Online Games Barbarism and Civilization

Chapter 156 The only natural wonder with powerful attributes

Although Ning Yuan decided to participate in this feast, after returning to Condor Eagle City, he did not immediately go to this open world, but waited patiently.

He is going to go to the forum to find out the details after today's game is over. After all, the major forces will definitely send some outposts to find out the news first, and some adventurer players who are pathfinders will also send the first Bring out first-hand information.

After downloading the game, Ning Yuan immediately opened the game forum and began to browse various information about the open world. He kept refreshing the pages of the world forum and the domestic forum, and quickly checked every post related to the open world.

After several hours of continuous high-intensity work, Ning Yuan finally got some useful news.

Tanzania's eastern coastal areas and some inland lowlands have a savannah climate, while the western inland plateau has a tropical mountain climate, with an average temperature of 21-25°C in most areas.

It is June (December) of Year Two and Tanzania is at the end of the short rainy season.

And because Mount Kilimanjaro blocks the warm monsoon in the Indian Ocean, orographic rain is easy to form near it, so Ningyuan must prepare for rain in advance if he wants to lead troops there.

Unlike the northern hemisphere where China is located, Africa only has two seasons, the rainy season and the dry season, and because it is close to the equator, it is not cold all year round, so Ningyuan must also make preparations for heatstroke prevention and cooling.

The hot weather in Africa is not very friendly to the heavy infantry under him. Ning Yuan must also be cautious in the selection of soldiers, otherwise once the soldiers collectively suffer from heat stroke, he will not have to fight this battle.

In addition to climate factors, the biological resources there are also an element that Ningyuan must pay attention to.

The African continent is a paradise for wildlife, and the vicinity of Mount Kilimanjaro is simply paradise within a paradise.

The grasslands below Mount Kilimanjaro are part of the Serengeti Savannah, where elephants, rhinos, hippos, crocodiles, lions, cheetahs, leopards, hyenas, variegated wolves and many other predators live.

While it's unlikely these predators would attack large groups of humans during the day, it's less certain what they can do at night.

Although in reality they are all protected animals, their populations are constantly declining every year, but in the game, they are not protected animals, and their terrifying numbers can even threaten the survival of human beings.

So when he got there, Ning Yuan not only had to guard against other players, but also guard against these wild animals. After all, they were fighting at home. If you dare to underestimate them, unnecessary casualties may easily occur.

Moreover, there are four civilizations in Mario Mane's plane, namely human, elf, dwarf and orc civilization.

Although the invading enemies were forced to withdraw after this plane became an open world, there are still many aboriginal tribes here, and they are also Ning Yuan's enemies.

On the endless Serengeti prairie, the slow-moving infantry is very disadvantaged, and it is easy to be dumped by the enemy, so Ningyuan must bring a fast-moving army this time.

In this expedition, food is not the most worrying issue for Ning Yuan, because food is everywhere on the Serengeti prairie, groups of antelope, wildebeest, zebra, bison, as long as you have the ability, then how much you want how many.

You can even hunt elephants, rhinos, crocodiles and lions, and taste these wild game that cannot be tasted in reality.

Although Ning Yuan was going to do a big job there and make a good fortune in the war, but the first time he went there, he still planned to focus on temptation first.

After all, no matter how detailed the information on the forum is, it is not as real as experiencing it himself, so he plans to take a brigade of werewolf guerrillas to inspect the field first, and after finding a suitable place to be a base, he will lead the army to harvest.

Werewolf guerrillas are very suitable for operations on the prairie,

While they may not be as mobile as cavalry, they excel in stamina.

Moreover, the weather in Africa is so hot, war horses used to have a process of adaptation, and their physical exertion will become faster there. Once they are not taken care of well, I am afraid that cavalry will have to become infantry.

As for the heavy cavalry, they are basically like a burden. They can only act in the cool weather in the morning and evening, and most of the time they have to find a cool shade to escape the heat.

Moreover, the Werewolf Guerrilla has one of the biggest advantages, that is, their disease resistance, virus immunity and body recovery ability are already full. Compared with other races, they are easier to adapt to some harsh natural environments.

When going to Africa for the first time, you must bring some races with strong adaptability. It is precisely because of various unfavorable factors that Ning Yuan finally chooses werewolf guerrillas.

In addition to climate, terrain and other factors, Ning Yuan also saw a post by Mario Mane on the World Forum.

The content of Mario Mane's post is very simple, but it is very eye-catching, because he posted the attributes of all the natural wonders in his territory.

tree of Life:.......

Wan Junshan: .......

Golden Mountain:

Natural wonders, mountains, a golden mountain, the peaks are covered with golden wheat, settle near the golden mountain, you can get a little scientific research value every day.

Golden wheat: a unique specialty of Golden Mountain. The flour made from golden wheat is golden yellow. This golden flour is very nutritious. Long-term consumption can effectively treat insomnia, night sweats, neurasthenia and other diseases.

