The more you look at the more you want, the better.

Rare means different!

The properties are excellent, and there is a set effect.

Without saying anything, Su Bai took off his equipment and put on these five pieces.

He was not in a hurry to check his information, and continued to look for the rest of his equipment to see if there was anything else he could bring.

This time, he found three more good things.

[Black Bone Ring]

Level: LV7

Quality: Rare

Category: Ring/Accessory

Attributes: Intelligence +10/Magic +88

Defense: Magic Defense +89

Affix: Black Bone Ring, it seems to have a fishy smell? What is it made of?

[Snake Bone Necklace]

Level: LV7

Quality: Rare

Category: Necklace/Accessory

Attributes: Constitution +9/Life +61

Defense: Magic Defense +83

Affix: This necklace is made of snake bones. I hope it won't fall apart.

[Fang Bracelet]

Level: LV7

Quality: Rare

Category: Bracelet/Accessory

Attributes: Strength +7/Energy +80

Defense: Magic Defense +91

Affix: Such sharp teeth can also be made into bracelets? Won't they prick your hands? ——A blacksmith apprentice

Su Bai also put on these three pieces of equipment.

So far, there is no other equipment for Su Bai to wear.

"Well, a shotgun for a cannon! Let's take a look at the attributes."

Su Bai happily opened his information panel.

ID: Bai Ye

Level: LV7

Occupation: Apprentice Warrior

Title: The Fastest Man in the World

Life: 112/Energy: 165

Strength: 182/Physique: 27

Damage: Physical Attack 532

Defense: Physical Defense 416/Magical Defense 613

Skills: Detection, Penetration Attack

Equipment: Chuiyun Sword, Ink Scale Silver Ring Breastplate, Ink Scale Silver Ring... Omit... Snake Bone Necklace.

Still has attributes that are so biased that it makes people speechless.

Only level 7, physical attack over 500!

Physical defense 400, magic defense 600!

Although the blood volume and physique are very low, but this attribute...

It can be said that in the Novice Village, the monsters basically can't beat Su Bai!

"Tsk tsk tsk! No wonder the explosion rate is so low, it turns out that only one rare equipment is enough to greatly improve the player's attributes!"

Su Bai held his chin and sighed.

"Let's go, let's go kill some monsters!"

After sighing for a while, Su Bai ran out excitedly.


He was stopped by the village head's grandmother.

Su Bai had come back and forth more than a dozen times before, and it's not that he hadn't run into the village head's grandmother.

In fact, he had met her three or four times.

Every time the village head's grandmother saw Su Bai, she was surprised and anxious, and then asked Su Bai if he had collected all the things.


It's more important than equipment, so Su Bai naturally evaded the question.

"Village head grandmother, I'm still short of a rare snake gall, I'll go right away!"

Su Bai didn't wait for the village head to ask, and blurted it out.

Then he quickly bypassed her and ran out of the Novice Village.

After all, an old lady was frowning, and when she heard that she hadn't collected all the things, she looked lost, sad, and anxious.

Su Bai felt weird and a little bit unbearable.


The village head looked at Su Bai's running back, frowned and sighed.

She was very anxious.

The snake galls that Su Bai had collected before were not enough.

Even the rare and elite snake galls that followed might not be enough.

"Alas... What should I do..."

She sighed again, and then hurried back to her hut.


Su Bai's side.

After a burst of running, he came to the red forest, where the silver ring snake appeared.

Although completing the task was important, he wanted to see his current damage more.

"It's you!"

Su Bai saw an elite silver ring snake, and then spoke to attract its attention.

When it attacked, Su Bai blocked and deflected.

The silver ring snake flew backwards,

Su Bai shook his long sword and opened the "Duiyun", increasing the weapon attack by 10%!

The arm holding the sword swelled up, and used the "Punch Force Strike" normal attack damage * 135%!

Full state, all the amplifications that can be used!


Aiming at the seven-inch part of the silver ring snake, Su Bai slashed it with a sword.


One sword! Instant kill!


Looking at the horrible damage that exploded, Su Bai himself was shocked!

With multiple amplifications, coupled with the triggering of the fatal mechanism, the damage is simply terrifying!

Next, Su Bai tried a few more times to see his normal damage



This is normal damage, because Su Bai has a level suppression on the LV5 silver ring snake, so the normal attack has a slight increase.


This is a counterattack, after the silver ring snake's body is stiff, there is a hidden damage bonus.

-1132·Weak point critical hit!

This is needless to say, weak point critical hit damage.

Now, a LV5 silver ring snake, even if Su Bai only attacks normally, will die within 8 swords!

So happy!!

"No more playing, it's time to find a rare silver ring snake."

After happily slaughtering several silver ring snakes, Su Bai stopped and began to look for rare-level silver ring snakes.


However, after wandering around in the jungle for a long time, Su Bai was helpless.

Because he didn't see a single rare silver ring snake.

Even elite-level silver ring snakes are rare, and he has killed almost all of them.

"Could it be that all the rare silver ring snakes died in that cave?"

Su Bai pondered, and it was indeed possible.

"I don't know if it will be refreshed... I think it will..."

"Forget it, let's go deeper and see."

Su Bai shook his head and continued to go deeper into the jungle.


After walking for ten minutes, I should have walked out of the silver ring snake's territory. I couldn't see a single snake.

I heard the howling of wolves gradually in my ears, and I guess I came to the wild wolf monster area.

"Forget it, let's talk about the task later, and level up first."

Su Bai was too lazy to turn around, but looked for the sound of the howling of wolves.

Not long after, he saw a group of wolves as big as pigs, biting around the body of a fawn.

"There are not many, only 5, we should be able to deal with them."

Su Bai thought, and sent a probe.

[Bloodthirsty Wolf]

Level: LV8

Category: Ordinary Monster

HP: 10,000

Damage: Physical Attack 352

Skill: Wolf Fury

Details: Corroded by demonic energy, fierce and bloodthirsty, ferociously hunting every creature that appears in front of them.

[Wolf Fury]

Level: LV1

Cooling down: 180 seconds

Attributes: Physical Attack +20%

Details: The bloodthirsty wolf is furious and attacks recklessly, increasing damage by 20% for 20 seconds.

After reading the attributes, Su Bai was a little surprised.

It's only a level 8 monster, but its HP is over 10,000.

The damage is also very high!

The damage of the silver ring snake is only about 50.

"Maybe, the silver ring snake's venom is too strong, so the system balances the silver ring snake's physical attack."

Su Bai guessed.

He was just a little surprised, but he was definitely not afraid.

Even if the bloodthirsty wolf goes berserk, he is not afraid, after all, his defense is over 400.


Su Bai walked out and whistled at the bloodthirsty wolves that were biting fiercely.




All of a sudden, the five bloodthirsty wolves noticed Su Bai.

They were stunned at first, then they crouched down and howled in a low voice.

The wolf's eyes were bloodshot, full of murderous intent.

In reality, being stared at by five ferocious and hungry wild wolves is not a good thing.

But now, Su Bai gradually became excited, and his adrenaline soared!

"Heh! Come on!"

Licking his lips, Su Bai's eyes were full of fighting spirit.




Being provoked, the five wild wolves howled in anger, and then ran towards Su Bai fiercely.

Su Bai didn't dodge, nor did he prepare to raise his sword to block.

He just waited for the bloodthirsty wolf to rush over.

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