Online Games: Adding Full Attributes Every Second

Chapter 139: The Villain Died Of Nonsense

Chapter 139: The villain died of nonsense


Hearing this, [Lei Lin] snorted coldly, but he didn't show any signs of anger. Instead, the surrounding electric arcs disappeared, and Leng Chen and others no longer emitted damage from their bodies.

This means that [Lei Lin] no longer regards them as enemies.

"Human! Your name is Greed, but I'm afraid you are not greedy! Just be greedy! It shows that you have sincerity."

I thought [Lei Lin] would be furious, but I didn't expect the other party to say such a thing. It seems that he doesn't know enough about human beings.

I saw the front paws waving, and another purple light flew towards him.

【Purple Thunder Tiger Talisman】

Special equipment will take effect immediately when placed in the backpack.

After active use, 1000 purple thunder troops can be summoned.

Equipment can be upgraded by killing monsters (0/**)

"nice one!"

Leng Chen threw it directly into the backpack.

This thing is obviously used to summon the army that the Purple King belongs to, and the effect is good.

But I can't use this thing myself, it's okay to give it to people in the guild. After all, there is [Void Air Corps], so I can't use the Purple King.

It can be seen from the conversation just now that Void is a force completely outside of the eight origins, and it is more powerful. He prefers to have more legions.

"It's not bad, but isn't this little thing too little? Is there anything else......"

"Hmph! Human, your greed is about to arouse my anger."

"Is that so...that's a pity."

Leng Chen's expression gradually became indifferent, and the surrounding temperature dropped sharply.

With the increase of his strength, he has clearly felt that the feeling will naturally follow his emotions, this is the guide at the top of the food chain!

"Since there is nothing left, there is no need to keep you, go to die."

He waved his hand casually.

Five [Void Dragonriders] and a hundred [Void Knights] swarmed up and killed [Thunder Lin].

The strong aura surprised 【Lei Lin】, and then showed an angry expression, and roared angrily: "Human! You are actually playing with me! Damn it!!""!"

"Damn it, I never said to join, just see what you can give. W

"Who knew you were so stupid..."

The [Void Dragonrider] with 100% of the attributes of the body and the [Void Knight] with 50% of the attributes exploded at an unprecedented speed, rushing in front of [Lei Lin] in an instant.

Like the previous boss, Leng Chen didn't intend to do anything, but just watched from the sidelines.

[Lei Lin] just wanted to jump up to avoid the impact of the [Void Air Corps], but all the roads were blocked by the shadows of guns all over the sky, and the basic ancient method escaped these attacks.

The dense damage from the dragon's breath and spear shadows flooded the boss's head instantly.

【Lei Lin】Suddenly suffered severe injuries, and his entire body hit the ground.







The surrounding ground is shattered, and the void damage ignores the opponent's dual resistance, only the damage reduction is hard to support.

Leng Chen glanced at the bloodline in his eyes, and couldn't help frowning.

After all, it was a level 60 diamond boss, who suffered such damage and lost blood so slowly, which he did not expect.

If you switch to a Common player, I'm afraid it will be difficult to deal even tens of thousands of damage. A group of summoned creatures can deal millions of damage and laugh their teeth out.

It has to be said that if others knew what was going on in Leng Chen's mind, he might vomit blood on the spot.

This bit of damage is not enough. Normal people who brush bosses don't fight in groups, and whoever learns a lot of moves like him.

"Damn! Damn!!!"

[Lei Lin] let out a roar, and a large number of electric arcs erupted all over his body, which actually rushed away all the [Void Air Corps.

Then he took a step towards the only crack and pointed the target at Leng Chen.

It is clear that to get out of this situation, it has no choice but to kill Leng Chen.

It's a pity, how could the [Void Air Corps] in the rear do what she wanted, five [Void Dragon Riders] immediately used the skill 'Dragon Fighting in the Wild' and the Void Dragon turned into light particles and merged into the knight's body, turning into armor.

The speed increased a lot in an instant, and it was intercepted in front of [Lei Lin] in an instant.






In an instant, the damage from Wu Dao Jue floated out from the boss, and the blood line dropped even faster.

Dragon Fighting in the Wild (The void dragon transforms into a dragon battle armor and attaches itself to the dragon rider, the damage increases by 100%, the full speed increases by 50%, the talent increases by 100%, lasts for 60 seconds, cd 10 minutes)

In this state [Void Dragonrider], the damage, speed, and burning talent have all been greatly improved, and the blood loss speed is very impressive.






Even though it was right in front of our eyes, [Lei Lin] had less than 30% of his HP when he rushed to Leng Chen!

This is the strengthening of [Void Dragonrider], desperately protecting Leng Chen, and will burst out all the damage and irrigate the intruder.

In the past, I thought that one-on-one was what an honest person should do. "

"It's a pity, why fight alone when you can fight in groups, you can't even beat them, you are not qualified to meet me one-on-one.

"Aww!! Humans, bastards! Bastards! Aww!"

[Lei Lin] who was stimulated by the words roared, his whole body emitted a strong light, and a magic circle covering the entire inner court appeared on the ground.

"Do you want (Zhao Li's) to release a large damage skill? Why does the boss have this setting to force the release... that's great."

Leng Chen looked at [Lei Lin] calmly, his expression was indifferent, and his left ring finger was slightly moved.

In an instant, a dazzling light pierced through the audience, and all the void creatures didn't know what happened, they only knew that a huge amount of damage floated from the head of 【Lei Lin】.


Leng Chen looked at the gradually disappearing 【Lei Lin】, and muttered in his mouth: " gun." Please subscribe..

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