Suddenly, a cold light flew from afar, quickly stabbing towards the neck of the dark demon dragon, and the cold light

carried an extremely cold temperature, and in an instant it had killed near the neck of the dark demon dragon, only a stone's throw away! "Roar!" The dark demon dragon discovered the danger and immediately opened its mouth to roar, and a fiery fireball burst out in its mouth, welcoming the cold light. "Boom~!" The blazing flames and the cold cold collided, sending out a violent collision, the space shook, Mars splashed, and the terrifying shock wave raged out, and within a radius of thousands of meters, all the trees were flattened, turning into a scorched earth, and even the mountain stones turned into powder. Under the attack of the Dark Demon Dragon, Bai Yi also took a hundred steps backwards. "What a domineering attack!" Bai Yi was shocked in his heart, he didn't expect that the attack power of this dark demon dragon was so amazing, just a flame contained such a huge destructive power, if it was really attacked by it, the consequences were simply unimaginable. "Phew!" "Phew!" "Phew!" At this moment, dozens of cold rays of light streaked across the night sky, bombarding the dark demon dragon with the momentum of thunder. The target of these cold rays is not the dark demon dragon, but several areas around its neck, trying to kill it. "Roar~!" The dark demon dragon was furious, and its huge claws waved, shattering dozens of cold rays around its body. "Huh~!" "Huh~!" Another sound of breaking the air sounded, and countless cold rays flew out from the night sky, striking in all directions towards the body of the dark demon dragon, which could not be avoided. Although the dark demon dragon is powerful, it has not reached the point where it can withstand so many cold rays, and it was hit by dozens of cold rays, and its body was suddenly covered with scars, blood gushing out along the wound, and the dark demon dragon also hissed in pain. "Roar~!" The figure of the dark demon dragon suddenly became illusory and disappeared in an instant. "Swoosh~!" A cold light flew past the ear of the dark demon dragon, directly piercing a crack in the right ear of the dark demon dragon, blood dripping and painful. "Roar~!" The dark demon dragon was furious, its figure flickered, and it rushed towards Bai Yi again, its speed was unbelievable, and in the blink of an eye, it appeared in front of Bai Yi, and the huge claws grabbed towards Bai Yi, wanting to tear Bai Yi to pieces and devour his flesh. Seeing the dark demon dragon appear in front of him, Bai Yi was also shocked, he did not expect that this dark demon dragon had such magical powers, and this ability to teleport was also the first time he had seen it. Watching the dark demon dragon slaughter, Bai Yilian teleported to avoid the attack of the dark demon dragon, and where he was standing just now, a towering tree suddenly broke and was trampled by the dark demon dragon. "Phew!" At this moment, a cold ray passed by Bai Yi's side and went straight to Bai Yi's throat, Bai Yi did not dare to be careless, his body moved slightly sideways for half a step, and he could avoid the fatal blow of the cold mang. The dark demon dragon reappeared above Bai Yi's head, waving its claws to tear Bai Yi to pieces. Bai Yi once again teleported and appeared behind the dark demon dragon, waving his arm, dozens of cold rays shot out, shooting at the dark demon dragon's body, shattering all the leather armor on its body, revealing its hard metal-like skin. The dark demon dragon let out a scream, its body was hit by the cold, although it was not too badly injured, but it was also hit not lightly, so that it couldn't help but give up the pursuit of Bai Yi, but quickly fled, and disappeared into the darkness in a blink of an eye. Bai Yi saw the dark demon dragon fleeing and knew that it was impossible to chase, so he no longer paid attention to the dark demon dragon's escape direction, but galloped towards the depths of the dark forest. Before entering the Dark Forest, he still needed to search and find the location of the holy medicine. The dark forest is extremely strange, Bai Yi did not stay in the depths of this forest for too long, he quickly found the place where the holy medicine was, it was a towering snow peak, the entire snow peak was covered with snow, it looked quite poignant, like a fairyland, it was daunting. Bai Yi searched for a moment on the snowy peak, and finally saw this holy medicine in one of the caves, at this time this holy medicine had withered and had completely died, and its leaves had all fallen, leaving only bare stems, looking very old. The aura emitted by this holy medicine was extremely rich, and it seemed to hide an extremely rich vitality of life, which lifted Bai Yi's spirit. "What a rich vitality of life!" Bai Yi couldn't help but praise, he was so lucky to find this holy medicine in the depths of the dark forest. After collecting it, Bai Yi quickly returned to his place and continued to move forward, looking for the next holy medicine. The aura emitted by this holy medicine is very strong, Bai Yi believes that there must be other treasures in it, and he must find the treasure in it, so that he can save his life, otherwise once he dies here, any treasure is gone, and he will come for nothing. Although this snowy mountain looks very steep, it is not much pressure for Bai Yi, his physical body is strong, and this mountain peak is nothing to him. Soon, Bai Yi found a holy medicine again, also on the mountain wall of Xuefeng, but it was far from the previous holy medicine, and there were many cracks on its surface. Bai Yi killed it again with a cold light, and then searched again, and finally found a divine weapon on his body, this divine weapon turned out to be a long sword, the whole body was dark, without any patterns, it looked like an iron sword, but it exuded a trace of silver arc, this iron sword should be forged with a rare metal, it is a superb holy weapon, it is worth a lot. After getting this iron sword, Bai Yi immediately put it into the Qiankun bag, this iron sword is a good thing, definitely not to be missed, and he is also ready to refine a weapon, he wants to use this iron sword to practice his hands and more than double its power. After doing all this, Bai Yi rushed forward again, he had to rush back as soon as possible, because that holy medicine was about to wither, and he had to find another holy medicine as soon as possible, and he couldn't let it wither, otherwise it would be meaningless. Just as Bai Yi continued to move forward, suddenly a terrifying ferocious beast rushed towards him, this ferocious beast was huge, more than two meters tall, covered with scales, the fur on his body was as strong as a steel plate, it looked hideous and terrifying, its mouth was full of fangs, extremely sharp, and when it was opened, it could tear off a piece of flesh. The cultivation of this terrifying ferocious beast is very strong, it is a fourth-order early demon beast, its strength is more powerful than any fourth-order demon beast that Bai Yi has encountered before, and its attacks are extremely sharp. However, Bai Yi had already prepared, a five-colored light appeared on his body, condensed into a shield, wrapping his body completely, he didn't think that the attack of this ferocious beast could hurt him, his current defense power was extremely terrifying, and ordinary attacks were no longer a threat to him. This fourth-order ferocious beast was obviously enraged by Bai Yi, and an angry roar came out of its mouth, and its fists came out in unison, attacking madly, wanting to tear Bai Yi to pieces. In the face of such a ferocious beast's crazy attack, Bai Yi was extremely calm, and the five-colored light on his body was even more dazzling, shrouding Bai Yi inside. "Poof... There was a dense impact sound from Bai Yi's body, and the fists of this ferocious beast all bombarded his protective body light, making a cracking sound and constantly exploding.

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