directions, four groups of people, the prefix and suffix of the name are all organizations that Leng Chen was familiar with in his previous life.

The "Hanging Clothes Pavilion" formed by the Federation

Anti-Federal Formation's 'Valley of Uncertainty'

The "Baiyuelou" established by game masters and the "Baixiaotang" whose identity has always been mysterious and responsible for collecting all kinds of interesting things about games

"Hey, we are Bai Xiaotang who is responsible for collecting all kinds of interesting things in the game. Since your Excellency doesn't want us to follow, just leave. Excuse me~"

The leading Baixiaotang player let out a haha, and signaled the two teammates beside him to leave.

Seeing this, Leng Chen did not stop him.

He knows so many chances, a large part of which is the information collected by Bai Xiaotang in his previous life.

"Your Excellency is Chenyou."


Regarding his identity, Leng Chen will not hide too much, nor can he hide it.

Putting on the mask and turning off the name is just to protect the safety of reality and avoid unnecessary troubles, but since someone asked, there is no need to hide too much.

"Your Excellency, we are members of Wuding Valley. I don't know if you are willing to join our alliance. In real life, there must be inexhaustible money."

The five players with the prefix Wudinggu stepped forward and said.

This action directly made the people in 'Xuanyi Pavilion' and 'Baiyuelou' anxious.

Everyone is holding the same idea, why should you open your mouth to solicit first.

"Chenyou, we are the 'Hanging Clothes Pavilion' established by the federation. If you can join our alliance, the federation will provide you with great convenience."

"Their Wudinggu is the anti-federal alliance that often makes trouble in society, the real anti-human bastards, please ignore it."

The players in Xuanyi Pavilion said anxiously.

But the players of Baiyuelou were frightened. He originally wanted to recruit Chenyou, but he didn't dare to continue talking when he heard the background of the two organizations.

"I have no intention of joining any of your organizations, please leave." Leng Chen said calmly, without a trace of emotion in his tone.

To put it bluntly, whether it is a small organization like 'Wuding Valley', 'Xuanyi Pavilion' or 'Baiyuelou', after the opening of the second dimension, they will put down their competition and jointly defend against the enemy.

The appearance of aliens unites everyone in Blue Star, and no longer have prejudices against each other.

But in the meantime, every organization will make mistakes, even the Federation's 'Xuanyi Pavilion' is no exception.

Perhaps it is knowing that the arrival of "Holy Domain" can disintegrate the danger posed by the 'Hate the Beast'.

From the beginning of the game, the various organizations did not intend to cooperate well to defend against the enemy, and they were all planning to resist other human organizations.

So much so that he made a big mistake before the second dimension opened.

And this mistake will also be the reason why Leng Chen does not join any organization.

At the opening of the second dimension, civil wars broke out in the reality of major human organizations, resulting in the death of a large number of top fighters.

What he has to do is to create an organization capable of high combat power, and restrict all organizations from civil war.

"Chenyou, if you don't join our organization, we will definitely search for you in reality. If we can't find you, we will search for you for two days. One day you will be exposed to us."

The Unfixed Valley player's face was gloomy and he spoke.

They themselves are anti-federal organizations, they don't need to abide by the rules, they live in a dark corner, and even the Federation has nothing to do with them.

"It seems that there is really no way to get rid of you without doing something..."

Leng Chen chuckled, and slowly raised the Taidao in his hand, and the people who saw Wudinggu also showed a look of wariness.

"The Wuding Valley at this time is really annoying. Although it is different from the Federation's position, you..."

In other words, Leng Chen lowered his body and exerted strength, and his figure disappeared in place.

"You shouldn't provoke me..."

The cold tone suddenly came from the ear, and the nameless player in Wudinggu shuddered, and a hot feeling came from the top of his head.

Looking down, I saw a magic circle appearing under my feet, and a huge fireball fell from the sky.


When the personal Agility is higher than that of the enemy player, the full-speed efficiency increases. Leng Chen just runs hard, but in the eyes of the person whose Agility is lower than himself, the ten-meter distance is in front of him in an instant.






Crit! -1099!

The heat wave swept across, corpses were everywhere, and the faint smell of meat wafted.

The player's hp is generally not higher than 800. It is not difficult for Leng Chen's terrifying attributes to match the 'level 5 fireball' with five players in seconds.

"This... s-class! It must be s-class!"

The players headed by Xuanyige widened their eyes, showing fear.

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