With the appearance of the first banshee sentinel.

With a sharp and piercing sound, the second, third, and fourth banshee sentinels also surrounded them.

Seeing such a high attribute of the banshee sentinel, the expressions of Shui Qingling and the others couldn’t help but change.

An “ordinary” mob, the attack power is close to 200 points, at this stage, all the knights who add blood are afraid that they will not be able to resist much.

As for players of other professions, if they are afraid of being bumped a few times, they will have to gg directly.

And the monster’s blood volume is also extremely perverted.

The HP of 1w+, combined with the high defense of elite monsters, ordinary players may not be able to beat it after playing for half a day.

“Great God, we people are responsible for anti-injury, you will export.”

Shui Qingling said while greeting his players.

“No, just wait here.”

“If the priest has nothing to do, add a few buffs to me.”

Hearing Shui Qingling’s suggestion, Qin Feng shook his head, lifted the assassin’s dagger and walked straight forward.

【Knife Fan】!

As the dagger in Qin Feng’s hand was raised, the four throwing knife shadows flew out in four completely different directions, and then hit the four banshee sentinels with incomparable accuracy.

-1820! (Slow down!) )

-3658! (Slow down!) Critical hit! )

-1855! (Slow down!) )

-1826! (Slow down!) )


“Groove, what hurts?”

Seeing the numbers floating one by one, the players around were completely dumbfounded.

Some of these people had seen Qin Feng’s exaggerated attack power before, and although they found that the Morrowind God’s attack power was even more exaggerated than before, they could barely accept it.

The other players, who had never seen Morrowind’s former demeanor, couldn’t help but suspect that life was born at this moment.

This is a nightmare copy, the elite monsters in it are all ridiculously strong, but the opponent casually hit a skill that hits a total of nearly 10,000 damage!

What is the concept of this Nima?

Originally, some players who wanted to perform with copies were all closed at the moment.

Compared to the Great God, what is their trivial damage?

It’s nothing!


Glancing at the damage caused by the [Dao Fan], Qin Feng’s brows frowned slightly.

His current base critical strike rate is 55%, and it’s normal for two attacks to hit one critical hit.

But looking at the current situation, in the nightmare copy, the explosion-free rate of these monsters has also been greatly enhanced.

But…… So what?



-11086! (Critical hit!) )

One move killed a banshee sentinel who rushed to the front, and the other banshee sentinels were stunned for a moment, and then one by one they were furious, and their eyes were all locked on Qin Feng.

Blood-red pupils appeared in an instant.




In an instant, three successive fear techniques fell towards Qin Feng.

At the same moment, Qin Feng moved like a rabbit, and his figure moved three times at high speed in an instant.




Fear spells are designated spells, not mandatory spells.

With Qin Feng’s top-notch positioning skills and super awareness, it was easy to dodge.

However, this is a very common operation in his eyes, but he is dumbfounded by the people next to him.

“Little Four, can you do such an operation?”

Meng Yuran saw this scene, opened his mouth into an “O” shape, and then couldn’t help but say to the thieves on the side.

The other party is the strongest thief in their group.

In real life, the other party is a retired special forces.

“It’s simply impossible.”

Hearing Meng Yuran’s words, the player known as “Little Four” shook his head and said with a wry smile.

Although directional spells do not have the attribute of necessity, it is difficult to really dodge.

Because you have to anticipate and avoid it in advance the moment the opponent launches the skill.

So throughout the process, the player’s attention must be highly focused and the reaction speed must be fast enough.

If it was just a fear technique, he thought to himself that if he tried a few more times, he might be able to successfully avoid it.

If you have two fear techniques, it depends entirely on luck.

If you are lucky, maybe the blind cat will encounter a dead rat, and it will really allow him to avoid it.

As for the three consecutive fear techniques, they are absolutely not spared!

If he hadn’t seen Qin Feng’s operation with his own eyes today, Little Four wouldn’t have believed that someone could really do such an inhuman operation.

As a former top special soldier, although he has retired, “Little Four” has always been confident in his skills and reactions.

Before this, he once thought that he could not compare with a big god player like Morrowind, completely because his talent level was not high enough and the equipment on his body was not good enough.

That’s all.

However, at the moment, compared with the Morrowind God, he is completely one heaven and one earth, and the two are not on the same level at all.

At this moment, looking at Qin Feng’s such a clever operation, he even gave birth to the idea of “I am not worthy to play thief”.

PS: Continue to ask for flowers, evaluation, rewards, the new book needs the support of all readers!

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