The man-eating bugs scattered throughout the factory were not of high level, ranging between level 3 and 4. After all, the difficulty coefficient of the task [Revenge for the Murder of the Father] was only 20.

【[Man-eating worm] (ordinary physical monster):

Level: 4

Talent: Corrosive damage (the attack of the man-eating worm can penetrate the venom in its body into the enemy's body, causing a corrosive effect on the enemy, which will cause 5 points of health to be lost per second for 3 seconds)

Physical attack: 18

Physical defense: 9

Magical defense: 7

HP: 180

Description: Originally living underground, this worm mutated due to environmental pollution, feeds on humans. If you don't want to be eaten by it, it's best not to approach it... This level 4 monster is 2 levels higher than Zhang Yi, but Zhang Yi, who has a 25-level iron hammer in his hand, which can be regarded as a magic weapon in the early stage, doesn't need to take it seriously.

The mission requires killing a total of 100 man-eating worms, which is completely a physical job.

So, locking onto the nearest level 4 man-eating worm nearby, Zhang Yi approached with the big iron hammer.


As soon as Zhang Yi approached���The man-eating worm that was digging at a worker's body spotted Zhang Yi and quickly crawled over.

Zhang Yi continued to approach as if nothing had happened until the man-eating worm had already rushed over to him.

""Bang" a hammer hit his forehead——


For a new player, the 9-point defense of the man-eating worm is actually very high. If a player does not have a decent weapon, or at least reaches level 4 and fully adds points, it is tantamount to committing suicide to challenge the man-eating worm with only a novice sword.

But for Zhang Yi, this is an experience monster.

As a novice monster, the attack speed of the man-eating worm is very slow, so that before it launches a counterattack, Zhang Yi's second hammer has already landed, another 47 points of damage.

With a light move to avoid the attack of the man-eating worm, two more hammers went down, and the man-eating worm was easily solved.

12 experience points were obtained, plus 2 copper coins, and the progress of the [Revenge for the Murder of the Father] task reached 1/100.

Zhang Yi, who killed the man-eating worm without injury, did not need to recover, and swung the big iron hammer to lock the next target.

Bang, bang, bang!

The whole factory echoed with the crisp sound of hammers hitting the hard carapace of the man-eating worm, mixed with the shrill wails of the man-eating worm.

After killing several man-eating worms in succession, just when Zhang Yi killed the eighth man-eating worm with a hammer, there was a sudden"boom" of restlessness in the sky above his head.

Zhang Yi, who was originally calmly killing monsters, was also startled. He looked up and was shocked to see a huge purple space-time crack in the air above the factory, as if tearing the sky apart.

With a deafening roar of"roar", in an instant, a huge fire dragon with flames burning on its body leaped out of the crack, opened its bloody mouth, and sprayed a hot dragon flame towards the ground!

Wow - with Zhang Yi, who couldn't help but block his eyes with his hands, as the center, the dragon flame instantly covered Zhang Yi's body with a radius of 100 meters, swallowing up the man-eating worms in a large area around Zhang Yi.

With a burst of"crackling" sounds, a white true wound jumped on the heads of a large group of man-eating worms around him.——


Immediately afterwards, a -40 continuous burning true injury would appear above the head of the injured man-eating worm every second, and the health bar would drain at an extremely fast speed. In a few seconds, dozens of man-eating worms within a radius of 100 meters around Zhang Yi had all been burned to death!

The floating dragon and the crack disappeared, and Zhang Yi stared at the countless charred bodies of the man-eating worms around him in amazement, listening to the battle prompts ringing in his ears.——

"Ding~ You killed a level 3 [Man-eating Bug], experience value 6!"

"Ding~ You killed a level 4 [Man-eating Bug], experience value 12!"



A beam of golden light sprinkled down, and Zhang Yi's chance of winning was raised from 80% at level 2 to 57% at level 3!

It was not until he opened the battle record that Zhang Yi realized that it was his normal attack that triggered the dragon-exclusive skill granted by [Dragon Bloodline], [Hell Dragon Flame]!

The golden Lv1 Hell Dragon Flame, which has a one in a thousand chance of being triggered, can cause 150% of the attack power in true damage to all hostile targets within a radius of 100 meters around Zhang Yi, and bring 30% of the attack power in burning damage that cannot be cleared for 5 seconds.

With Zhang Yi's 26 points of attack power, combined with the 30 points of damage bonus from [Serious Injury], a beam of Hell Dragon Flame actually came down and instantly killed all the level 3-4 man-eating bugs around him!

After being stunned for a long time, Zhang Yi finally uttered a sentence:"Dragon bloodline is awesome!"……"

You know, this is only the effect of level 1. When the Hell Dragon Flame is upgraded to level 10 in the later stage, it will be like killing everything in one second! In the eyes of other new players, it is already a luxury to kill a level 3 monster by leaps and bounds, but Zhang Yi has already killed level 4 man-eating worms in this group...

Opening the task interface, the task progress directly increased from 8/100 to 55/100. The dragon flame just now killed 47 man-eating worms in one second! Looking at the spoils scattered around, Zhang Yi's eyes suddenly lit up.

It took 3 minutes to pick up all the things that the 47 man-eating worms exploded, a total of 70 copper coins, 5 level 1 reinforcement stones, and a [One-star treasure chest】

【The equipment drop rate of the [Apocalypse] monster was complained by countless players in the previous life, so it was within Zhang Yi's expectations that no equipment dropped out of more than 40 monsters. The drop rate of reinforcement stones is 10%. On the contrary, the [one-star treasure chest] was an unexpected gain.

Because as we all know, treasure chests are treasures that are more difficult to obtain than equipment. It's simply a burst of luck...

If you open equipment, a one-star treasure chest can guarantee a one-star equipment, and there is a small probability of opening a two-star equipment.

To open a one-star treasure chest, you don't need a key.

Maybe the explosion of this treasure chest just now used up Zhang Yi's luck. After opening the treasure chest, Zhang Yi got 10 level 1 reinforcement stones, plus a one-star armor.——

【[Man-eating worm combat boots]:

Quality: 1 star

Physical defense: 8

Magical defense: 6

Occupational restrictions: None

Level requirement: 4

Description: The leather boots are made by combining the hard carapace of the man-eating worm with the soft belly. They are tough on the outside and soft on the inside. They can protect your feet from harm while making your feet extremely comfortable...

Although they are of 1 star quality, the attributes of this pair of level 4 boots are far better than the level 1 novice boots with an additional 2 points of defense that Zhang Yi is currently equipped with.

This is just the basic attribute. The higher the basic attribute, the higher the gain brought by the enhancement.

So, Zhang Yi took out the accumulated 25 level 1 enhancement stones from his bag without hesitation and smashed them all on this pair of new shoes in one breath.




"Ding~ Strengthening is successful. Congratulations! Your equipment [Man-eating Bug Boots] has been strengthened to level 25, and the exclusive talent [Infinite Dodge] has been unlocked.】!"

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