Golden wheat is ripened once a month, with a monthly output of one million kilograms. Golden wheat can only grow on the Golden Mountain and cannot be grown in other places.

Golden Breadtree:

Natural wonders, giant trees, and it is said that the baobab tree with a lifespan of more than 10,000 years can become an immortal golden bread tree after the catastrophe. If you settle near the golden bread tree, you can get a little scientific research value every day.

Golden Breadfruit: A golden-yellow, oval-shaped fruit with a white marshmallow-like pulp inside.

The pulp of golden breadfruit is rich in various nutrients and minerals. Long-term consumption can improve the body's immunity, promote digestion, delay aging, and has the effect of beautifying and beautifying the skin.

The golden bread fruit is ripe once a month, with a monthly output of 10 million pieces.

Golden leaves: The leaves of the golden bread tree, a very delicious vegetable, have the medicinal effect of annealing and burning. They can be used as medicine or seasoning, and 10 million leaves fall off every month.

Wine tree:

Natural wonders, giant trees, red wine tree is a magical fruit tree, named because the fruit contains a lot of light red juice, settle under the red wine tree, you can get a little research value every day.

Red wine fruit: oblong, with thinner skin and thicker pulp. Inside the pulp is light red juice. Both the pulp and juice have a faint sweet taste, much like sweet red wine.

Red wine fruit has the effects of nourishing qi and blood, nourishing liver and kidney, promoting body fluid, strengthening bones and muscles, relieving cough and eliminating troubles, nourishing qi and blood, and facilitating urination.

The red wine fruit is ripened once a month, with a monthly output of 10 million pieces.


Natural wonders, shafts, and moon wells are said to be healing wells built by the ancient elves. They are specially used to treat various wounded people. Settling near the moon well can get a little scientific research value every day.

Water of Life: On the night of the full moon every month, a large amount of Water of Life will appear in the Moonwell.

The water of life can effectively treat various internal and external injuries, and accelerate the healing of wounds. The water of life also has anti-inflammatory and bactericidal effects, and can treat some common diseases. Each moon well can produce 1,000 liters of water of life every month .

fountain of youth

The only natural wonder, the fountain, the Fountain of Youth is a rootless fountain that erupts from a rock and never dries up. Settling beside the Fountain of Youth will give you a little research value every day.

The Fountain of Youth is also known as the Fountain of Immortality. Drinking the water of the Spring of Youth for a long time can keep you young and prolong your life. The most intuitive effect is to double your life span.

Domain of Youth: The unique domain of the Spring of Youth, which can cover the entire territory. With the territory of the Spring of Youth, everyone in the territory can receive the gift of the Spring of Youth, and their physical fitness will be greatly improved. When injured, the wound can quickly stop bleeding, scar, and have a faster self-healing speed.

Youth Storm: People born in the field of youth can have better physical fitness than their parents.

Youth Essence: A specialty of the Spring of Youth, one drop per month can detoxify all kinds of poisons. After taking it, you will remain youthful forever. One dose is effective, and can be superimposed with the increased lifespan of the fountain of youth.


The only natural wonder, the mountains, cannot be looted. Mount Kilimanjaro is known as the "roof of Africa". It is the highest mountain in Africa, and it is also a volcano and a snow mountain.

The main body of Mount Kilimanjaro slopes to the plain below with a typical volcanic curve, and the height of the plain is about 900 meters above sea level.

The top of the mountain is covered with ice and snow all the year round, and the mountain is surrounded by forests. There are wild plants in three zones of hot, warm and cold, and wild animals in three zones of hot, warm and cold. It is a treasure house of biological diversity.

Settling near Mount Kilimanjaro will give you one scientific research value per day.

The basic climate of Mount Kilimanjaro, from the foot of the mountain to the top of the mountain, is from tropical rainforest climate to ice sheet climate.

Below 1,000 meters above sea level is the tropical rainforest zone, between 1000 meters and 10000 meters is the subtropical evergreen broad-leaved forest zone, between 1000 meters and 1000 meters is the temperate forest zone, between 1000 meters and 1000 meters is the alpine meadow zone, and between 1000 and 1000 meters is the alpine cold desert zone, and above 5200 meters is the snow-covered glacier zone.

Mount Kilimanjaro has several vegetation belts in succession, and its composition (from the foothills to the mountaintop) is: semi-arid bushes on the surrounding plateau, farmland with sufficient water on the southern slope, dense cloud forest, open swamps, alpine A symbiotic zone of deserts, mosses and lichens.

On the mountainside above 2000 meters and below 5000 meters, there are dense forests with tall trees and various types.

On the mountainside below 2000 meters, the climate is warm and the rainfall is abundant. On the fertile volcanic ash soil, cash crops such as coffee, peanuts, tea, bananas, acacia trees, cotton, pyrethrum and potatoes grow. One of the main producing areas of , wheat and sugar.

