Online Games: Adding Full Attributes Every Second

Chapter 95: Jian Tong Joins The Occupation, Rich Rewards (Seeking Subscription)

Chapter 95: Jian Tong Joins Occupation, Rich Rewards (For Subscription)

(Primary) [Medal of the Sword]

Special equipment will take effect immediately when placed in the backpack.

The power of sword moves is increased by 30%, and every time you release the 'Sword Art' skill, the full speed will increase by 30%, lasting for 15 seconds, no CD. The cumulative number of sword releases can be upgraded (0/10000)

"I don't have sword skills, but it will be of great use to you."

Leng Chen smiled calmly.

Even he didn't expect the appearance of [Medal of Sword], the task triggered on the elite wild monsters in [Undead Underground Palace] would actually give a special sword-type equipment.

This is also the reason why he invited [Sword Eye] again, if the other party does not agree, he can use [Medal of Sword] as a bargaining chip.

"It's too expensive, I can't ask for..."

Turning around, [Jian Tong]'s personal self-cultivation broke through greed, and quickly handed out the medal.

"Take it, I borrowed this thing from you, and you can return it to me when there is any special equipment in the future, and it will be of no use to me.


"It's nothing to worry about. Since I joined the big family of 'Wangyue Villa', I will spare no effort to help you improve your strength."

[Jian Tong]'s reaction was within his expectation.

The two were friends in the previous life, and they knew each other's character cultivation clearly, otherwise he wouldn't be obsessed with the other party's joining, the S rank is the next best thing, what really needs is personal accomplishment.

Since the original intention of establishing "Moon Moon Villa" is to establish a new order for the whole world, it will inevitably face the siege of major forces in the future.

Therefore, there must be no traitors in the 'Watching the Moon Villa'.

"Jiantong, from now on, you and Ruxue will be in a group, first go back to the guild to buy the mask and cloak fashion, and then move around freely.

"I'll take you to upgrade later."

Leng Chen said calmly.

After explaining to everyone, Leng Kong left the disaster space alone

[Ruxue Wuqing] and [Jian Tong] looked at each other, and were about to leave.


Just as they were leaving, Mengmeng's voice spread, and the two turned their heads in doubt.

so cute!

Even under the mask, the two of them could also feel the smell of Mengmeng's 'cute' attribute full, and this idea came up involuntarily.

"Sister Ruxue, this is for you."

Mengmeng handed over an iron plate depicting Gouyu from her hand.

Special equipment!

The moment I saw this object, [Ru Xue Wu Qing] knew what it was, and most of the special equipment had this shape.

【Moon printed in water】

Special equipment will take effect immediately when placed in the backpack.

You can change magic attribute skills to group skills, side effects are reduced by 80%, and consumption is reduced by 80%

"So strong!" [Ru Xue Wu Qing] unconsciously exclaimed.

With the magic attribute talent, she is very aware of the power of this equipment. In fact, her talent is to display magic attribute skills, and there are side effects.

Although it can take effect on multiple people, each judgment must be done by yourself, and it can only be done one by one.

With this piece of equipment, he will not have to worry about it in the future, and the side effects and consumption have been reduced so much.

"This is a special equipment that I obtained by chance a long time ago. The original plan was to sell it, but the owner said to keep it because someone will join.

"Your appearance let me know who the owner of this piece of equipment should be, but because the 'collective disaster' suddenly started, I couldn't give it to you in time."

Mengmeng smiled sweetly, and put the equipment in the opponent's hand.

During the speech, Jiantong showed a surprised expression, and asked: "You mean, the owner knew that we would join a long time ago, and reserved the equipment in advance?"

Hearing this, [Ruxue Wuqing] also raised his head to look at the two of Mengmeng.

Mengmeng just smiled slightly at this and did not answer.

The two of them didn't say anything when they saw Mengmeng, and they knew it was not good to ask again, so they simply left the disaster space and prepared to sort out the rewards they got.

Leng Chen, who left the disaster space, returned to the guild station.

The previously blocked system information flooded out, making Leng Chen's brain buzz.

[Ding! Congratulations to the players who participated in the 'Titan Ultimate Body' kill, rewards: experience + 500,000, all attributes + 50, gold coins 10,000, reputation 3000]

[Ding! Congratulations to the player 'Chenyou' for causing the highest damage to the 'ultimate body of titan'. Reward: Armed equipment with optional attributes once, all attributes +100, gold coins 100,000, sound


[Ding! Congratulations to the player 'Chenyou' for making the final blow to the 'ultimate body of titan', extra rewards: experience 1 million, all attributes +20, gold coins 10,000, reputation 100

[Ding! Congratulations to the guild 'Wangyue Mountain Villa' for causing the highest cumulative damage to the 'Titan Ultimate Body', the guild fund +5 billion, and the number of free building upgrades +1]

[Congratulations to the player 'Chenyou' for being promoted to level 21, all attributes +1, skill points +5]

[Congratulations to the player 'Chenyou, who has been promoted to level 22, all attributes +1, skill points +5]

[Congratulations to the player 'Chenyou, who has been promoted to level 23, all attributes +1, skill points +5]

[Congratulations to the player 'Chenyou' for being promoted to level 25, all attributes +1, skill points +5]

... `This feeling is so cool!"

The generous rewards were within Leng Chen's expectations. The accumulated experience of killing monsters after reaching the full level plus the experience of the 'disaster' reward directly allowed him to rise to level 25.

The cumulative damage rewards of the guild also caught his eye.

A chance to upgrade for free, and 5 billion guild funds, which means that Leng Chen can upgrade all the building levels once, and there is an extra chance to upgrade for free.

"Expand the guild list." Leng Chen called out the guild steward.

"What are your orders?"

"Help me increase the guild level, halo tower, warehouse, treasury, etc.

Guild level improvements are only used to unlock the levels of other buildings.

The attributes of the halo tower are simple and crude, which is to increase the overall attributes of the guild members, each level increases by 10%, and the current increase is 30%.

The warehouse is a guild store. After the level is high, even special equipment can be obtained, but it requires a lot of guild coins. In his previous life, Leng Chen himself could not get enough guild coins to buy special equipment.

Treasury: Increase the upper limit of guild funds, and increase the weekly gold coin dividend.

"As you wish, 4 billion guild funds will be deducted."

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