Online Games Barbarism and Civilization

Chapter 72, Choose Forbearance

After returning to the main camp, Ning Yuan briefly inspected the development of the camp, and then lay lazily on a haystack to bask in the sun.

Now five new brick kilns have been built in the camp, and one kiln of bricks can be fired every day. I believe it will not take long for the entire Condor tribe to bid farewell to the low animal skin tents, and all members will live in warm bricks. The tile house is gone.

After all, the weather is getting colder every day, and winter is about to come. If Ning Yuan wants to let the people of the Shenying tribe survive this cold winter safely, he must make the most complete preparations.

The current Condor Tribe has enough food, the only thing it lacks is a house that can withstand the severe cold. Fortunately, firing bricks is not too difficult. Ning Yuan just mentioned it a little bit, and those craftsmen who fired pottery successfully fired it. Strong and durable clay bricks.

Now not only bricks are available, blacksmiths have also successfully forged iron axes. Although the blades of the axes are not so sharp, the most important thing the Condor Tribe lacks is strong men, so as long as they put in more effort, these iron axes Iron axes are also sufficient for logging.

With the iron ax, Ning Yuan can finally attack the woods around the camp. Cutting down these trees can not only greatly increase the camp range of the Condor Tribe, but also bring a large amount of timber resources to the camp.

Thin twigs can be cut down and dried to make fire for cooking, and thicker ones can be used to build wooden fences. After all, the city wall is only an idea, and the Condor tribe at this stage can only build wooden fences.

The backbone is even more useful. Now that there are bricks, you can use these backbones as girders to build houses. As for those backbones that are too thick, you can only put them aside. Use those trunks to make various wooden furniture.

Watching the Condor Tribe gradually getting on the right track, Ning Yuan gradually fell asleep. Under the warm sunlight, Ning Yuan slept until lunch time. If he was not hungry, he could sleep until the sun set.

Just when Ning Yuan had just finished his lunch, he suddenly received a message from Qin Tianyu, the president of the Mutual Aid Association.

"Ning Yuan, are you there? If you are, please log in to the guild channel. We are going to have a meeting and I have something to do with you."

Only then did Ning Yuan realize that there were a lot of unread messages in his friend column.

Most of these unread messages were sent by Wang Ziwen. At first, he questioned why he didn't show up. Later, he apologized to him, saying that he misunderstood him because of his anger, and then asked about the outcome of the war. Ask Ning Yuan Did he keep his Wanjun Mountain?

Seeing the message sent by Wang Ziwen, Ning Yuan immediately showed disdain.

What is your Wanjun Mountain? Now it is Laozi’s Wanjun Mountain, okay? Could it be that the Wanjun Mountain that Laozi took so hard can be returned to you? Do your Spring and Autumn Dreams.

Now it seems that Qin Tianyu asked him to go to a meeting, maybe because of these crap things about Wang Ziwen, but you, Qin Tianyu, the president of a small mutual aid association, really regard yourself as a cadre, and you can take care of this kind of thing?

Although a little disdainful, Ning Yuan still chose to log into the guild channel.

"President, I just received your message. Is there anything urgent for me?" After entering the guild channel, Ning Yuan asked directly.

At this time, most of the members of the Mutual Aid Association are present. It seems that most of them have ended the war. Of course, Wang Ziwen is also there. Although he was sent to a prison for hard labor, it does not affect his participation Come into this chat.

"Ning Yuan, is the war over? Has my Wanjun Mountain been saved?"

Seeing Ning Yuan appear, Wang Ziwen couldn't wait to ask, but Ning Yuan didn't bother him.

"Ning Yuan, I've already heard about the matter between you and Wang Ziwen, that traitor Feng Wenliang has been kicked out of the Mutual Aid Association by me,

At the same time, a Jianghu hunting order was issued to kill him for a total of three times.

As for whether you have also betrayed Wang Ziwen, I am not sure yet, so I hope you can tell everyone the ins and outs of the matter in detail. Don't worry, my main purpose this time is to mediate. If you did nothing wrong, I will It won't do anything to you. "

Seeing that Ning Yuan was unwilling to talk to Wang Ziwen, Qin Tianyu had no choice but to speak up himself.

"Brother Ningyuan, please don't offend the chairman, you don't know, Chairman Qin Tianyu is not only the chairman of our Mutual Aid Association, but also one of the major shareholders of the Tiandao League, the top ten guilds in China, so you must Don't be impulsive, offending Qin Tianyu is equivalent to offending the entire Heavenly Sword League."

