Online Games Barbarism and Civilization

Chapter 548, Get rid of that nagging guy

"Grass, Blazing Fire Sword, isn't this the exclusive weapon of Ice Fire Pirates? Doesn't it mean that ordinary people can't get it at all?

It's over, the Big Island of Hawaii can't hold it anymore.

Go, hurry back and report this important information to Captain Hanks. "

After seeing Ning Yuan kill an emperor coconut crab easily with the fire sword, the American player named Tom immediately panicked.

"Don't worry, wait and see, didn't you find out that Ning Yuan has the Fiery Sword himself?

On his own, trying to kill all the Emperor Coconut Crabs in the entire island and in a huge World of Warcraft secret realm is simply a dream. "

Seeing that Tom wanted to go back, Jerry hastily pulled him back.

"Do you think that Ning Yuan, who colluded with the ice and fire pirates, would only have a fire sword in his hand?" Tom said dissatisfied after being held back by his friend.

"What if there are more? It's not like you don't know that you need a special physique to hold a fire sword. If ordinary people dare to hold it, their palms will be burned off."

Jerry stared at the Fiery Sword in Ning Yuan's hand, and replied enviously.

And the following plot is exactly the same as Jerry's analysis. The hundreds of emperor coconut crabs that rushed out of this coconut forest were all killed by Ning Yuan alone.

Because only he had the Fiery Sword in his hand at the scene, and only he could hold the Fiery Sword.

When the last emperor coconut crab was decapitated by Ning Yuan, Ning Yuan threw out the Fiery Sword in his hand, and then lay straight on the beach, panting heavily.

"Quickly, the people from the second division are responsible for finding some dry firewood and coconuts in the coconut grove in front, and pay attention to the vigilance to prevent any fish from slipping through the net. The third division is responsible for cleaning up the big crabs that were killed, and the others stay where they are. Camp."

After seeing Ning Yuan lying on the beach, Yan Qing immediately issued a series of orders.

After giving the order, he hurriedly ran to Ning Yuan, and handed over the water bag in his hand.

"Boss, drink some water."

After taking the water bag and taking a big sip of water,

Ning Yuan immediately felt a lot more comfortable. He sat up and said to Yan Qing:

"These emperor coconut crabs are obviously wild. There are hundreds of them in this coconut grove alone. How many are there on the entire island?

I guess those Yankees lured us to this island on purpose, with the purpose of taking advantage of the invulnerability of the Emperor Coconut Crab to consume our vital strength.

If I hadn't carried a flaming sword with me today, I guess we would have been planted here.

It's impossible for us to take down the entire island with a single fire sword, so I plan to send a fire army over.

After eating in a while, you immediately arrange for everyone to return to Maui Island, just stay here with a brigade of soldiers.

After the Ice and Fire Legion, Lin Chen and others rushed over, we will attack the Big Island of Hawaii. "

"Understood, boss, you rest first, and I'll make arrangements."

"Don't camp, stop, set up pots and cook, and return to Maui after eating."

After receiving the order, Yan Qing immediately stopped the players who were camping, and then asked them to start a fire and cook.

Ning Yuan wanted to take a good rest, but he was the only one who could use the Raging Fire Sword, so he could only get up from the beach again and acted as the butcher who cut the crabs.

Although there were a lot of hundreds of Emperor Coconut Crabs, but the number of the Condor Army was more, so basically everyone shared some meat and soup, and they couldn't really feast on it.

After eating and drinking enough, Ning Yuan and his troops returned to Maui Island, leaving only one brigade of players on the Big Island of Hawaii to be on guard.


When 50,000 soldiers of the Ice and Fire Legion holding the Fire Sword and 50,000 soldiers of the Ice and Fire Legion holding the Ice Sword rushed to Maui Island, Ning Yuan led the Tenglong Legion to attack the Big Island of Hawaii again.

After going to the island, the players of the Tenglong Legion are responsible for going to the coconut forest to seduce the emperor coconut crab, and then the soldiers of the Ice and Fire Legion are responsible for killing it.

The reason why Ning Yuan transferred the Ice Swordsmen from the Ice Phoenix Clan was entirely because he wanted to see if they could also bring him some surprises.

It's just that although there are surprises, they are quite different from what Ning Yuan imagined.

The Frost Sword, like other weapons, cannot break through the defense of the Emperor Coconut Crab.

However, compared with other weapons, the Frost Sword is not useless.

Although the Ice Sword cannot break through the defense of the Emperor Coconut Crab, it can reduce their flexibility by virtue of the extreme cold emanating from the sword.

The Emperor Coconut Crabs were relatively bulky, but after being touched by the Ice Sword, they immediately lost their sharp aggressiveness. Players can basically avoid their crab claws easily as long as they don't kill themselves.

With the cooperation of the Ice and Fire Legion, the Tenglong Legion smoothly advanced to the stronghold of American players on the island.

It was a European medieval castle built on the hillside. It was not very large in scale, but it occupied a dangerous terrain, which was easy to defend and difficult to attack.

If it were the same as before, Ning Yuan would definitely choose to besiege rather than attack.

Because of this type of castle, the food resources stored inside must be very limited. As long as it is surrounded for a few months, the enemies in the city will voluntarily surrender because they run out of food.

However, one of the main purposes of his visit this time is to train troops, and the siege battle is also one of them, so no matter how steep the castle in front of him is, the players of the Tenglong Legion will bravely rush up.

After the craftsmen accompanying the army produced all kinds of siege equipment, the players of the Tenglong Legion slowly walked towards the city wall holding the shells of the emperor coconut crabs.

Although the Emperor Coconut Crab is very tough, it is full of treasures. The crab meat is tender, juicy and nutritious, and the crab shell is a rare and good material for making armor.

In addition to the fiery sword that restrains them naturally, the crab shell of this emperor coconut crab can be said to be invulnerable to weapons, fire and water.

So after rough processing, Ning Yuan asked the players of the Tenglong Legion to hold the crab shells to resist the rain of arrows shot from the top of the city.

With the current strength of the Condor Army, it is a breeze to break through the castle in front of him. Ning Yuan can come up with at least five or six methods.

However, in order to train the players of the Tenglong Legion into a truly elite soldier, he did not allow other legions to participate in the siege.

The biggest advantage of players is that they are not afraid of death. What they lack the most is fighting will and discipline. This kind of life-and-death battle with a high casualty rate is their best testing ground.

Watching the corpses of the players keep falling from the city wall, Ning Yuan kept cheering and gasping for them with a loudspeaker behind him.

"Don't worry, the siege can't be done overnight, you have to fight steadily.

Don't be afraid of sacrifice, you boss, I don't have much else, that is, the gold medal for exempting crimes and the most potions are enough to make you vomit.

You have to keep in mind that every time you kill a Yankee, a blonde beauty will be rescued. Don't you like big Yanma?

So what are you waiting for, kill all the shameless Yankees for me... "

Ning Yuan shouted whatever he thought of in the distance. The players of the Tenglong Legion are okay. They have completely gotten used to the intermittent chatteriness of their boss, but the American players on the city wall were quickly dismissed. Ning Yuan couldn't take it anymore.

"As for the sharp archer, set fire to that guy, who can kill that guy who keeps nagging there, I will personally reward him with a thousand gold coins, MLGBD, I am here to fight, not here Listen to your nagging."

Hanks, who was directing the battle on the city wall, soon couldn't stand it anymore, so he directly promised a heavy reward and asked people to shoot and kill Ning Yuan.


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