
【Seven-colored glazitis】

Category: Void Spirits.

Rank: Normal (current, to be advanced!) )

Attribute 1: Intelligence +100.

Attribute 2: Intelligence +3 points/level.

Attribute 3: Growth Qualification +5.

Attribute 4: Flame resistance +1000.

Features: +1 Super Magic Effect.

Origin Characteristics: Infinite Evolution.

Fusion: [Morrowind].

Description: A glazed flame bred by the Void Meteorite at the intersection of the burial soul has unlimited growth possibilities.

(Note: When using the seven-colored glazed flame to attack, it does not consume blue energy, but its own energy.) )


In the [Mythology] world, the quality of spiritual objects and treasures is the same, with a total of six levels – ordinary, rare, inherited, Holy Spirit, eternal, and immortal!

Even if it is an ordinary treasure or spirit object of the lowest grade, the average player will not be able to get a single item in his lifetime.

As for the ultimate spiritual object like [Seven-Colored Glazed Yan], which can grow infinitely, there is no need to think about it.

After all, when the actual controller of [Seven-Colored Glazed Yan] in the previous life was at his peak, he was far from evolving this spiritual object to the extreme.

And with Qin Feng’s formal fusion success, several pieces of information suddenly appeared in his system panel.

“Congratulations! You get 21 intelligence bonuses! ”

“Congratulations! Your growth qualification changes! You get 35 free attribute completions! ”

Unlike some spiritual objects that were fixed when they got it, [Seven-Colored Glazed Flame] had infinite possibilities.

This kind of spiritual flame born in the special environment of the void can devour all other types of spiritual flames in the world, and by devouring them, it can strengthen and improve its own level, and gradually unlock more characteristics, bringing more attribute bonuses.

In fact, one of the reasons why the host of [Seven-Colored Glazed Flame] in the previous life grew so scary was the additional attribute bonus brought by this spirit object.

In the [mythology] world, the player’s attributes are the most basic data, but also the most important data.

The player’s skills, transformations, or other means are more of an additional increase in this attribute.

To put it more generally, it is to play the role of a rocker.

After reading the bonus attribute brought by [Seven-Colored Glazed Yan], Qin Feng didn’t know what to say except for his power.

Not only do you directly add 100 intelligence attributes, but you can also get an additional 3 intelligence bonuses for each level up.

As for the growth qualification, it is directly doubled!

In general, changes in growth qualifications will only occur as career progression and race change.

In addition, the 1,000 flame resistance provided allows Qin Feng to directly ignore general flame magic attacks.

And these are just the bonus effects brought by the ordinary rank [Seven-color Glazed Flame] after fusion!

Sure enough, a spirit object that can evolve into an immortal level is a bug-like existence!

After assigning free attribute points according to the usual method of 3 forces and 2 sensitization, Qin Feng glanced at his current attribute panel:


Role: [Morrowind].

Level: 8 (1000/12800).

HP: 1420/1420.

Mana: 1680/1680.

Attributes: Strength 112, Agility 104, Intelligence 144, Physique 27.

Physical attack: 277~280.

Physical Defense: 192.

Spell Defense: 13.

Growth qualification: 10.


For a long time, the strength attribute had always been the highest attribute among Qin Feng’s four-dimensional attributes, and now, with the fusion of [Seven-Colored Glazed Yan], the intelligence attribute had become the highest one of his four-dimensional attributes.

A thief with the highest intelligence ?

Thinking of this, Qin Feng didn’t know what to say…

After calming his mood, Qin Feng took out the skill book he had just obtained after submitting the task.


【Knife Fan】

Attributes: Unleash three throwing knife shadows in a row on enemies 180 degrees in front of you, each throwing knife shadow deals 90% of its own physical attack damage, and at the same time causes a continuous 3s10% slowdown effect on the hit enemy, and the deceleration effect can be stacked when the damage value hits the same enemy. (LV1-level attribute.) )

Skill release limit: 10 yards.

Skill skill cooldown: 20s.

Skill consumption: 30MP.

Learning conditions: Rogues of lv5 or above.


As a class known for its second-kill crispy skin, the vast majority of Rogue’s skills are actually aimed at individual creatures and must be released in close quarters.

Skills like [Dao Fan], which can attack from a long range and attack multiple units at the same time, are undoubtedly the ultimate divine skills for thieves at this stage.

For Qin Feng, this is even more so!

You know, the shadow of the throwing knife released by the [Knife Fan] can also trigger the critical attack effect.

And the template specialty of [Extreme Critical Attack] greatly increased Qin Feng’s chance of critical attack.

In the future, if Qin Feng is lucky when fighting, three throwing knives trigger a critical attack effect at the same time, and there are no other enemies nearby, triggering the 100% attack power bonus of the [King of Heads-ups], then the damage…

Gee, it is estimated that it exploded instantly!

Moreover, this is only the [Knife Fan] effect of LV1, and the [Knife Fan] of LV10 can release six flying knife shadows at the same time! That’s the real horror!

PS: Ask for flowers, ask for evaluation, ask for tips, I really need the support of all readers during the new book period!

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