Seeing this news, King of Glory was stunned, and the wonton he had just put in his mouth slipped out.

Looking at King of Glory, King of Glory said:"You hit me!"

King of Glory was confused:"Captain, what did you say?"

"I told you to hit……"""Pah!" Before King of Glory had finished speaking, the Supreme King slapped King of Glory in the face, causing him to fall 360 degrees along with his chair. It seemed that he had wanted to give him this slap for a long time.

Just when the Supreme King felt both refreshed and scared, he didn't expect that King of Glory didn't even get angry after being slapped so hard by him. He fell to the ground and looked at the friend request message with an incredible look on his face:"Haha shit! The great god added me as a friend! This is not a dream!"

With that, King of Glory immediately agreed to the other party's friend request.

Ding Dong~

Zhang Yi sent a message over there:"Are you there?"

"Here, here, here!" Wang Zong excitedly got up from the ground and quickly replied to Zhang Yi's message:"Brother Cheng, what do you want to talk to me about?"

"It’s okay. I’m sending you equipment. I wonder if you are interested." Zhang Yi sent an illustration:"[Undead Set] (Level 30, 2 stars, profession to be determined)!"

King of Glory swallowed deeply, somewhat unable to believe his eyes.

The great god took the initiative to add him as a friend and also sent him a set of priceless Undead Set equipment?

Just as King of Glory was thinking about this, Zhang Yi sent another message:"As long as you do me a favor, this set of equipment will be yours."

Seeing this 2-star Undead Set for which a profession had not yet been selected, King of Glory’s eyes lit up:"Even if you don’t have this set of equipment, just tell me if you need any help. I’ll go through fire and water for you!"

The Supreme King and the Returned King on the side looked at King of Glory, who used to regard Yinuo Qingcheng as an enemy but now begged for help, and they all looked disgusted and whispered:"The dog licker will not die well."……"

"Yes, the dog licker will not die well.……"

The attitude of King of Glory towards Zhang Yi has changed 180 degrees.

Zhang Yi then sent a message:"Pick 14 people from your team, they must be the 14 strongest people in your team, to help me clear a map."

The great god actually asked others to help clear a map!

King of Glory was surprised and a little confused:"Why do you need 14 people so precisely? Wouldn't it be better to have more people?"……"

"According to my instructions, I will wait for you at the north gate of the safe zone at 7 o'clock tonight. I will give you the equipment after you help me clear the map."

Although I don't know what the great god intends to do by doing this, King of Glory understands one thing: this is a good opportunity to get closer to the great god Yinuo Qingcheng!

As long as I help him clear the map this time, his favorability towards me will definitely increase, and I can also get a set of 2-star undead suits!

It's so wonderful!

So, according to Yinuo Qingcheng's instructions, King of Glory didn't even have breakfast, and immediately ordered King Return and King Supreme who were still eating dumplings over there:"You two, go and gather the 50 highest-level brothers in the team. I need to screen them carefully. This operation must not be messed up!"

On the other side, after sending a message to King of Glory, Zhang Yi returned to the hotel with breakfast. After having breakfast with Han Yarou, they prepared to start today's action.

Zhang Yi, whose level has reached the upper limit of 30, has almost no desires, so he thought about completing several survival tasks this week before going to the main city.

So, Zhang Yi said to Han Yarou:"I will help you find a leveling team later. You go out to level up, and I will do the survival tasks and then find you."

Han Yarou hurriedly shook her head:"No, I want to go with you, I can help you with the survival tasks!"

It was as if Zhang Yi said this to say goodbye to herself. Han Yarou didn't like this feeling very much.

Zhang Yi was also a little helpless:"Okay then."

As he said, Zhang Yi opened the regional chat channel, edited a message, and sent it out.——

【Yinuo Qingcheng] (male, level 30 beastmaster):"Free help to kill level 30 elite monsters. If you need it, please contact me privately. All the spoils will be yours. I only need the last blow."

【A promise to the city】:"Free help to kill level 30 elite monsters. If you need it, please contact me privately. All the spoils belong to you. I just need the last blow."

【A promise to the city】:"……"

After Zhang Yi sent out three messages in a row, a player soon applied to add him as a friend.

Zhang Yi immediately agreed to the friend request.

【Ignorant Skinny Man] (Male, Level 26 Magician):"Master, I just had an elite monster spawn while doing a quest here. It's level 30. The five of us can't defeat it. Can you help us defeat it? I can pay you, but I want the spoils.……"

"You don’t have to pay, and I’ll give you all the spoils. I just need the final blow and send you the location."

So, just waiting for the"ignorant thin man" to send the location, Zhang Yi and Han Yarou immediately used the [Teleportation Scroll] they had just bought in the store and instantly teleported to the location.

Unlike the [Teleportation Scroll] in the Energy City, the Teleportation Scroll bought in the store is based on the location, and the teleportation distance is limited. The current store price is 3 gold coins per scroll.


White light appeared, and when Zhang Yi and Han Yarou refreshed in a factory, they saw that there were indeed four players teaming up to fight against a level 30 elite [Alienated Werewolf]!


The white light was accompanied by a scream, and only three people were left.

Just then, the alienated werewolf still had half of its blood, and the three players surrounding it were all residual blood, including the ignorant thin man, the level 26 magician who had just sent a message to Zhang Yi. The elite alienated werewolf, the data is average for Zhang Yi, but for ordinary players at this stage, it is very powerful, otherwise they would not have five���People surrounded the alienated werewolf, and two of them have been killed so far.

Because in addition to high stats, the alienated werewolf also has a high-quality talent: the more you fight, the braver you become (each attack of the alienated werewolf increases its own attack power by 50 points, which lasts for 5 seconds and can be stacked up to 5 times)! The remaining three people are obviously in a state of entanglement, unable to fight or retreat.

The level 30 elite alienated werewolf is exactly the target of the [Elite Hunting] mission.

So, Zhang Yi approached with the Undead Wand in hand.



Lightning chain!

Boom boom boom!

Stepping into the effective attack range, relying on the 55% attack speed bonus brought by the Undead Suit, three consecutive skills hit the alienated werewolf, instantly causing three damage on its head.——


-2390 Critical Hit


The cumulative damage of 5000 instantly reduced the mutant werewolf, which was already half dead, to a trace of life.

The mutant werewolf, who was attacked fiercely, instantly attracted hatred and knocked over the ignorant thin man and others, rushing towards Zhang Yi.

Zhang Yi then launched a few general attacks and easily killed the mutant werewolf before it approached.

"Ding~ You killed the elite [Alienated Werewolf】,【Elite Hunting] Mission progress 1!"

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