At the foot of the mountain, the climate is hot. Even under the shade of the trees, the temperature is often above 30°C. There are deep and colorful African tropical scenery everywhere. There are lush tropical crops here. The sisal hemp that comes from Nabu to make rope is overwhelming.

Ice Fire Essence: A unique specialty of Mount Kilimanjaro, with a monthly output of 10,000 liters, it will automatically gather in the Ice Fire Tianchi on the top of the mountain.

Consuming one liter of Binghuo Spirit Liquid at one time can keep people from cold and heat for a year.

The Essence of the Holy Mountain: A specialty of Mount Kilimanjaro, a colorful chalcedony. After taking it, one attribute can be randomly increased to the full value of seven stars. It is only valid for the first time taking it. It produces one drop every year and appears automatically. Above the spring of Binghuo Tianchi.

After reading the introduction of the attributes of these natural wonders, Ning Yuan's eyes immediately turned red. Although he kept admonishing himself that these things are not what he can have now, he just couldn't help wanting them.

Ordinary natural wonders are fine, there are two kinds in his territory, but the attributes of the two unique natural wonders are too overbearing.

The Ice and Fire Spiritual Liquid is prepared for the people living here. Drinking one liter of the Ice and Fire Spiritual Liquid can make them invulnerable to cold and heat within a year, which is very important for survival in the hot Africa.

Think about it when the scorching sun scorches the earth at noon, all creatures can only lazily hide in the shade to escape the heat, but your army can attack everywhere regardless of the high temperature, what a great advantage this is.

The only pity is that the output of ice and fire spiritual liquid is too small, and only 10,000 people can be armed every month.

The Essence of the Holy Mountain is even more domineering. Randomly raise a certain attribute to the full value of seven stars. If you are lucky enough, this ability is simply against the sky. Of course, people with dark faces are another matter.

The attributes of the Fountain of Youth do not seem to be as powerful as Mount Kilimanjaro, but it is better than evolution, and it can evolve continuously. Although the time to take effect is a bit slow, it can continue forever.

Drinking the spring of youth for a long time can keep you young forever, prolong your life, and your life span can be doubled at most. Although this effect is of little significance to the players, it is a heaven-defying psychic liquid to the aborigines.

After all, the lifespan of the human race in the game is still very short, and the lifespan of the players in the game is unlimited, but the lifespan of the aborigines is still so few decades.

As the age continues to grow, the physical condition of the aborigines will continue to decline, and some fierce generals will gradually lose their glory when they are old. If there is a spring of youth, they can prolong their life and prolong their golden age.

An experienced and brave general is a rare and precious asset for any lord player, so for the lord player, this fountain of youth is the magic medicine against the sky.

The field of youth can enhance the physical recovery ability of everyone in the territory, which is also a dream group BUFF for lord players who are fighting everywhere.

What the youth storm changes is the physical fitness of the next generation in the territory. Although the time to take effect is slower, the effect is very unnatural.

After all, this is a war game, and it cannot be finished in ten or eight years. When the average physical fitness of the population in your territory is getting higher and higher, you will already be ahead of your competitors by a large margin before this battle is fought. Cut off.

The youth elixir is a super enhanced version of the spring water of youth. In addition to doubling the life span, it can also make people invulnerable to all poisons.

And what is commendable is that it can also be superimposed with the increased lifespan of the spring of youth, that is to say, you can live to sixty years old, but after drinking the spring of youth for a long time, you can live to one hundred and twenty years old, and then take the youth elixir You can live to be one hundred and eighty years old.

If you want to take it for the elves, oh, buy Karma.

Although Ning Yuan wants all these good things, if he had to choose one, he would definitely choose the Fountain of Youth, because the group BUFF of the Fountain of Youth is really against the sky, it is the farming buff that every lord player dreams of. Artifact of war.

But it's a pity that this kind of artifact is not something that a casual lord player like Ning Yuan can have. Mario Mane is a lesson from the past.

Unless Ning Yuan is confident that he can withstand the endless wheel tactics of the Grand Council, he can only drool on the sidelines.

However, although Ning Yuan can't have the natural wonder of the Fountain of Youth forever, the Fountain of Youth is there now, and no one can take it away, so Ning Yuan still has the opportunity to get some Spring of Youth water. If he is lucky, he still has a chance to get some youth ectoplasm.

He can even form an alliance with other player lords to occupy the Fountain of Youth, and then take all the output of the Fountain of Youth within one year as his own.

It's just that it's a little difficult to realize the last situation, after all, the open world is open to all players in the world.

Everyone wants to own a productive natural wonder like the Fountain of Youth, so the battle around it is bound to be very fierce. It will be very difficult for Ning Yuan to win unless he can find some powerful allies.

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