Online Games: Adding Full Attributes Every Second

Chapter 90: Level 20 Collective Disaster Opened! (Ask For Flowers)

Chapter 90: Level 20 Collective Disaster Opened! (For flowers)

[Full server announcement: The number of players who have reached level 20 has reached 100,000! The collective disaster will come in 10 minutes. All players who have reached level 20 will enter the disaster space until the collective disaster is over!】

[Full server announcement: The number of players who have reached level 20 has reached 100,000! The collective disaster will come in 10 minutes. All players who have reached level 20 will enter the disaster space until the collective disaster is over!】

[Warning! Players under level 20 please return to Novice Village and Tianqi City, the collective disaster will affect all areas other than Novice Village!]

[Warning! Players below level 20 are requested to return to Novice Village. The collective disaster in Tianqi City will affect all areas other than Novice Village!】

The familiar siren sounded, and all players looked up at the progress bar in the sky, which had reached 100%.

【Indeterminate Valley】

"All fighters should be prepared for a collective disaster. There is a guild damage leaderboard in this disaster space. In terms of individual damage, we can't compete with 'Chenyou', but the guild damage must not lose! Did you hear that?"

After the server-wide announcement of the collective disaster was opened, [Wudinggu·Light Blue] immediately released the guild announcement.

They didn't dare to think about the personal injury ranking list. With Chenyou around, it was impossible for anyone to get the first place in personal injury.

The reward for the first place in the guild damage leaderboard is also very objective. In addition to a large amount of guild funds, there are many other rewards. It is a must-win item for several major guilds.

【Hanging Clothes Pavilion】——

[Xuanyi Pavilion·Tian Ling]: "Everyone, get ready, level 20 is no better than level 10, the role of talents will become more and more obvious, the number one in guild damage is the ranking we must compete for this time, we must win it, everyone ,Did you hear that!"

"heard it!"

A group of people in the chat group reconsidered.

The decision of [Xuanyi Pavilion] was similar to that of [Wuding Valley], focusing on the guild damage list, and did not mention a word about the personal injury list.

In fact, the members of the guild knew that if Tian Ling, Huang Ling and others couldn't win the first place, they would have no chance at all. They could only see Chenyou dominating the rankings.

Outside the grocery store in Tianqi City, [Bai Yue Lou Yu] cast his eyes on the White space above the sky, and his heart, which was as cold as an iceberg, couldn't help but feel agitated.

She has met quite a few bosses in the past few days, but none of them can have the excitement brought by [collective bosses].

But she ignored it, the group on her right was constantly flickering.

[Baiyuelou-Xin]: "Sister Yu, everyone is waiting for your order, why don't you watch the group tune``'

[Baiyuelou•Yu]: "There's nothing to say, just keep outputting to the boss. This time, the command is handed over to 'Ming, I want to have a hearty fight with the boss."


[Baiyuelou·Shuang]: Big sister is still so casual.


[Congratulations on killing the silver boss, 'Glancing Wind Mantis', you will be rewarded with 50,000 experience and 5,000 gold coins. 】

The sword light flashed across, the head of the mantis fell to the feet, and [Sword Pupil] looked thoughtfully at the boss space in the sky.

"It's been a few days, and I don't know how far your strength has grown."

"Dayuan, try not to make a move later, protect Mengmeng first, and leave the guild damage to me."

Looking at the boss space above his head, Leng Chen shrugged his shoulders and said.

"I know the president, and leave the safety of the boss to me."

Da Yuan patted his chest, as if swearing.

Leng Chen looked aside and rolled his eyes.

Ever since Mengmeng said that he was the first to join the guild, so he wanted to be the leader, Dayuan really believed it, and regarded Mengmeng as the boss.

"Brother, what about me, I think I can show off the 'Thunder Dance'."

"Okay, play it if you want, it hurts to get shot or die.

Speaking of which, the profession of Mengmeng'Lei Dancing Girl' surprised Leng Chen a bit.

The 'Lei Dancing Girl' did appear in the previous life, but it was obtained by a male player, and she had a certain dance foundation.

Lightning magic originally belonged to the explosive form of Mage, but the profession of "Lei Dancing Girl" not only has explosive damage, but also has a very impressive persistent output, but it has no self-protection skills.

Unexpectedly, Mengmeng, who has no foundation in dancing, can actually have this hidden profession.


A voice came from behind.

The three of them were slightly taken aback, and turned their heads to look at the same time, only to see a beautiful woman in white with white pupils standing behind her.

"So it's you." Leng Chen was slightly taken aback, and smiled lightly.


Mengmeng pursed her mouth, when will her big brother smile at other women, she is still a beauty.

This is rare in reality.

Like snow without sunshine. "

Leng Chen murmured: "Beauty, do you want to consider joining our guild and become someone above this world together?"

".....What's the meaning."

Ruxue Wuqing was stunned for a moment, she originally just greeted tentatively, but she didn't expect the other party to directly invite her to join the guild.

"Your talent, if you are in our guild, there will be more room for display, and I will help you grow, because I know what is the most suitable way for you to grow."

"You know my talent boast?"

Ruxue Wuqingru White's pupils shrank sharply, and then he showed vigilant eyes, and an obscure atmosphere appeared around him.

Mengmeng and Dayuan felt a little uncomfortable, but they couldn't tell what it was like.

"It can be put away, your eyes may affect my companions, but they cannot affect me.

Leng Chen remembers very clearly that [Ruxue Wuqing]'s talent is "phantom eyes", which can create illusions anytime and anywhere, and they can overlap. Anyone who has seen her eyes can't avoid the illusion.

It's a pity that it is useless to Leng Chen, the attribute suppression is too obvious.

For three days, Leng Chen never quit the game, and now his attributes have reached the point of terror.

"Can't take effect on you?" Ruxue Wuqing showed an unbelievable expression.

Leng Chen suddenly thought of something, and said with a smile: "Well, I'll show you the attributes, how about you... How about joining our guild?"

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