
can protect the corpse inside from corrosion, looks very strong. These glass jars come in a variety of colors, some blue, some green, some purple, some white, and even black, and look very complicated. "You can cut your arm with your sword, and then drip blood, after dripping blood, these glass jars will automatically fuse, no matter how much blood is shed, they will absorb your blood, these things are the best defense for the undead, as long as they don't touch these glass jars, then they won't be corroded." The wife of the Death Knight said with a smile. Listening to the words of the death knight's wife, Bai Yi was a little curious, what are these glass jars made of? Can you even absorb blood? He had never been in such a situation. However, Bai Yi didn't think much about it, after all, that strange liquid only existed in the City of Death, and he couldn't get close to it at all. Don't dare to slack, Bai Yi directly cut his wrist, let the blood flow out, into those transparent glass jars, after a while, all the glass jars began to boil, making a gurgling sound, and then, a blood mist came out, covering the entire hall, which looked very strange. This blood mist soon permeated the space of the hall, making the entire hall very eerie. This blood mist did not disperse, but gathered more and more, and after a while, the entire hall was covered by this thick blood mist. Seeing this situation, the death knight wife took a few steps back, she really couldn't withstand the attack of this blood mist, she felt her whole heart tremble, and the bones in her body seemed to be shattered. "What's going on with these blood mist? I felt as if I was going to die, it was too scary, what was this blood mist? The Death Knight wife said in horror. "I can't tell you this, these blood mist seem to be a special kind of magic, and it's the first time I've seen such a scene." Bai Yi smiled bitterly, he didn't know what these blood mist really was. The wife of the death knight was as pale as paper and looked as if she was about to faint. Seeing this, Bai Yi discarded the chopsticks in his hand, and then hugged the death knight's wife and let her sit on his own, and then put a kettle on the table, poured some water, and sent it to the mouth of the death knight's wife. After drinking the water, the Death Knight wife felt much more comfortable, and her face gradually returned to normal. "Thank you, my name is Ellie, it's nice to meet you, it's really thanks to you this time, otherwise my husband might be in danger. Alilian said, her face full of gratitude. "No thanks, I'm just raising my hand, but your husband is fine now, we should go, and we'll talk about this when he wakes up." Bai Yi bowed his head slightly, he didn't want to delay time, he still had to go to the auction of the auction house. "Then thank you so much, please follow me, the auction is about to start, you better go early, lest there be no seats when you get it." The wife of the death knight got up to lead the way and led Bai Yi towards the outside of the hall. "Okay, let's go! Bai Yi nodded slightly, he was also full of curiosity about everything in this world, and he was more interested in the Death Sect. The two left the room and headed downstairs. Bai Yi found that the buildings in this manor were very unique, not like a building inhabited by humans, but like a temple temple, surrounded by various statues of gods, and a huge altar was built here, and the stone carvings on those statues were all lifelike and looked very realistic. On the left side of the hall, there is a wide avenue, lined with various buildings, which looks like a giant transportation hub. "Hello, welcome to your arrival, we are a death auction house, today we will auction an undead king's soul, I wonder if you are interested in death souls?" As soon as the two walked out of the inn, a maid came forward and asked with a smile. "You guys are going to auction an undead soul today? How did I not know about this? Bai Yi raised his eyebrows and asked suspiciously. "You really don't know, this matter has only recently spread, but you can ask our master, maybe our master knows better." The maid said, turning and running towards a towering building, looking like she was going to pay tribute to her master. "Where is the father of the Death Knight? You tell me, I'll go see him!" Seeing this situation, Bai Yi immediately asked, he was curious to know who this death knight's father was. After a while, the maid ran to the front of the pavilion, bowed to the pavilion and said: "Master, a man and a woman have come outside, friends of the Death Knight, and they want to see you, they say they want to see you." "Oh? It's them, I'll go down right away. A slightly hoarse voice sounded inside. "Yes, master! The maid replied. A moment later, a figure appeared at the door of the pavilion, this person was a middle-aged man with golden eyes, wearing a golden robe, looking very majestic. Seeing the man appear, Bai Yi couldn't help but be a little disappointed, because this person was not a death knight at all, but a skeleton, it seemed that the death knight was not in this place, and he didn't know where to cultivate. But this is also good, if the Death Knight is also here, Bai Yi is also worried that the Death Knight's father will find him trouble, and then it will be trouble. "Your Excellency, hello, my name is Bai Yi, I am a friend of the Death Knight, I heard that the auction house of the Death Holy See wants to auction the soul of the undead king? So I came on purpose, I don't know if you are interested? If there is no interest, then let's get out of here first. Bai Yi stepped forward and said with a smile. "Oh? It turns out to be a friend of the undead knight, I admire you, so young, but with such great power, you are a genius, but I wonder, why do you want to participate in the auction of the auction house? As far as I know, the Holy See of the Dead has not invited anyone to participate in the

auction house

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