Online Games Barbarism and Civilization

Chapter 131: Iron Forge Tribe (Part 1)

After leaving the chat room of the Blood Phoenix Organization, Ning Yuan entered the game forum in Huaxia District. He was going to see how Qinglong Temple would condemn the Blood Phoenix Organization.

As a result, he searched the entire forum, but he couldn't find a post about the large-scale attack of the Blood Phoenix Organization on the Azure Dragon Palace.

It seems like what Zuo Xiaochen said, for an underground organization like the Blood Phoenix Organization, those formal guilds disdain to waste their saliva on their behalf.

Because this kind of underground organization is what they eat. They only recognize money but not people. Apart from paying more attention to reputation, this kind of organization doesn't care about their own reputation.

Originally, Ning Yuan joined the Blood Phoenix Organization only because of his bad reputation, and those regular guilds didn't like to accept people like him. He never thought that he would join the underground assassin organization.

Well now, he has even become a gold medal fighter in the organization. It seems that his reputation will be difficult to recover in the future, and it is more likely that it will become more and more stinky.

But it doesn't matter, with the name of a killer, at least he doesn't have to have any psychological burden when he does bad things in the future, because the killer is completely a bad person, isn't it natural and natural for a bad person to do bad things?

On December 10th (June) of the first year of Barbarism, after the game started, Ning Yuan returned to the game again.

After several months of hard work, the entire Condor Territory has completely changed.

With the powerful orcs joining, the road between Condor Eagle City and White Horse City was quickly opened.

In order to open this road, the orcs cut down the primeval forest between the two cities on a large scale, and the felled wood piled up like a mountain, extending from Shenying City to Baima City.

After the trees were cut down, a large area of ​​land was turned into farmland. Under the leadership of Bai Shihai, people planted all kinds of seeds in the field. In Ning Yuan's words, it is better to plant the wrong one than never let go.

Anyway, in this era, there are plenty of unowned lands, and they are abandoned there, and it is useless to plant them.

Lush and tender seedlings have grown in those plowed fields. I believe that with the back of Victoria Lake, we will definitely have a good harvest this year.

White Horse City is also developing quite well now. After surviving the cold winter, Black Eagle and others formed a cavalry squad, and now they have begun to explore the entire prairie.

In the process of exploring the prairie, the cavalry team successfully trapped several groups of wild horses, and now the White Horse City has more than 900 white horses.

I believe that with the continuous exploration of the grassland, the number of white horses will continue to increase, and by then, Ningyuan will be able to have a large-scale knight order.

In order to help Black Eagle and the others better tame the wild horses, Ning Yuan sent people to Baima City with a lot of tools. In addition, several carts of fruits of life were transported to Baima City every day.

Ning Yuan’s original words are: soldiers each have one fruit of life per day, and each white horse has one fruit of life per day. If the quantity is not enough, people can not eat it temporarily and wait for the transport team to transport it, but the white horse must eat it.

Regarding Ning Yuan's obvious eccentricity, Hei Ying and the others looked at each other and smiled, expressing their understanding.

Not to mention Ning Yuan, everyone here loves these white horses very much. Many soldiers who have become knights would rather not eat them themselves, and feed their white horses the fruits allocated to them.

If you want to say who likes these white horses the most in the entire White Horse City,

Those human soldiers and elf soldiers who have become knights must lean back. Although they also like these white horses very much, compared with the dwarves, they are obviously not as enthusiastic.

Because the white horse is tall, it is not suitable for dwarves to ride, so they can only watch others ride with eager eyes every day.

As time went by, their jealousy became more and more intense.

Then when a dwarf warrior finally couldn't bear the fire of jealousy and secretly went to the stable to feed the white horse, the enthusiasm of the dwarves for feeding was completely ignited, and more and more dwarf fighters joined the ranks of feeding .

They not only feed the white horses, but also bathe them and clean them up. In their words: Although I can't ride a horse, I can feed the horse. This is not illegal, right?

