Online Games Barbarism and Civilization

Chapter 559 , Capture the Holy Eagle City

When the Holy Griffin Empire was in full swing and went everywhere to arrest the players of the Tenglong Legion who were spreading rumors, Ning Yuan quietly left the backing town in the early morning of a certain day.

Waiting for the little purple queen who came to inspect every day at the appointed place, Ning Yuan rode on Xiaozi's back to find Huang Hao and Xiao Jin who had gone deep into the Griffin Mountains.

Today's Xiaojin can be described as high-spirited.

According to Huang Hao's introduction, after Xiao Jin tamed dozens of golden-crowned griffins as his younger brothers, he had already given up using the tricks Ning Yuan taught him.

Except for the griffins who stayed in the territory, Xiao Jin led a large group of people to rampage everywhere every day.

Facing the powerful griffin army under Xiao Jin's hands, many wild griffin groups surrendered without a fight.

Now they have successfully conquered most of the wild Griffin Mountains in the Griffin Mountains, and it is only a matter of time before they can unify the entire Griffin Mountains.

After learning of Xiaojin's record, Ning Yuan was very happy. While letting Xiaojin lead his subordinates to continue to expand their achievements, he and Huang Hao studied the strategy of attacking the Holy Griffon Kingdom.


As the Holy Griffin Kingdom stepped up its efforts to arrest those who spread rumors, and people waited for more than a month without seeing any movement.

In the end, many people believed that this was a conspiracy deliberately planned by the enemy against the royal family, and its purpose was to attack the prestige of the royal family.

Just when people gradually began to forget about this matter, and the rumors were about to be dispelled, the people living in the mountain town suddenly saw overwhelming groups of griffins flying out of the Griffin Mountain Range.

Flying in the front is a group of golden-crowned griffins consisting of thousands of golden-crowned griffins. Human knights sit on the backs of the leading ten golden-crowned griffins. The flags in the hands of the human knights are flying in the wind.

Behind the group of golden-crowned griffins are endless ordinary griffins. They lined up neatly and followed behind the group of golden-crowned griffins, not daring to overstep.

"Look, the pattern on the flag is a condor. It turns out that there really is a condor empire. The prophecy has come true. The holy griffins have abandoned the royal family of the holy eagle city, and they have taken refuge in the condor empire."

"Quick, don't look, hide quickly, and be careful not to be eaten by the griffin."


Looking at the Griffon Legion flying towards Kaoshan Town,

People sighed for a while, and then quickly hid in the house.

Sitting on Xiao Zi's back, looking at the chaotic backer town, Ning Yuan motioned for several players riding the Golden Crown Griffin to start working.

A few players rode the Golden Crown Griffin and flew around Backer Town, dropped the leaflets they had prepared in advance, and then followed the large force to the Holy Eagle City.

As for the Holy Griffin Kingdom, Ning Yuan is not going to capture it one city at a time as before.

Because this country uses griffins as their totems, their real enemies are actually only the members of the royal family who live in the Holy Eagle City.

As long as the royal family can be defeated and uprooted, then the rest of the kingdom will have no reason to continue to resist, and they can only choose to surrender to Ningyuan.

For the royal family, if they are wise and choose to surrender unconditionally, then Ning Yuan may let them survive. If they want to resist to the end, they will basically be wiped out by Ning Yuan.

For ordinary people, Ning Yuan adopted a policy of differentiation.

He asked people to briefly introduce the situation of the Condor Empire on the leaflet, and then drew a big pie for people, describing the various benefits of joining the Condor Empire.

He didn't need people to believe what the leaflet said, just to have doubts.

When he wiped out the royal family members of the Holy Griffin City and opened the treasury of the Holy Griffin Kingdom, as long as he showed a little favor at that time, I believe many people would choose to fall to his side.

Ordinary people's wishes are very simple, nothing more than to be able to eat and clothe warmly, stay away from wars, these things can be given to them by Ningyuan, and they can do better than the previous royal family, so they will not be angry when the king is changed. Too much conflict.

As for the other forces within the Holy Griffin Kingdom, they simply have no capital to fight against Ning Yuan. If they are smart enough, Ning Yuan believes that they will make the most correct choice.


"It's almost time to reach the Holy Eagle City, cheer me up and hold the Eagle flag firmly. If anyone accidentally drops the flag, I'll stop giving him a one-year supply of Demon Sword Pills."

