Online Games: Adding Full Attributes Every Second

Chapter 5: You Are Not A Martial Arts Master, You Are A Great Master (For Collection)

Chapter 5: You are not a martial arts master, you are a great master (for collection)

Under Da Yuan's sluggish gaze, Leng Chen displayed his superb fighting skills.

After killing three or four rabbits in a row, the system finally saw a notification that a rabbit had its ears popped out.

Simply the task items are shared, I got the rabbit ears, and Da Yuan also got the ears, but this idiot......

"Why are these rabbit ears used? They are quite soft~~~ Hehe!"

Da Yuan took out the rabbit ears from his backpack, and stroked them like a perverted satyr.

"You idiot don't have a novice mission, right?"

With veins throbbing on his forehead, Leng Chen almost gritted his teeth and asked this question.

"Mission? What mission?"

Sin! Leng Chen scolded himself for how he met 'Da Yuan' in the Novice Village stage

"It's nothing, I praise you for being smart..."

"Huh? That's right, my mother said that too..."

Leng Chen turned his head away, ignoring the other party, in case his blood vessels exploded.

If you don't receive a mission, you don't have a mission. Anyway, there are only a few missions in Novice Village, and the required mission items are exactly the same.

When the time comes, just let Dayuan take the quest items directly to lead the quest.

He glanced at the rabbits scattered around, and it was too slow to kill them one by one. With his current attributes and combat skills, it would not be a problem to deal with a few rabbits.

Leng Chen saw that Da Yuan had recovered 70% of his HP, and said, "Da Yuan, come here."

"What are you doing?"

Leng Chen said: "Your HP has almost recovered, I have a task for you to get some mobs."

"Pull mobs? What is mob pulls?"

Leng Chen was really helpless for this silly criticism in front of him.

How did the opponent improve his strength to enter the 'second dimension'? The melon seeds in his head are filled with water, right?

"You go to the rabbits that haven't changed to Red's name, hit them on the head, and then run back, and the rabbits will chase you within 10 meters."

"You pull the rabbit chasing you to me, and then I will kill it, understand?"

Resisting the urge to punch the opponent, Leng Chen explained.

"Oh~~I probably understand..."

"If you understand, do it, hit them and run back, don't give them a chance to hit you."

"No! Wait, big brother!"

Da Yuan suddenly realized something, and quickly said: "You want to kill many rabbits by yourself? That's too risky."

Leng Chen didn't talk nonsense, and kicked Da Yuan's ass.


"Ouch! Come on, your strength is too great."

"Don't talk so much nonsense, hurry up to pull monsters, do you want to upgrade quickly, become stronger and reach the pinnacle of life, and win the favor of beautiful women."


"Then why are you still sitting here, hurry up and pull monsters!"

As he said that, Leng Chen was still not relieved, and kicked Dayuan's ass again.

Da Yuan quickly dodged and ran towards the nearby rabbit, fearing that his butt would continue to suffer.



"Captain, those two people are still alive. I saw them team up to fight monsters just now."

"More than that, I saw them kill a few rabbits in a row. Their strength is not bad. They should be players with some special talents."

"Yeah, why don't you recruit him, so that we can strengthen our strength."

"Stop talking nonsense, kill monsters and upgrade quickly. If someone is really talented, the public relations department will naturally contact him. It's not our turn to think about it."

"That's right, keep killing monsters."

The behavior of the two killing rabbits in a row will naturally attract the attention of the surrounding players.

But Leng Chen didn't care too much. In his previous life, human organizations seemed insignificant in the face of Blue Star's life and death.

He is not a hero, but he doesn't want to see his friends and family experience what happened in his previous life.


Leng Chen continued to kill the nearby rabbits, and the spawning speed of wild monsters was not too slow, usually 10 seconds after death.

But not for a while...

"Ah!!! Brother, help, help! Come, come, come!"


A scream came from behind, Leng Chen turned his head, his brows twitched.

This silly batch actually pulled 7 or 8 rabbits over.

"Challenging, I love it!  …"

Seeing the rabbits rushing towards him, Leng Chen threw a sword flower, threw out the condensed magic ball with his left hand, and killed the rabbits.

【Magic Ball】!



-63, -65.....

Leng Chen waved the wooden sword in his hand and wandered among the rabbits. Due to the excellent agility attribute, combined with the fighting skills of his previous life, the rabbits could not hit the attack at all.

In less than half a minute, several rabbits were beheaded on the spot, and the ground was covered with blood.

And the experience bar in the upper left corner is also slowly moving.

"I...fuck me, brother, you must be a martial arts master in real life!"

"No, it's a grandmaster, it's too strong..."

In the half-minute battle, Leng Chen showed his fighting skills and high attributes to the fullest.

Looking at the rabbit corpses scattered on the ground, Da Yuan opened his mouth wide and fell into a daze.

He originally thought that Leng Chen was just looking for some excitement, not really singled out a group of rabbits, but now it seems that he is too naive.

But he never expected that Leng Chen would choose to fight head-on, and quickly resolved the battle, which was in stark contrast to the scene of the surrounding players fighting in groups.

With one hand and one sword, wandering among the rabbits, every detail is well controlled to maximize his own damage.

"Don't be in a daze, keep pulling monsters, what are you doing standing there stupidly?"

Leng Chen frowned slightly, not because of Dayuan's problem, but because the drop rate of mission items was too low.

The group of monsters just exploded a rabbit ear and a rabbit tooth, and the collection task was too time-consuming.

"Ah? Oh oh oh! Okay, I'm going to pull the monster right now, brother, you are too strong, please let me hug your thigh tightly!"

Saying that, Da Yuan ran out to pull monsters in a naive manner.

The same plot and the same scene, Da Yuan is in charge of pulling monsters, Leng Chen is in charge of killing, the efficiency is not too slow.

"Team...captain! That player, he singled out 8 rabbits!"

"What did you say? Are you kidding me? It's hard for me to single-handedly beat a rabbit even if I'm a b-level talent."

"Really Captain, I didn't lie to you, you see..."

................................................... ................................................................................................................... ..........

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