Seeing the increasing number of white horses in the tribe, the dwarves finally couldn't take it anymore. They would go to Sosa Warhammer every now and then and ask him to urge Ningyuan to find a horse suitable for them to ride.

Sousa Warhammer is also sincere, he came to urge Ning Yuan once every three days, which made Ning Yuan feel embarrassed to perfunctory him.

Ning Yuan both likes and feels helpless for the upright character of the dwarves.

What I like is that they are pure in character and have no deviousness.

The helpless thing is that they like to be serious too much. To use a bad word to describe it, they are stubborn, and they don't know how to read words and expressions.

In the end, Ning Yuan was really forced to have no choice. He told Sosa Warhammer that as soon as the Condor City was built, he would immediately take everyone to grab the pony, and then all the enthusiasm of the dwarves was devoted to the construction of Condor City. went among.

As for the pony, although Ning Yuan knows their distribution, he doesn't know which plane the player is in, so he will be busy for a while, after all, he can't lose faith in the dwarf warriors under him.


After experiencing the last legion war, Ning Yuan had a lot of resistance to this war mode, because in this war mode, his advantage of personal strength was greatly weakened.

Although he can still rely on personal force to turn the tide in a local war, it cannot save the overall situation.

In a legion war, apart from the number of troops on both sides, what can determine the outcome is the overall situation and on-the-spot adaptability of the commanders of both sides.

The situation on the battlefield is changing rapidly. Every decision of the commander may affect the outcome of the entire battle. An excellent commander can completely stand up to an army, but an indecisive commander is likely to be ruined. The whole legion.

Ning Yuan has always had an objective perception of himself, he knows that he is not a qualified commander, so in the last legion war, what he did the most was to follow Zuo Xiaochen's advice.

Facts have proved that his choice is correct, Zuo Xiaochen is indeed much better than him in grasping the overall situation.

However, Ning Yuan still has a lot of room for improvement. He still needs to continuously accumulate experience. In future battles, he must restrain his desire to rush forward and fight. He needs to command the overall situation from the rear and slowly accumulate his own experience. command experience.

The battle with the player lord is often a battle of life and death. It is impossible for Ning Yuan to use this kind of battle to accumulate experience, so he turned his attention to other aboriginal tribes in the Condor plane, and prepared to use these tribes to practice.

In the next period of time, Ning Yuan was not ready to start a war with the outside world, and he decided to develop the Condor Plane where he was.


Ning Yuan had already sent werewolf warriors to explore the surrounding maps a few months ago, and now he has a good grasp of the situation around Condor Eagle City, so it is time to expand outward.

In order not to affect the construction of Condor Eagle City, Ning Yuan did not plan to use too many troops this time. For this expansion, he planned to take the elite route and rely on elite soldiers to conquer those aboriginal tribes.

Because the Condor Eagle City is so powerful, there are no tribes within a radius of fifty miles of the Condor Eagle City. It was an expedition.

The soldiers dispatched by Ning Yuan this time include: 300 Eagle Guards (Wei Wuzu), 500 elf archers equipped with the power of nature (bow), 300 dwarf infantry, 300 werewolf guerrillas, and fox soldiers. 300 human archers, 30 bearmen heavy infantry, 30 tauren heavy infantry, 50 wild boar heavy infantry, 50 leopard guerrillas, 100 ratmen special forces, 50 white horse cavalry , a total of 2010 people.

In addition, Ning Yuan also organized a transport team composed of 200 Foxman fighters. There were 200 ox carts in the transport team, and a mixed team of 400 human infantry and 400 elf fighters. The troops are responsible for protecting the safety of the transport team.

The way of war after the plane barrier is broken must revolve around logistics and transportation, so Ning Yuan is going to adapt to this way of war one step earlier.

His idea is to set up a transport force responsible for logistics, and the current transport force is a prototype.

