Chapter 152: Battle of Titan alone

Looking at the titan around me, the scene of the titan eating human beings in the previous life is vivid in my memory.

Due to the high innate talent of the titan, coupled with the thick defense of the race itself, and the huge body is shocking.

In the previous life, the titan tribe suppressed the first human team in the wild. The cruel way was unsightly. Everyone was chewed to death by the titan, and they had no power to resist.

Especially the strongest of the titan clan rushed directly to the second human tower, ignoring the attacks of the defensive tower and the players, and sent a human into his mouth with each hand.

Not only satisfied his appetite, but also showed his strength.

The human race is full of fear of such an existence, and even players with level 5 talents cannot harm it. One can imagine how desperate the human race was at that time.

Such unreasonable crushing made everyone breathless, and their hearts were full of anger.

Because of this, Chenyou has far more resentment towards the titan race than other races, so the first thing he did after coming to the second dimension was to find trouble with the titan20 race.

Now watching a group of titans looking at him fearfully, the pleasure of revenge followed.

"Are you afraid~~~ This feeling is really good. I understand why that guy in the previous life would do this."

The titans are indeed afraid of Chenyou.

Although they are tall and big, their minds are not simple at all, and their intelligence is not low.

When they entered the second dimension, they learned about the existence of the second dimension defense tower through the introduction.

Unexpectedly, the human beings in front of them broke down two defensive towers in a short period of time, and they showed no fear in the face of encirclement and suppression.

Especially the forty-meter-tall titan, seeing Chenyou's confident appearance, made him feel more and more uneasy.

Chenyou rose into the air with a stern expression on his face, and the sense of oppression around him became stronger and stronger.

"Hmph, human race, if you leave now, I will remove all my hands, otherwise don't blame us for being rude. You must know that death in the second dimension is real death!"

The forty-meter-high titan stepped forward, holding a half-moon knife tightly in his hand, his eyes were full of vigilance.

The muscles on his body were tense, as if he would strike at any time in the next second.

[Sen Luo Colossus], this is one of the four generals under the command of King Titan, and he is also a pervert who cannibalize people without spit out bones.

Chenyou had too much influence before their arrival, although now everyone is focusing on him.

The second dimension is far closer to reality than the first dimension. Except for death, skill data disappears, and combat pays more attention to personal skills.

At this time, there is still a terrifying aura on the two broken defense towers, it is hard to imagine how powerful the previous moves are.

"You... are qualified to say this to me!"

"Come back! My Legion!"





The deafening footsteps echoed all around, and every titan in the place felt the temperature drop rapidly.

Each [Void Dragonrider] came with twenty [Void Knights] from the wild area.

Twenty Void Dragonriders and four hundred [Void Knights] all have physical strength far surpassing that of Titan.

【Void Dragon Knight】

Level 100 summons.

Possess 100% of the summoner's physical fitness

Talent: Nether Dragon Flame (Attack with a large amount of void damage, and cause void burning damage that ignores defense to the damaged target, lasts for a period of time, and the damage can be superimposed).

Dragon Slave (Beheaded creatures have a chance to transform into void knights, the duration is unlimited, have 50% of the dragon knight's physical quality, and have a maximum of 20)

Skill: Dragon's breath (causes a lot of void damage to the front umbrella area, and weakens body resistance, no consumption)

Dragon combat skills (Dragon Knight has extremely exquisite marksmanship, and the Nether Dragon sends out three consecutive impacts, and the third impact will cause 100% dizziness for a period of time)

Dragon Spear Raining (Every 0.4 seconds, an 80% void attack will be launched in a certain range around, and it lasts for a short time.)

Ultimate Skill: Dragon Fighting in the Wild (The Void Dragon transforms into a Dragon Fighting Armor and attaches itself to the Dragon Knight, increasing the damage intensity, increasing the speed response, and improving the talent,)

There are not as many titans in number, but the strength far exceeds all titans.


[Sen Luo Colossus] Waiting for the titans to quickly enter the fighting state.

Chenyou looked at this group of people blankly, from the moment they encircled and suppressed them, they were doomed to be dealt with by death.

"You have never been qualified to say this to me, because I am the one who taught you!"

【Virtual Moon】!

Suddenly, Chenyou swung a purple black sword energy towards the rear position.

In an instant, all the titans in the rear died.

The dead didn't even shed their bodies, the force of the void directly crushed their bodies, and Green's blood spread all over the ground.

And a group of dragonriders also walked in from the gap in the rear, looking at the fierce lights of the surrounding titans, the Void Air Corps was ready to go.

"Human race, you really want to do this!!! This is declaring war on our titan race, don't forget there are two other races, don't you want our titan race to fully fight against the human race

"Pfft! Hahahaha! Are you threatening me? Since I'm afraid, I won't do such a thing. Killing your titans, I alone is enough! My dragon riders! Kill them!"

Chenyou flew into the air, his pupils contained 617 ultimate void power, and a ferocious smile was drawn at the corner of his mouth.

"Hmph! You really think our titans are easy to bully! Titans, kill that guy! Don't give him a life!"

【Titan Channel】

[Sen Luo Colossus]: ​​"We are going to war with that human, come to support quickly, strong enemy!"

[Colossus of Hundred Flowers]: "How is his strength?"

[Sen Luo Colossus]: ​​"Come quickly, it's very strong, and the current shots are instant kills!"

[Wind Chime Colossus]: ​​"All are instant kills? Facing our titans, all damage is instant kills???"

[Ghost Lan Colossus]: ​​"I'm rushing to the battlefield, be careful, we besiege and kill him, presumably the opponent should be the leader of the human race, otherwise the strength can't be so strong."

Five people dared to intervene in the conversation between the four generals of the titan clan.

Only one person on the other side can actually cause such a dilemma. Could it be that human beings are a very powerful race?

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