After seeing the outline of the Holy Eagle City from a distance, Ning Yuan immediately roared loudly. The most critical moment is coming, and he doesn't want any players to lose the chain.

Because the Griffin flies at high speed, it is very difficult for the players to hold the flag, so Ning Yuan cheered them up through the aggressive method.

After seeing the overwhelming griffins flying towards the Holy Eagle City, the guards defending the Holy Eagle City immediately took action. They came to the city wall one after another, and then began to bend their bows and arrows, ready to face the battle.

At the same time, the Griffin Legion of Holy Eagle City also began to take off. They hovered over Holy Eagle City, ready to join the battle at any time.

Looking at the enemies waiting in formation, Ning Yuan waved his hand to signal the Griffin Legion to stop advancing, and then he took Xiao Zi and flew to the sky above the city wall alone.

"I am the Emperor of the Condor Eagle Empire, let your king come out and answer."

Although he came with an army of griffins, Ning Yuan didn't want to see them suffer too much loss, so he hoped to force the opponent to surrender.

In the current situation, I believe that as long as the eyes are not blind, one can definitely see which side has an absolute advantage, so if the other side cannot be persuaded to surrender, then Ning Yuan is ready to attack the enemy psychologically.

After hearing that Ning Yuan was the emperor of the Condor Empire in the prophecy, a young man with the appearance of a military officer on the top of the city's eyes lit up, and then shot an arrow at Ning Yuan.

Ning Yuan originally thought that he would go out in person. Even if the king dared not come out, a member of the royal family should come out and have a chat with him. He never expected that what greeted him was a deadly arrow.

Fortunately, Xiao Zi kept a high degree of attention in the face of the densely packed defenders on the wall. It flapped its wings fiercely, raised its body directly, and blocked the arrow for Ning Yuan, otherwise Ning Yuan might really be shot by this Kill it with one arrow.

Hearing Xiao Zi's mournful cry because of the pain, Ning Yuan's face immediately darkened.

After confirming that there was nothing serious about Xiao Zi, Ning Yuan directed Xiao Zi to retreat a certain distance, and then shouted angrily at the defenders on the city wall:

"The two countries are fighting without killing each other. As an emperor, I personally showed up to give you a chance to survive because I couldn't bear to see the blood of the Holy Eagle City. I didn't expect that since you dared to assassinate me. Don't blame me for being cruel."

After finishing speaking, Ning Yuan raised his right hand high. As long as his right hand falls, the Griffin Legion outside the city will immediately submerge the Holy Eagle City.

While everyone was focusing on Ning Yuan's raised right arm, Ning Yuan didn't lower his right arm for a long time, because he saw some defenders on the city wall glaring at a young officer holding a longbow.

Seeing this, if Ning Yuan didn't know that it was the young legion that attacked him, he would have lived in vain.

After discovering that they failed to shoot Ning Yuan, the young legion showed a regretful expression.

For those ordinary soldiers who glared at him, he looked indifferent. Anyway, his status was noble, and those ordinary soldiers did not dare to do anything to him.

When everyone was staring at him, there was only something wrong around the young officer. The sharp-eyed Ning Yuan quickly caught this scene, so he immediately took it to heart.

"If I'm not mistaken, the person who attacked me should be a member of the royal family.

Soldiers, the holy griffins have abandoned your royal family, and they are unwilling to lose power, so they want to drag you into hell together.

For such a royal family, I don't understand what else they deserve your allegiance to?

Now I will give you one last chance.

Kill all members of the royal family, and then open the city gates to surrender to me, I will forgive you for being unreasonable just now.

Otherwise, I will kill all the creatures in the city and turn the Holy Eagle City into a dead city, because this is the price you must pay for offending a great emperor.

Alright, I'll give you the last stick of incense time to think about it, after the stick of incense, I won't give you any more chances. "

After seeing the conflicts in the opposing camp, Ning Yuan decided to further intensify the conflicts between them.

If the other party is still stubborn, then he will do what he says.

The manpower he can rely on here is very limited, and he doesn't have the patience and time to win the hearts of the people bit by bit.

If you can't make people return to you in a short time, then it's a good way to make them afraid of you, so Ning Yuan is already ready to use Holy Eagle City to make an example of others.

In fact, the biggest culprit for the current situation is Ning Yuan himself.

If he hadn't reported himself as soon as he came up, then the enemy would definitely send someone out to negotiate with him. After all, the strength gap between the enemy and us is quite different.