In order to train himself and his generals, Ning Yuan brought out Bai Ze and Sosa Warhammer this time, and temporarily handed over the defense of Condor Eagle City to Bai Shihai.

After the army set off, the werewolf guerrillas and leopard guerrillas immediately dispersed. Their task was to scout the situation ahead for the army and eliminate the enemy's eyeliner.

After walking out of the range of fifty miles, the first tribe the army encountered was a human tribe with five hundred warriors.

If such a human tribe was placed in the past, it must have been a large tribe, but in this period of time, this kind of tribe can only be regarded as a small and medium-sized tribe, belonging to the kind that struggles to survive at the bottom.

For such a small tribe, Ning Yuan didn't bother to use any tactics at all. He directly surrounded the enemy with a fully armed army, and then began to send people to persuade them to surrender.

Looking at the fully armed soldiers of various ethnic groups in front of him, the leader of this tribe could not give birth to any resistance at all. When he learned that the enemy was from the big tribe in the north, he immediately led the tribe to surrender.

Their tribe is composed of several small tribes who migrated from the north. In order to avoid Ningyuan's Condor tribe, they were forced to leave their homes, but they did not expect to be able to escape Ningyuan's clutches in the end.

This tribe deserves to be unlucky, and they wanted to escape from Ning Yuan's clutches after fleeing dozens of miles. Could it be that Ning Yuan is so harmless in their eyes?

After successfully accepting this tribe, Ning Yuan did not choose to move them to Condor Eagle City. Now the population of Condor Eagle City is close to saturation, so he plans to build a new city here to echo Condor Eagle City.

After leaving a small group of human infantry to monitor the tribe, Ning Yuan continued to set off with the army.

In the next few days, Ning Yuan subdued several small human tribes in a row, and then reached the first main target of the operation, Iron Furnace Mountain.

Tielu Mountain is a high mountain with an altitude of more than 500 meters. The vegetation on the mountain is sparse and densely covered with stones of various shapes.

Originally, a mountain like this should be inaccessible. After all, there is a lack of food on the mountain, and it is difficult for people to survive on the mountain.

But the dwarves are a peculiar race, they like to live by the mountains. When Ningyuan plundered the dwarf civilization, a dwarf tribe appeared here and settled here.

The dwarves found a small iron mine nearby, and relied on this small iron mine to build a castle on the mountain.

Because the surname of the dwarves was Ironforge, the castle was called Ironforge, and the mountain was called Ironforge Mountain.

Ironforge is a castle inlaid on the mountain. Most of it is located inside the mountain, and the city wall is perfectly combined with the mountain. It can be said to be easy to defend but difficult to attack.

There are 5,000 dwarves living in Ironforge, including 2,000 adult dwarf warriors. They usually rely on hunting, grazing livestock, fishing, and gathering wild fruits for a living. I also enjoyed it, and the whole tribe spent every day in peace.

It's a pity that Ning Yuan's arrival completely broke the tranquility. When Ning Yuan led the army to the front of Ironforge, the dwarf leader of Ironforge, Gary Ironfurnace, had already led the dwarf warriors to the city wall. Ready to fight.

Standing under the castle, Ning Yuan looked at the castle embedded in the mountain, and had to sigh again for the dwarves' architectural attainments.

The entire castle is actually a checkpoint built by the dwarves at the entrance of the cave after hollowing out the interior of the mountain. The biggest feature of this kind of building is that it is easy to defend and difficult to attack.

If you want to break into the castle, you must directly attack the checkpoint embedded in the mountain. There is no other tricky way. It can be said that such a castle is difficult to break through from the outside.

Although a building like Ironforge is difficult to break into, if you want to deal with the enemies guarding inside, you don't have to make a strong attack. At least Ning Yuan has a good way in his heart.

The best way to deal with this kind of building with only one exit is to close the mountain. Don't the dwarves want to rely on natural dangers for defense? Then fulfill them directly.