Just when Ning Yuan was about to kill Qin Tianyu, the president of the association, a girl who usually got along with Ning Yuan secretly sent him a message.

"Since he is the major shareholder of the Tiandao League, what is he doing in the Mutual Aid Club instead of staying in the Tiandao League?" Ning Yuan asked puzzled.

"I don't know the specifics, but I heard that his wife doesn't like him staying in the Tiandao League. It seems that there is his former first love in the Tiandao League." Ye Chuhong replied.

"Understood, thank you, sister Hongye, if you have something to say in the future, just ask, brother, I will definitely do my best to help you." Ning Yuan has always been very generous to girls with good hearts, and these promises do not have any promises anyway. Legal effect.

"Okay, as long as you know, don't bother talking with me, everyone is still waiting for you to speak." Ye Chuhong urged.

"President, the thing is like this, after I teleported there in response to Wang Ziwen's request for help, I encountered a total of four support army teams. I greeted them from a distance, but no one paid any attention to me.

At first I just thought they were a little cold, so I didn't care. It wasn't until I met the fourth orc army that I realized that something was wrong.

Because I have encountered a werewolf army before, and there is only one orc army in our reinforcements. Through observation, I found that the fourth army is a wolf man army, which is a reinforcement army pretended by the enemy.

At this time, I knew that there must be spies in the reinforcements, so I became angry and launched an attack on the wolf man army.

After I defeated the wolf man army, I encountered a coalition of four human legions, and they attacked me after they found me.

When I led the army to defeat this human coalition army and rushed to Wang Ziwen's camp, it was already occupied by two werewolf legions. In the end, I had another big battle with them and completely defeated them. This is the whole story. up. "

Ning Yuan directly narrated the process of what happened to everyone. Because there were still bystanders who survived, Ning Yuan did not lie. Of course, he did not need to lie, but he did not mention Wan Junshan from the beginning to the end. Character.

"Then Wanjun Mountain is in your hands now?" Although Wang Ziwen already knew the answer, he still couldn't help asking.

"That's right, Wanjun Mountain has been brought back to my own plane by me now." Regarding this, Ning Yuan has nothing to hide, because Wanjun Mountain stands there, and he can't hide it even if he wants to.

"It seems that you plan to take Wanjun Mountain for yourself?" Wang Ziwen saw that Ning Yuan admitted it openly, and an evil fire gushed out from the bottom of his heart.

"I didn't intend to take it for myself, but Wanjun Mountain is already mine. I snatched it from the werewolves. From now on, it has been named Ning."

Ning Yuan knew that from the moment he got Wanjun Mountain, there was a complete break between him and Wang Ziwen, so he would not give Wang Ziwen any good looks now.

"You..." His belongings were taken by someone he invited to help. Wang Ziwen was so angry that he couldn't speak, even though he also knew that from the moment he died in battle, Wan Junshan It doesn't belong to him anymore, but he's just mad that Ning Yuan finally got it.

"Okay, both of you shut up, I'm here to solve your problems, not to listen to your bickering."

Qin Tianyu saw that the words of the two were full of gunpowder, so he immediately chose to stop, and after successfully making them shut up, he continued: "Wang Ziwen, from the moment you died in battle, Wanjun Mountain does not belong to you. So don't think that I can help you get back to Wanjun Mountain.

As for Ning Yuan, although there is no direct evidence that you betrayed Wang Ziwen, but this time you have the last laugh and are the biggest vested interest, so although I will not ask you to return Wanjun Mountain to Wang Ziwen.

But as a partner in the same guild, I hope you can give Wang Ziwen some compensation. As for how much compensation should be given, you two should discuss it yourself. I can only mediate between the two of you to this extent. Do you have any objections? "

"I have no objection, and I will listen to the Chairman." As soon as Qin Tianyu finished speaking, Wang Ziwen expressed his opinion directly. It seems that this is his real plan today. After all, it is easier to ask for some compensation than to ask for Wanjun Mountain. Let Ning Yuan accept it.

"I also obey the arrangement of the chairman. I don't know what compensation you want, Wang Ziwen?"

Originally, Ning Yuan planned to have a complete showdown with the Mutual Aid Association today, and he would not compensate Wang Ziwen at all, but when Ye Chuhong told him Qin Tianyu's true identity, he still chose to forbear.

After all, after obtaining Wanjun Mountain, he is now considered a big man, so it is better not to offend a behemoth like the Tiandao League as much as possible. Today, it is right to spend money to avoid disaster.

