As this server-wide announcement was made, all the players in the 34 regions of the Apocalypse Star Region were shocked, especially the players in the 8th region. Countless cross-region messages with a price of 5 gold coins per message flooded the cross-region chat channel of the 8th region as if they were free.——

【Unbeaten Mythology] (Player from Zone 1025):"Damn! Who is so awesome that he got an epic-level Warcraft after only one week of the server opening???"

【[Road to Apocalypse] (Player from Zone 488):"Oh my god! Didn't the Apocalypse official release a statement saying that the difficulty of obtaining high-quality Warcraft in this game is comparable to that of artifacts and divine equipment? Isn't this a false statement?"

【[Light Wind and Flying Snow] (Player from Area 516):"There is not a single high-quality monster in our area, and all the beastmasters have ordinary-quality monsters. Can the great player who got an epic-level monster come out and tell us how you got it?"

【Liuliu] (Player from Zone 12):"Yes, good things should be shared. Since your safe zone can get this monster, maybe other zones can get it too!"

【Gray Fertilizer] (Area 3 Player):"Brothers who got the epic Warcraft, do you want to sell it? Price is not an issue.……"


In fact, they thought too much.

Only the first player in each community to clear the Dragon Emperor's Tomb has a certain probability of getting a high-quality Warcraft contract. Moreover, opening the contract does not necessarily trigger the goddess' favor. Even if it is triggered, there may not be so many gold coins to give to the goddess of luck. Even if there is so much money, it is not necessarily so lucky that the quality of the opened Warcraft can be upgraded by two levels.

All these factors will lead to the fact that the Warcraft Zhang Yi got is the only one in the whole server!

Han Yarou, who suddenly heard this announcement, was also stunned.

And her next performance was even more delighted than Zhang Yi:"Wow, Zhang Yi, you opened an epic Warcraft!"

Zhang Yi felt like he was dreaming.

I remember that in the last life, until almost a year after the opening of Tianqi, the Warcraft used by most beastmasters in the world were of high-quality to rare quality, and there were only a handful of epic Warcraft in the world.

And now, Tianqi has just been opened for a week!

Zhang Yi suddenly felt that the 1,000 gold coins he just spent were worth 10 million gold coins!

After a long time, Zhang Yi suddenly hugged Han Yarou and said,"Thank you for bringing me luck."

"Thank...thank me for what?" Han Yarou was suddenly hugged, and she hadn't reacted yet. She just felt that this long-lost feeling of being hugged by Zhang Yi was super good, so she couldn't help but reach out and hug Zhang Yi, feeling happy for Zhang Yi:"This is your own luck."

"No, this must be your luck, otherwise why did he only open a high-quality one before?"

Han Yarou didn't understand what Zhang Yi was saying, let go of Zhang Yi, and smiled at him:"Then, how are you going to thank me?"

Zhang Yi thought for a while and said:"Just make a request, as long as it's not too excessive, I will help you do it"

""Okay!" Han Yarou said with a smile:"Then I'll keep it for now and ask you for it later!"

"No problem."

After that, Zhang Yi opened the World of Warcraft backpack and chose to go out to fight [Dragon Blood Knight].


White light fell, and a warrior wearing fire armor and a fully enclosed dragon-shaped helmet, looking majestic, like an ancient general, appeared in front of Zhang Yi, with a blue ID on his head that was exactly the same as the NPC -

Level 1 Dragon Blood Knight (Yinuo Qingcheng)!

The appearance is very similar to the [Dragon Emperor Guardian·Dragon Blood Swordsman] who was stationed in the Dragon Emperor's Tomb before.

This is the appearance of World of Warcraft. If the player does not like it, he can also change the image of World of Warcraft through later equipment.

Click on the status bar of the Dragon Blood Knight and take a look——

【[Dragon Blood Knight] (World of Warcraft):

Contractor: Yinuo Qingcheng

Quality: Epic

Level: 1

Qualification: 85 (affects the output rate of World of Warcraft, that is, 85 qualifications can produce 85% of the output)

Star rating: 1 star (affects attribute growth)

Occupation: Knight

Loyalty: 100/100 (Each death will lead to a decrease in loyalty. When the loyalty is too low, it may cause your World of Warcraft to rebel)

Talent: Dragon Blood Body (Ordinary talent, when the Dragon Blood Knight attacks or is attacked, the enemy will receive an additional 5% of the maximum health of the damage/rebound. Upgradable, experience value 0/100)

Strength growth: 7 stars

Endurance growth: 14 stars

Agility growth: 5 stars

Physical growth: 20 stars

Skills: None

Equipment: Dragon Blood Set (Fashion, without any attributes)

Description: An epic World of Warcraft, extremely powerful, and its owner must also be a strong man...

The quality of World of Warcraft cannot be improved later. This attribute affects the initial attribute growth of the World of Warcraft, the extent of attribute growth obtained when upgrading the star, the upper limit of the talent and skill level, and various aspects of data. It is crucial.

It can be seen that the epic Dragon Blood Knight, with a comprehensive growth of 1 star, has surpassed that of a first-level Knight professional player!

In addition, Warcraft has a very strong feature, that is, their talents can be upgraded. They are initially ordinary-level, and can be upgraded to a level not exceeding the Warcraft quality level.

In other words, the talent level of the Dragon Blood Knight can be upgraded to the epic level after birth!

Talents can be upgraded by devouring Warcraft contracts. An ordinary-level Warcraft contract can bring 1 talent experience point.

It has to be said that the talent of the Dragon Blood Knight is quite powerful!

Thinking of a [Low-level Warcraft Qualification Pill] that he had previously turned with the big turntable, Zhang Yi immediately took out the qualification pill from his bag and used it on the Dragon Blood Knight.

"Ding~ You used [Low Level Magical Beast Qualification Pill] on [Dragon Blood Knight]】,【Dragonblood Knight】Qualification 1!"

Just then,"Ding Dong Ding Dong", King of Glory and Storm Angel sent private messages almost at the same time.

King of Glory:"Brother Cheng, is it you who just opened an epic monster?"

Storm Angel:"Brother Qingcheng, you...that contract book opened an epic one???"

If they knew that Zhang Yi opened an epic monster with the only contract book of the monster he was assigned, I guess these two guys would be upset for days and nights and couldn't sleep.

So, in order to balance their psychology and avoid unnecessary trouble before leaving the Novice Village and heading to the main city, Zhang Yi replied to them in unison:"You think too much, how could it be me."

That's what they said, believe it or not, it's up to them.

After closing the dialog box and putting the monster back into the backpack, Zhang Yi suddenly looked at Han Yarou and said,"You leaked the news to the Ao Shi family, right?"

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