The Warcraft contract book is much harder to drop than the skill book, so few people sell it. Zhang Yi almost bought out all the contract books in the auction house, and just collected more than 500 books.

All of them are ordinary quality, and there is no one above high quality. He spent 1,300 gold coins.

This amount of gold coins may not be saved by ordinary players in two months at this stage, but Zhang Yi did not hesitate to spend them on the Dragon Blood Knight.

"Ding~ Congratulations on upgrading the quality of your World of Warcraft [Dragonblood Knight] talent to [Rare].

The next level [Epic] requires 1500 experience points!

"The rare quality Dragonblood Body can make the Dragonblood Knight's attack add an additional 10% of its own maximum health damage, and when attacked, it will cause 10% of its own maximum health counterattack damage to the attacker.

In addition to the word"awesome", Zhang Yi couldn't think of anything else to describe this talent skill of the Dragonblood Knight.

The highest level can be upgraded to epic, but Zhang Yi really can't afford it. 1500 experience points require 1500 ordinary World of Warcraft contracts to accumulate, which requires about 4000 gold coins!

Excluding the gold coins he just used, Zhang Yi now only had a total of more than 2,900 gold coins on him, not to mention that there were no contracts for sale in the auction house in District 886.

After finishing these things, Zhang Yi went to a restaurant in the town for a midnight snack.

It was just after eleven o'clock in the evening, and there were still some male and female players who couldn't sleep at night and ran out to eat midnight snacks. Inadvertently, their conversation reached Zhang Yi's ears. A table where five young male and female players were sitting around.

A young assassin with yellow hair:"Have you heard? The Ao Shi family in District 885 was wiped out tonight, and everyone was killed to level 1! A friend of mine in District 885 sent me a private message, wow, wow, so miserable~"

A girl wearing revealing archer equipment:"The Ao Shi family is so powerful, who has that kind of strength to wipe them out? Could it be that it was the great god Yinuo Qingcheng in our district?"

A young warrior who was peeling lobsters:"Who cares who did it, anyway, I just want to say it was a great job!"The bastards of the Ao Shi family, let them seize our neutral map and kill our people in District 886, they deserve it!"

Zhang Yi said nothing, eating beef noodles alone with his head down.

He did not expect that before leaving the Novice Village and entering the main city, the players of the Ao Shi family would actually send him such a big gift! The resources contributed by the Ao Shi family compensated Zhang Yi's losses in the Dragon Emperor's Tomb, and were enough for Zhang Yi to gain a foothold in the main city in the early stage.

No matter how arrogant and domineering the Ao Shi family is in the Energy City, it will be fine as long as it does not threaten Zhang Yi's personal interests.

But yesterday in the Dragon Emperor's Tomb, not only did they almost rob the BOSS, but they also killed Zhang Yi once, causing Zhang Yi to miss the rich rewards for clearing the hidden dungeon.

This account cannot be ignored.

Of course, this is also thanks to Han Yarou's help.

After eating supper, Zhang Yi returned to his usual residence with Han Yarou, and The hotel had already activated the automatic billing mode a few days ago. As long as Zhang Yi and Han Yarou entered the hotel, the system would charge them in real time according to normal standards. Zhang Yi thought that Han Yarou should be asleep at this moment and did not want to disturb her. However, he saw that Han Yarou's door was half-open, so he pushed the door open carefully.

Han Yarou was lying on her side on the bed. The dialog box in front of her showed a chat interface with someone named"Er Gouzi". Han Yarou had fallen asleep. The quilt had been kicked aside at some point. She was curled up with bare feet.

Er Gouzi was the nickname Han Yarou gave Zhang Yi when they were together before.

Zhang Yi quietly walked to the bed, gently covered Han Yarou with the quilt, and then returned to his room.

"Good night."

Zhang Yi took the initiative to send a message to Han Yarou for the first time.

The next morning, when Zhang Yi woke up, he saw the message from Han Yarou at first glance.

"Good morning, dog (love)"

"Did you come to my room last night? Did you cover me with a blanket? (A little tangled) (A little tangled)"

"Gouzi, I dreamed of you again last night……"

"You came back so late last night, sleep a little longer, send me a message when you wake up, I will go buy you breakfast (cute)"

Zhang Yi got up and washed up, and went directly to Han Yarou's room, and found that the room was empty. Just at this time, Han Yarou came back from outside with breakfast.

"I just heard some noise in your room, and I knew you were awake, so I went downstairs to buy breakfast!" Han Yarou said as she walked into the room and put breakfast on the table.

So the two of them sat on the bed and started to eat breakfast.

Han Yarou swung her calves, and she seemed to be in a good mood. Was it just because Zhang Yi took the initiative to send her a good night message last night?

While eating breakfast, Zhang Yi suddenly said,"Thank you for last night."

"Why are you thanking me?" Han Yarou ate the steamed buns, looked at Zhang Yi beside her, and said,"You don't really think that I will help Ao Shi Qun Xiong to deal with you, do you?"

"Yeah." Zhang Yi said:"Before last night, I did have this worry."

Han Yarou curled her lips:"Then why did you go to the City of Revenge?"

"Because no matter whether you will really betray me or not, I am sure I can deal with the Ao Shi family."Zhang Yi said confidently

""Tsk!" Han Yarou said:"If I had really told the truth to Ao Shi Qun Xiong, they might not have come here last night!"

"Well, you have made the greatest contribution."

Han Yarou giggled:"Of course!"

After a pause, Han Yarou asked:"Did you find the answer you wanted?"

"Found it."

Zhang Yi said while eating breakfast.

After a pause, he said,"That's your cousin."

"But he's going too far, targeting our entire District 886, and even wants to kill you." Han Yarou looked at Zhang Yi and said,"And you just beat them back to level 1, you didn't really kill them, right?"

It turns out that all of this was planned by Zhang Yi and Han Yarou!

From the night when Ao Shi Qun Xiong asked Han Yarou to ask her for a favor, Han Yarou, who refused Ao Shi Qun Xiong, had already told Zhang Yi about this.

So, in order to retaliate against the Ao Shi family, Zhang Yi and Han Yarou staged a drama. They deliberately quarreled in the street yesterday morning, then left Han Yarou behind, and deliberately asked King of Glory and Storm Angel to accompany him to the Avengers Cemetery to level up.

Zhang Yi's purpose was to make King of Glory and Storm Angel believe that he and Han Yarou had quarreled and broken up. No doubt.

Then, let Han Yarou take the opportunity of"breaking up" with Zhang Yi to contact Ao Shi Qun Xiong, deliberately telling Ao Shi Qun Xiong that she can help deal with Zhang Yi, and then, Ao Shi Qun Xiong really brought people to the City of Revenge to find Zhang Yi.

Ao Shi Qun Xiong naturally did not dare to completely believe Han Yarou.

As an insider, before coming to the City of Revenge, which belongs to the territory of District 886, Ao Shi Qun Xiong will definitely contact the insider here to find out from the insider whether Han Yarou and Zhang Yi really broke up.

And Zhang Yi had already concluded that the insider was either King of Glory or Storm Angel!

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