It was precisely because he took the initiative to reveal his identity that the young officer's murderous intent was aroused.

After hearing Ning Yuan's ultimatum, the atmosphere on the city wall suddenly became tense.

The young officer finally knew that he had caused a catastrophe. After seeing more and more soldiers glaring at him, he immediately retreated to the protective circle of the pro-guards.

Ning Yuan guessed his identity correctly, he is the fifth son of the current King of the Holy Griffin Kingdom.

After discovering that the soldiers on the top of the city were only glaring at the young officer without further action, Ning Yuan decided to help them and add fire to them.

Under Ning Yuan's signal, the Griffin Legion outside the city suddenly dispersed and flew along the city wall to both sides. In just a split second, they surrounded the entire Holy Griffin City.

After discovering the actions of the Griffin Legion outside the city, the defenders on the city wall became even more anxious.

As the pressure from the Griffin Legion increased, finally some people could no longer care about the next offense. A soldier rushed towards the protected fifth prince like crazy.

Although the soldier was quickly cut down by the fifth prince's bodyguard, he was like a ignited fuse, quickly igniting the entire powder keg, and other soldiers, led by him, also rushed to the culprit The culprit is the fifth prince.

The members of the royal family on the city wall were caught off guard by the sudden defection of a large number of troops. In order to survive, they could only order the guards loyal to them to launch a counterattack.

Fighting one's own people often leads to disastrous consequences. Soon, the red-eyed soldiers began to lose their relatives.

As long as anyone is not pleasing to the eye, they will go up and kill them, regardless of whether the opponent is on their side or not.

After seeing this chaotic situation, Ning Yuan frowned with disappointment on his face.

He originally wanted to instigate those soldiers to help him eliminate the royal family members in the city, but unexpectedly, it caused an extremely chaotic massacre.

Looking at the increasingly chaotic situation in the city, Ning Yuan knew that he could not let it go on like this, otherwise it would be no different from Tucheng in the end.

Under Ning Yuan's signal, the Griffin Legion staying outside the city immediately rushed into the city.

The players riding the golden-crowned griffin shouted: "If you don't want to die, put down your weapons and lie on the ground."

Xiao Jin led the Golden Crown Griffon Legion to the enemy Holy Griffin Legion in the city.

Facing all the golden-crowned griffins, the enemy's Holy Eagle Legion was about to collapse. After the three golden-crowned griffins loyal to the royal family were torn apart, the remaining ordinary griffins all chose to submit to the new griffins. king.

In fact, the biggest threat to Ningyuan's Griffon Legion in the entire Holy Eagle City is the long-range weapons on the top of the city.

After the enemy's internal strife broke out, those long-range weapons also lost their effect, so there was no suspense at all in the follow-up battle.

After the griffins killed some soldiers who had gone mad, the situation in the entire Holy Griffin City was finally brought under effective control.

As the head of the last member of the royal family in Holy Eagle City was beheaded by Ning Yuan himself, the Holy Griffin Kingdom that ruled here for hundreds of years officially became history.

After the Griffin Legion captured the Holy Eagle City, players from the Tenglong Legion who were hiding outside the city entered the city one after another.

With the help of the players, Ning Yuan finally took control of the situation in Holy Eagle City.

After occupying Holy Eagle City, the shortcoming of Ning Yuan's lack of manpower was quickly exposed.

In order to completely control those surrendered soldiers, Ning Yuan could only let the players of Tenglong Legion drive the ducks to the shelves. He appointed an official for each player, and each player was responsible for commanding hundreds of surrendered soldiers.

With the Griffin Legion in the lineup, the soldiers who descended did not dare to make mistakes easily, so even if they were not convinced by the sudden airborne player officers, they did not dare to show it.

It should be a very happy thing to capture the Holy Eagle City without any effort, but when Ning Yuan started to handle the government affairs in the city himself, he even wanted to die.

In the past, he had right-hand assistants like Bai Shihai and Bai Ze to help him deal with various matters of the Condor Empire. He was only responsible for making decisions on major matters, so his life was very chic and nourishing.

But now that these helpers are no longer around, and he needs to do everything by himself, he suddenly knows how precious internal affairs talents are.

Ning Yuan's heart was crying when he looked at those players around him who were full of bad ideas and bad ideas, and would only destroy the players who couldn't build.

He secretly made up his mind that after going out, he must transfer a group of players who are good at managing the territory from Uncle Rabbit into the Tenglong Legion. He no longer wants to be both a father and a mother.

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