Seeing that Ning Yuan also nodded in agreement, Wang Ziwen immediately said: "I want a gold medal for immunity, a scroll of civilization inheritance, a resource transaction certificate, and a scroll of holy alliance contract."

Wang Ziwen had already thought about it before he came. He is currently serving hard labor in the prison and urgently needs a gold medal to escape. Now that he has started from scratch, he plans to try his luck to play with a special civilization at random, so the scroll of civilization inheritance must also be have one.

The resource transaction certificate is reserved for future transactions with others, and the request for the sacred alliance contract is to sign a one-year peace agreement with Ningyuan.

After all, he asked for so many things from Ning Yuan through Qin Tianyu, and he was afraid that Ning Yuan would retaliate against him afterwards. You must know that there are items such as tokens for declaring war.

(During the period when a player enters the prison for labor, if someone mails him an exempt gold medal, the player can be immediately exempted from the state of labor.)

After listening to the list of items requested by Wang Ziwen, Ning Yuan thought for a while and replied: "I can give you the exempt gold medal and the civilization inheritance scroll, but I can't give you the resource transaction certificate and the holy alliance contract, because I don't have these two in my hand." props.

In addition, aren't you asking for the Holy Alliance contract because you are afraid that I will seek revenge on you afterwards?

Don't worry, I can swear in front of the president and all the brothers and sisters in the guild, as long as you don't take the initiative to provoke me before May 1st of the second year of Barbarism, I will never take any revenge on you. This is the limit of what I can do, Mr. President, you come to give a final verdict. "

"Since Ning Yuan has already given his guarantee, Wang Ziwen, you should also take a step back. Ning Yuan will compensate you with a gold medal for exoneration and a scroll of civilization inheritance. How about canceling the grievances between you?" Seeing that Ning Yuan is more sensible, Qin Tianyu Can't help but take a high look at Ning Yuan.

"Since the president has made the decision, so be it. Ning Yuan, you give me a gold medal of exoneration and a scroll of civilization inheritance, and the grievances between us will be wiped out." Wang Ziwen knew that even if Ning Yuan didn't give him anything, Qin Tianyu probably wouldn't What does Ning Yuan give, so he knows very well the principle of accepting as soon as it is good.

In this way, under Qin Tianyu's mediation, Ning Yuan compensated Wang Ziwen with a gold medal of immunity and a scroll of civilization inheritance, and this time the incident can be regarded as coming to an end.

In addition, Ning Yuan also gave Ye Chuhong a civilization inheritance scroll. After all, if the little girl hadn't kindly reminded him this time, Ning Yuan might have offended Qin Tianyu. It is better for the "big shot" to offend as little as possible.

It's not that Ning Yuan is afraid of them, but that he is fledgling now and doesn't want to cause too much trouble for himself.

After all, he took Wanjun Mountain from Li Qi and others, and now he has been fighting with them forever, so it is not suitable to provoke other enemies at present, because he knows very well what it means to have three natural wonders in his territory.

The reason why Ning Yuan gave the little girl a scroll of civilization inheritance was mainly because he didn't want to owe this favor, and if he would help him, he would definitely not stay any longer, and it happened to end this fate before he left.

Qin Tianyu also contacted Ning Yuan privately afterwards, telling him that if he wanted to join the Tiandao League, he could recommend it on his behalf. For this, Ning Yuan could only express his gratitude first, and then tactfully refused.

Join the Tiandao League?

What a joke, although joining the Tiandao League, the security of his territory will be greatly guaranteed, but he will pay for what he gets, and the Tiandao League will not support him in vain.

At that time, he will definitely try to get something from him, so now Ning Yuan would rather fight against all the invaders alone than join the Grand Duke and be exploited by others.

Besides, with his current strength, as long as those grand dukes don't want to kill him wholeheartedly, the other intruders are just treasure boys for him. As long as they dare to come, Ning Yuan will never let them go. go.

And now even if those grand guilds want to deal with him, they have to weigh whether they have the strength first.

Although they have a large number of people, don't forget that the rules of plane warfare prevent them from displaying their due strength. Therefore, although Ning Yuan is afraid of them, he is not afraid. Facing them, the main reason is that they are afraid of losing both sides.

Those grand guilds have great careers, and although losing some troops will hurt a little, it can't hurt them, but Ningyuan is different.

He is alone, if he really accidentally wiped out the army, I am afraid it will be difficult for him to recover, because the enemy will not give him a chance to breathe, so now he must try to keep a low profile and fight for others. Too compelling.

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