Online Games: Adding Full Attributes Every Second

Chapter 54: Organizational Responses

Chapter 54: Organizational Responses

The beast-hating beast, a high-level life form evolved after the recovery of the blue star's aura, replaced humans in just one year and became the tallest creature on the food chain pyramid.

It is known that there are 9 levels of hate beasts, level 3 hate beasts have sprouted intelligence, level 5 hate beasts have language ability, and have their own talents.

Abominations above level 7 already have the ability to ignore 95% of thermal weapon attacks.

The level of abomination depends on the size of the body, and the bigger the reminder, the higher the level.

It is rumored that the level 9 abominable beast has a body that is hundreds of feet tall, and even high walls cannot stop it.

Abominable beasts ravaged the city, their thoughts seemed to be killing, vowing to kill all human beings.

Everything seems to be the punishment of nature to human beings, sea of ​​fire, hailstorm, strong wind, collision, the whole city trembles.

[Attention everyone in City G, immediately evacuate to the emergency evacuation point, the beast is invading, immediately evacuate to the advanced evacuation point! 】

[Attention everyone in City G, immediately evacuate to the emergency evacuation point, the beast is invading, immediately evacuate to the advanced evacuation point! 】

[Attention everyone in City G, immediately evacuate to the emergency evacuation point, the beast is invading, immediately evacuate to the advanced evacuation point! 】


The communication system was interrupted, and the city had no choice but to notify everyone in the city by broadcasting.

At the headquarters of City G, fighter planes took off one after another, and all soldiers entered a full-scale combat state.

Those abominable beasts that reduced the number of human beings to one billion are coming again!

"Holy Domain"——

The major organizations have received the news of the beast attacking the city immediately.

Hanging Pavilion——

[Xuanyi Pavilion·Tianling]: According to the news from the above, the siege of the beasts has covered three major cities. The leader is the level 5 beasts. The army is responsible for destroying them, but there are many low-level small beasts that need We fight.

[Xuanyi Pavilion·Tian Ling]: The above task has been issued, everyone listen carefully. The Tian group is in charge of the main battle, and the Xuan group is in charge of notifying the players in the game, taking action to help destroy the low-level beasts as appropriate, and issuing warnings.

[Xuanyi Pavilion Tianling]: The yellow group is responsible for social order, and the ground group is responsible for long-range blocking. The task has been issued. Except for the mysterious group, everyone's withdrawal is valid.




World Channel——

[Xuanyi Pavilion·Xuanling]: Players of "Sacred God Realm", please pay attention, all players in city s, city g, and city b below level 10 should not quit the game. Real life is very dangerous if beasts attack cities!

[Xuanyi Pavilion·Xuanling]: Players of "Sacred God Realm", please pay attention, all players in city s, city g, and city b below level 10 should not quit the game. Real life is very dangerous if beasts attack cities!

[Xuanyi Pavilion·Xuan Ling]: All players who are above level 10 and confident in their personal combat power are invited to help strangle the low-level monsters!

[Xuanyi Pavilion·Xuan Ling]: All players who are above level 10 and confident in their personal combat power are invited to help strangle the low-level monsters!


The news of Xuanyi Pavilion was broadcasted in the world, and at this moment, all online players in the server also knew the news of the beast attacking the city.

"Damn! I'm not, I live in city b, and the beasts attack the city? Where's the modern rapid response force?"

"It means that some monsters have already invaded the city? No, I have to get my parents to play the game, damn, I'm in City G!"

"It's okay! I'm not in City G."

"It's over, it's actually reached the point where we players need help, no way."

"Wan Duzi, I'm in City S. It looks like the situation is very dangerous. I'll stay in the game from now on. It's too scary. Anyway, the whole family won't be hungry if one person is full."

"Come on, I won't go out."

"Fuck! You bastards, don't forget the abilities we got in "Holy Domain"!!! Our strength is not inferior to low-level beasts, go out and fight them!"

"I support it. Nima feels that she is very strong after changing her job at level 10."

"Fuck! Stop pretending, go out and have a fight with the beast."

The news of the beast attacking the city shook the hearts of all the players.

Some people are afraid of death and dare not leave the game, some quit the game desperately for the sake of their families, and some are confident in their own strength and are ready to go out to fight against the beast.

Indeterminate Valley——

[Wuding Valley·Punishment]: All players above level 10 and above level b talent quit the game and fight against beasts! remember! Don't go it alone!

[Wuding Valley·Punishment]: All players above level 10 and above level b talent quit the game and fight against beasts! remember! Don't go it alone!

[Wuding Valley·Punishment]: All players above level 10 and above level b talent quit the game and fight against beasts! remember! Don't go it alone!

After saying it three times in a row, 'Xing' himself quit the game.

【Wuding Valley】It is true that it is an anti-federal organization, and has done many terrorist attacks on the Federation, but the two sides just have different positions and ideas, and there is no such thing as hatred in front of the beast.

The establishment of the Anti-Federation organization was largely due to the serious corruption within the Federation, which caused some people to ignore it and form an Anti-Federation to prevent it.

But in the face of the great enemy, these are all empty words, and the beast is the common enemy of all human beings.

Baiyue Tower——

[Baiyuelou·Blood]: Sir, what should we say, do you want to quit the game to help?

Baiyuelou belongs to the block composed of folk game masters, but because the owner of the valley 'Yu' has a good family background, almost all members in Baiyuelou dominate the big manor built by the owner 'Yu'.

Since they are in the interior, there is no need to worry about the beast attacking the city.

[Baiyuelou·Yu]: I've already arranged the helicopter. Let's go to the nearest city g. We can't get to the other two cities in a short time. Let's solve the troubles in city g first.

[Baiyuelou·Yue]: Alright, Sister Yu is domineering, everyone is ready to leave the cave! ~~~

[Baiyuelou·Yu]: No! The s-level members will fight with me, and the other members...continue to upgrade in the game!


"Master, are you serious?"

................................................... ...seeking favorites................................................ ..........

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