You only need to build a checkpoint in front of the castle to completely lock the dwarves in. The food stored in the mountainside is limited. When the food inside is exhausted, the dwarves can only come out obediently if they don’t want to starve to death. Surrender.

As for the fact that the dwarves can break through the mountainside and escape from the other side, although this is also a solution, it is in the hands of the enemy.

If they left this strong castle, wouldn't the enemy deal with them as they wanted?

After all, if they are strong enough, they will not be trapped in the castle by the enemy.

This method is quite practical, but it takes a long time to fight the enemy slowly, and what Ning Yuan lacks most now is patience. It is impossible for him to play with the enemy to build a house with stones here.

For the dwarves in Ironforge, Ning Yuan had already made sufficient preparations before coming. He knew the character of this race very well, and he came prepared this time.

"I am Sosa Warhammer, the patriarch of the Warhammer Tribe, the number one warrior under Lord Condor, the cowards on the city wall, can anyone dare to come down and fight me?"

Under Ning Yuan's signal, Sosa Warhammer immediately started calling out. Although the dwarves like to forge iron and build, they are also very aggressive, so Ning Yuan is ready to provoke the opponent to come out.

"Hey, that kid down there, you're going crazy, wait for me to come down and fight with you, but you have to make those guys behind you retreat five hundred meters, otherwise I won't come down."

A bearded dwarf warrior shouted on the city wall.

This bearded dwarf is Gaili Ironfurnace, the patriarch of the Ironforge tribe. When he saw Sotha Warhammer shouting below, he couldn't stand it immediately, but although the dwarves are simple and upright, they are not stupid. The premise is to ensure your own absolute safety.

After Ning Yuan heard Gaili Iron Furnace's call, he immediately retreated 500 meters with the army.

After seeing the enemy retreat 500 meters, the gate of Ironforge slowly opened, and Gaili Ironfurnace came out alone, and walked quickly to Sosa Warhammer.

Gaili Iron Furnace held a hammer in each of his left and right hands. After walking in front of Sosa Warhammer, he nodded to Soza Warhammer, and then prepared to attack.

"Wait a minute, I still have something to say." Seeing that the opponent was about to start a fight, Sosa Warhammer hurriedly stopped it.

"Fucking, is there anything we can't talk about after finishing the fight?" Gaili Iron Furnace said with some dissatisfaction.

"Nonsense, what's the use of talking after the fight is over, if you don't want to, how can I use an ax to force you to agree." Sosa Warhammer was also very upset with the other party.

"Okay, if you have anything to say, hurry up, I'm still waiting to go back to have lunch." Gaili Ironstove said impatiently.

Glancing at the arrogant guy in front of him, Sosa Warhammer tried his best to suppress the anger in his heart, took a deep breath, and said:

"Our lord said that this is a world where strength is the most important thing. Only the strong can have everything. If you can defeat me, then we will withdraw our troops directly and will not come here again within a year.

If you can defeat our lord, then our lord will lead the entire condor territory to surrender to you, and you will become our new lord. "

"Then what are you waiting for, hurry up and fight, I can't wait to become your new lord, hahaha." After hearing Sosa Warhammer's words, Gaili Ironforge immediately became a little impatient.

"What are you in a hurry for? I haven't finished speaking yet. Can you let someone finish speaking? Can you be polite?" Before he finished speaking, he was forcibly interrupted by the other party. Sousa Warhammer was very angry.

"Okay, then tell me quickly."

"What I said just now is when you win. If you lose, then you have to lead the entire tribe to serve our lord unconditionally. Do you agree?"

Speaking of the last four words, Sosa Warhammer almost roared out, he wanted to put pressure on the opponent in this way.

"Okay, that's it, let's fight."

The conditions proposed by Sotha Warhammer were very fair, and Gary Ironforge couldn't find any faults at all, so he agreed without hesitation.

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