"You are the Death Knight?

A voice suddenly sounded in his ears, and Ye Feng opened his eyes abruptly.

"You... Seeing the other party's appearance, Ye Feng couldn't help but be taken aback.

I saw that at this time, he was in a dilapidated stone house, and he was lying on a simple stone bed.

The stone bed was surrounded by dust and cobwebs, and there was some moss growing on the stone slab, which had apparently been abandoned for a long time.

Next to him sat a woman in a black robe, this woman was pale, her head was bare, only a few dead grasses remained, and she carried a bone knife on her left shoulder, which looked like something from a weapons rack.

"Who the hell are you! Ye Feng said warily.

This is not a copy of the Death Knight, but why is he here?

"Huh... Hearing Ye Feng's question, the woman couldn't help but laugh, and her smile was full of gloomy taste, which made Ye Feng shudder.

"My name is Anna, I am a necromancer and my profession is a death knight. The woman said lightly.

"Why are you helping me? Ye Feng asked, he didn't know Anna's identity.

"Because, I was summoned here by you. Anna said lightly.

"What!? Ye Feng couldn't help but exclaim.

The death knight, the embodiment of the dead, a knight with great combat power, their duty is to protect world peace.

However, they should not live in this world!

When Ye Feng thought of this, he couldn't help frowning, and said suspiciously: "But I am obviously dead, how could I summon you over?" Are you the one who summoned me?

Anna nodded and said, "That's right, I summoned you, and you're dead." "

Dead... Hearing this, Ye Feng couldn't help but smile bitterly and shake his head.

Although he did not believe that there were ghosts in this world, he also knew that he was dead, and he was summoned here by a necromancer, which was really absurd.

But if it wasn't for the necromancer summoning him, where would he go?

"Alright! I admit, I am indeed dead, but I was summoned by the necromancy! Ye Feng sighed and then explained.

Hearing this, the corners of Anna's mouth couldn't help but show a weird smile, as if she heard the funniest joke under the sky.

"Hahaha... Hahaha...

Ye Feng was covered in hair by her laughter, and couldn't help but shiver, and couldn't help but ask, "Hey!" Seriously, I was really summoned by the necromancers, and besides, I'm still dead, what are you laughing at!?

"Not only did I know that you were summoned by the Necromancer, but I also knew that you were summoned by a man named Carl!" "

Carl... Ye Feng muttered.

The name seemed familiar, but he just couldn't remember where he had heard it.

"You mean... Carl is your master? Thinking of this, Ye Feng couldn't help but gasp.

"That's right! Carl is my host! Anna replied, and then continued, "After he killed my father, he took me away!"

"So, I died at the hands of Carl?" Ye Feng asked.

"That's right! Originally, my father sent me to the Temple of Death, and Karl sealed me with a blood contract to wait for your arrival. Anna nodded and said.

Ye Feng was silent for a moment, and then asked, "Why did he summon me here?"

"Because he needs you!"

"What!? Hearing this, Ye Feng couldn't help but be stunned.

"I know you're weird, and you don't need to know much, you just need to know that you're his target! Anna said lightly.

Hearing these words, Ye Feng fell into deep thought.

Carl needs him, then, all he has to do is complete the task for Karl!

"I want to ask, how does he need me to complete his task? Ye Feng then asked.

"I can't tell you because you're not qualified! Anna simply refused.

"So... Can you tell me what he needs me to do? Ye Feng continued to ask.

"Can't! Anna simply refused.

"Then, I can only leave! Ye Feng stood up and walked out.

"Stop! As

soon as he took two steps, he heard Anna's loud shouts behind him, which startled Ye Feng.

He turned his head, looked at Anna, and said displeased: "Why did you tell me to stop?" Could it be that you want to kill people and kill people?

"No, I just can't tell you." Anna said slowly.

"Well, since that's the case, then I'll just leave. Ye Feng snorted coldly, turned around and left.

Seeing this, Anna hurriedly said, "Wait!

"What else is going on?" Ye Feng stopped, turned his head, and looked at her coldly.

"You... Are you really not a death knight? Anna stared at Ye Feng and asked.

"I'm not, I was summoned by a man named Carl, what do you say he would send me for?" Ye Feng asked lightly.

Anna thought for a moment and said, "I can tell you an address, but you must promise me one thing!"

"What's going on?" Ye Feng asked.

"You have to kill the man named Carl, or I'll never tell you everything about Carl." Anna gritted her teeth.

"Well, I promised you this condition! Ye Feng readily agreed.

"I hope you don't regret it, you know, Carl is a very scary person, if you accidentally annoy him, he can turn you into a corpse!" Anna reminded.

"Don't worry, I'm not a fool, I won't do this kind of thing. Ye Feng said lightly.

"Then you can go! Anna said, took out a ring from her sleeve robe, handed it to Ye Feng, and said, "This is my token, you can find me if you hold it!" "


Ye Feng took the ring, nodded, and then turned to leave.

Looking at Ye Feng's disappearing back, Anna couldn't help but mutter, "Karl, I will definitely make you pay a heavy price!"

After that, Anna's figure moved, turning into a black mist and burrowing into the sarcophagus.

At this moment, Ye Feng was dangling on the street with a ring, wanting to see if he could run into the person named Karl.

But it's a pity that a whole day has passed, and he has not met a living person, let alone someone to show him the way.

"Forget it, it seems that this mission is not completed! Thinking

of this, Ye Feng shook his head helplessly, preparing to return to the hotel and prepare for sleep.

At this moment, a car suddenly stopped in front of Ye Feng, and the door opened, revealing a handsome face.

"Brother Ye, get in the car! I'll send you back! The man in the car smiled slightly and said.

"Thank you, this brother!

Ye Feng was also not polite, sat directly in, and then the car started and drove towards the front.

"Brother, what's your name?

Sitting in the car, Ye Feng asked curiously.

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