Because he had expected it, Zhang Yi was fully prepared before he dared to rush in. However, he never expected that there were actually two elite monsters in the house!

Relying on the two novice magic equipments of hammer and boots with 25 reinforcement, Zhang Yi knew that it would be no problem to fight an elite monster alone, but if he dealt with two at the same time, he would have no way out! However

, Zhang Yi calmed down and found that only the first of the two spiders was an elite, and the one lying on him was just a level 5 ordinary monster! The level 5 biochemical spider has 25 attack points, and it can't even break Zhang Yi's 33 points of defense, so the bite that flew over only bit off Zhang Yi's 1 point of blood! It was a false alarm, huh...

So, Zhang Yi turned around and swung the hammer"bang" to throw the big spider off his body, exploding a 63-point damage on its head, directly knocking off a quarter of its blood.

Taking this opportunity, Zhang Yi got up from the ground and cast a detection spell on the big red spider on the sofa, which was obviously larger than the ordinary biochemical spider. However, the result of the detection made Zhang Yi confused.——

【[Biochemical Spider Leader] (Physical Elite Monster):

Level: ???

Talent: ???

Attack: ???

Defense: ???

Magic Defense: ???

HP: ???

Skills: Venom Spray, Pounce

Description: A large spider that has mutated due to environmental pollution. Because it eats fatter food than other spiders, this spider has mutated and upgraded to a leader...

My goodness, even Zhang Yi can't see the data of this spider leader, which means its level is at least level 8!

Because the player's [Primary Detection Technique] can only see the data of monsters that are 3 levels higher than its own level, and Zhang Yi's current level is 4.

In the [Apocalypse] world, the quality of monsters is divided into four categories: ordinary, elite, lord, and BOSS.

So, Zhang Yi, holding a 25-pound hammer, started this 1v2 battle.


Another hammer went down, hitting the ordinary level 5 biochemical spider, causing 63 points of damage, knocking its health down to half.

At the same time, the spider leader's huge body leaped over the head of the ordinary spider blocking Zhang Yi and flew towards Zhang Yi.


Zhang Yi was caught off guard and his shoulder was rubbed by the spider leader. A 35-point damage suddenly jumped above his head! The

25-point man-eating worm boots could not withstand the damage of the spider leader.

The spider leader then launched a venom spray skill attack. Because Zhang Yi was entangled by the ordinary biochemical spider and could not get away, he was hit by the venom, but a big"miss" jumped above his head! The

[Infinite Dodge] talent of [Man-eating worm boots] was triggered.

Zhang Yi, who was swinging the big hammer and was about to take the initiative to deal with the ordinary spider, seemed to have suddenly thought of something and shifted his attack target to the spider leader.


With one hammer, the spider leader was hit with 45 points of damage!

The health bar of the spider leader only dropped by about one twentieth. It can be inferred that the total health of this spider leader is nearly one thousand!

However, Zhang Yi was not panicked at all, because he already had a new tactic.

Using the ordinary biochemical spider as a shield, Zhang Yi kept dealing with the spider leader. The spider leader could not touch Zhang Yi in melee attack, but Zhang Yi could attack the spider leader with the length of the hammer. The ordinary spider only caused 1 point of damage to Zhang Yi, so Zhang Yi ignored it and let it bite him. Zhang Yi's target was always locked on the spider leader.

Fortunately, Zhang Yi's attack was powerful enough. One hammer was one twentieth of the blood. In a few minutes, after accumulating twenty hammers, the elite biochemical spider leader was hammered to death.

Zhang Yi, who used the ordinary spider as a shield and was rarely hurt by the spider leader, kept his health bar above half after the battle.

After killing the spider leader, Zhang Yi did not hesitate to use two hammers to kill his"teammate", the ordinary biochemical spider that helped him a lot.

A pleasant prompt sound came down.——

"Ding~ You killed a level 8 [Biochemical Spider Leader], experience value 600! Human race reputation 6!"

"Ding~ You killed a level 5 [Biochemical Spider], experience value 20!"

Killing monsters above elite level can gain reputation.

The experience of an 8th level elite monster is comparable to the reward of a 20-difficulty task. Therefore, after killing the spider leader, Zhang Yi's experience bar also soared.

Crouching down, next to the spider leader's body, he picked up 80 copper coins, 12 level 1 reinforcement stones, and a golden... two-star treasure chest!

Wow, my luck has exploded. If the items in the two-star treasure chest are equipment, they are all guaranteed to be two stars, and the reinforcement stones are also guaranteed to be level 2. The total value is much higher than that of the one-star treasure chest.

However, there is a setting in Apocalypse that to open a two-star or higher treasure chest, you need a corresponding key, and the key can be found in the mall Zhang Yi, who did not have a two-star key at the moment, had to put the two-star treasure chest into his bag temporarily.

The biochemical spider leader is the key to the hidden mission [Guardian].

Killing the spider leader is basically equivalent to completing this mission.

The spider leader, who was almost invincible in front of countless novice players in the previous life, was killed by Zhang Yi effortlessly.

Of course, it was thanks to the 25 artifact hammer and boots.

Without these two pieces of equipment, he could not deal damage to the spider leader, and could not withstand the consumption of ordinary spiders.

This battle would be very suspenseful.

After solving the spider leader, Zhang Yi opened the door and walked out, and said to Yil who was standing outside the door:"You go in and get the things, I'll wait for you"

"Oh... OK!" Yi Er stared at the two large spider corpses in the room in amazement, and walked in with a trace of fear.

Zhang Yi took this opportunity to open his backpack and found that with the 12 stones that the spider leader had just exploded, plus the 10 stones rewarded by the previous mission, and a few more stones that exploded during the period of monster spawning, there were exactly 25 level 1 reinforcement stones in the bag!

In addition to the weapons and shoes that had been enhanced to level 25, Zhang Yi's best equipment now was the level 4 [Lucky Ring].

Relying on the [God-level Enhancement] in hand, Zhang Yi did not hesitate to smash all 25 reinforcement stones on the [Lucky Ring].——

"Ding~ Enhancement successful. Congratulations! Your equipment [Lucky Ring] has reached enhancement level 25, unlocking the exclusive talent [Lucky Hit]】!"

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