Wangcheng Elfa, on the east side, a large Western-style building complex is located the headquarters of the Light God Sect.

In a hall similar to a command and operation center, there were many believers, and countless mirrors summoned by the [Holy Mirror of Light] appeared in the air.

"How is the situation in the gloomy forest over there in the Beles branch?"

"The Abyss Legion over there has been wiped out."

"It's worthy of Lord Freya, as soon as she passes, the Abyss Demon will not be afraid of anything."

"I heard that before Lord Freya arrived, the Abyss Legion was wiped out, as if a mysterious berserker appeared."

"Report! In the land of buried bones, those disgusting guys of the undead race, there is a change! "


After a burst of white light, Chen Yi and the others appeared in a magnificent hall, and around the hall, various strange statues were carved.

"Welcome to the headquarters of the Light God Sect!"

Freya said happily: "Violet, you take this berserker to [Manor] first, I will report to my mother, and then come!"

"You take this." She threw a church certificate to Weier, said goodbye to Chen Yi politely, and ran away.

Elf female captain Nilci also left in a hurry.

Bishop Weier came here, and by the way, he acted as a tour guide, taking Chen Yi and Arya to the [Manor] of the headquarters.

Along the way, many believers greeted Weier, and they looked at Chen Yi with some doubt and curiosity.


Freya ran through the headquarters and soon found her mother, Mavis.

A blonde beauty exudes a mature and plump charm, and her figure is simply impactful! The loose canon robes made her feel like she was one size smaller.

However, she also had the divine aura of the Church of Light lingering on her, and she was embodied in the face of an angel and the figure of a devil!

Mevis looked at her daughter who ran in and showed a gentle smile: "Freya, didn't you go to Beles Town to support?" Coming back so soon?

"Lord Mother, come with me to the manor, and I'll show you a berserker."

Seeing Freya pulling herself forward, Mevis frowned slightly: "Berserker?

"Freya, I'm going to be busy later, I heard that there is a change in the place where the bones are buried, and I have to take someone over to see it after the people are gathered."

Freya stopped: "Huh?

"Lord Mother, it will take some time for the personnel to be in place, you should go to the manor with me first."

"This time, I went to Beres and met a powerful berserker! He was obviously only level 33, and he actually single-handedly annihilated tens of thousands of abyss monsters led by the demon general Mager!

"Moreover, I can't gain insight into his strength with the [Divine Insight Technique]."

Mavis came with a hint of interest: "Oh? That demon general Mager is LV52 emperor level, this level 33 little berserker can do this kind of thing?

"You sixty-odd cardinals can't understand him? It seems that it should be which strong person used the camouflage technique.

"Did you bring him back to our headquarters?"

Freya nodded: "Yes, my lord mother, let's talk as we go." "


Weier took Chen Yi to the manor of the church headquarters, and in the back mountain forest north of the headquarters, there were many magical beasts and spirit beasts here.

Chen Yi immediately summoned

the Wind Chasing White Tiger, and as soon as the Wind Chasing White Tiger came out, he sniffed carefully, and his mouth drooled, and his eyes stared at the forest in front of him.

"Here, the divine and light power is indeed much richer than the branch."

Chen Yi sighed

, "Hopefully, the White Tiger bloodline can awaken!"

The entrance to the forest was guarded, and Bishop Violet took out the voucher given by Freya, and the guard saluted and let him go.

The three went directly into the forest, and Chen Yi let the white tiger move freely and followed it to find the food it wanted.


Nilcey on the other side also entered a room.

"Lord Troy, I want to report urgently!"

I saw that there was a quiet female elf sitting in the room, and through the moonlight coming in through the window, she was seriously and quietly checking the book in her hand.

The moonlight shone on her white cheeks, incomparably beautiful, like a fairy left in the world.

Troy was calm, continued to look at the book, and lightly opened his lips: "What happened?" "

The sound is crisp and pleasant, as if it is not something that can be heard by the world.

As if under her influence, Nilci also became calm

, "Sir, I went to Beles Town with Freya this time. There I met a level 33 berserker, however, he was actually wearing the necklace of the elf goddess, the [whisper of the elf goddess] that was stolen by the apostle Singh! Hearing

Nilcey's words, Troy raised his head and looked suspicious,

"Tell me in detail."

Nilcey then told her what she had seen and heard.

Troy's quiet and beautiful face became more and more vivid.

"Level 33 abuses a level 52 demon general?"

"Destroy and annihilate tens of thousands of monsters?"

"It stands to reason that the necklace of the goddess is in the apostle, and it is impossible for this level 33 berserker to get this lace from the apostle!"

"It seems that this berserker is either an extremely powerful powerhouse, or even stronger than me, disguising his strength;"

"Either this berserker colluded with the Abyss Apostle, and the Abyss cooperated with him to play a play."

In any case, he has the necklace of the goddess, and he must be seen.

The goddess lost this chain at the beginning, it was a pity, but it was a pity for a while.

If you can take this chain back and offer it to the goddess, the goddess will definitely be very happy!

Thinking of this, Troy opened his mouth and asked: "Nilcey, you said that this berserker came to the headquarters?" Where is he, show me.

"Okay, they should be in the back mountain manor, adults come with me."

Nilcey was also very happy, after all, Lord Troy was a more powerful existence than Freya.

Don't look at her youthful appearance, but she is already a strong person up to level 71!

Because of the special physique of the elves, their lifespan and growth time are much different from humans.

An almost 50-year-old elf is equal to an 18-year-old human.


Back mountain forest.

After chasing the wind and running for a while, it found a pure white animal.

A juvenile [White Jade Qilin]!

At this moment, it was lying on the ground, a deep scar on its abdomen was bleeding, and the land around it had been stained red.

Chen Yi could clearly see that there were many monsters hidden in the surrounding woods.

Arya immediately ran over to calm the white jade unicorn and check the injuries and treatment.

"Lord Violet, please come to the rescue of it."

Bishop Violet shook his head: "Arya, it's late, this little unicorn is too badly injured, and unless His Majesty the Pope comes in person, he can't return to heaven." The

wind-chasing white tiger looked at this little unicorn, his eyes shining, eager to go over and swallow it

, Chen Yi stroked the white tiger's head and soothed: "Don't worry, wait two minutes." "

It seems that the Wind Chasing White Tiger is very satisfied with this unicorn!

Satisfied, that means that there is a lot of hope for the bloodline to awaken!

Soon, the white jade unicorn lost consciousness.

The white tiger chasing the wind pounced....

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