Zhang Yi, who had survived in the Apocalypse World for eight years in his previous life, followed various great players in the later period and gradually mixed into the first-level main city ranked eighth in the Star Country Heavenly Ranking: the City of Dawn from an unknown third-level small city.

Therefore, Zhang Yi also remembered the distribution of the main cities of the players in the Apocalypse World more clearly.

The main cities are divided into first-level, second-level and third-level main cities from high to low. Players at level 30 can only enter the third-level main city. They are divided according to regions and camps.

In each region, the three major camps of the human race, the demon race and the alien race each have 52 third-level main cities, and each third-level main city can accommodate up to 1 million players on average.

Players of a certain camp enter the main city of that camp. Of course, they can also cross camps to enter the main city of another camp, but this requires a certain price.

When a player reaches level 30, he can choose a third-level main city for free. Once the main city is determined, the player's base will be the main city before reaching level 100 and entering the second-level main city. Regardless of whether the player dies in the wild or returns to the city, he will return to the main city.

Zhang Yi thought about it and said to Han Yarou,"Let's go to Jibing City."

Because in his previous life, the first third-level main city Zhang Yi entered was Jibing City, and he had a better understanding of some of the situations and opportunities in Jibing City, so going to Jibing City would be a great advantage for Zhang Yi.

In addition, there is someone in Jibing City that Zhang Yi particularly wants to see...

Han Yarou naturally had no objection, but just smiled and said,"Okay, wherever you go, I'll go!"

"Eat quickly and have a rest after eating. We will leave at 6 o'clock tomorrow morning, so hurry up and go there."

""Okay." After the meal, the two entered the hotel again.

After a night of rest, they got up at six o'clock the next morning to have breakfast, and restored their fatigue and hunger to 100%. Zhang Yi and Han Yarou went to the pharmacy for some supplies, and then Zhang Yi used the strengthening stones in the warehouse to strengthen Han Yarou's 2-star undead suit to level 25. After Han Yarou strengthened her equipment, they prepared to go to the town's teleportation array to go to the third-level main city.

At this time, King of Glory heard the news from somewhere that Zhang Yi was leaving, and suddenly rushed to Zhang Yi halfway, crying and saying,"Brother Cheng, are you leaving?"

"What's wrong?" Zhang Yi frowned.

King of Glory was heartbroken:"I can't bear to leave you, Brother Cheng!"

Zhang Yi looked disgusted:"Get out, get out, get out quickly……"

"Brother Cheng, which main city are you going to? We will come to you when we reach level 30. We are the kings of the world and will always be your strongest supporter!"

"Let’s talk about it later, we can contact each other by message." Zhang Yi said.

King of Glory nodded:"Okay!"

"Brother Cheng, remember to come back and see me when you have time!"

"Rest in peace, Brother Cheng!"

Zhang Yi:"……"

Soon, players from the Storm Family also came to see him off, and even many individual players from other areas came to see off the top player in Area 886. This scene moved Zhang Yi a little.

In this life, Zhang Yi felt that he had reached the peak...

So, with countless players seeing him off, Zhang Yi and Han Yarou stepped into the teleportation array together.

"Ding~ Please select the destination you are going to teleport to!"

As the system's prompt sounded, Zhang Yi and Han Yarou, who were in a blank area, found [Ji Bing City] among the 52 third-level main cities that appeared in front of them at the same time as agreed, and chose to confirm.

"Ding~ The destination you selected is [Apocalypse·Star Country·Eighth District·Human Race Ice City]. The system is teleporting you. The first teleport is free. Before you officially enter the main city, you have the right to change the main city. Please wait, the main city data is loading.……"

During the waiting stage, an introduction about [Ice City] appeared in front of Zhang Yi.

Ice City, one of the thousands of third-level main cities of the human race in the Apocalypse World, is located on the ice surface and has strong defensive capabilities. The ice water around the city can effectively isolate the invasion of monsters and alien species. It is one of the strongest shelters for humans!

Turning his sight, Zhang Yi and Han Yarou were teleported by the system at the same time and appeared in a forest!

At the same time, white light continued to fall around the forest. Many level 30 players were teleported to this forest one after another.

These are players from all over the world who chose [Ice City] as their base.

The safe zone and the main city are already two different concepts. As the tyrant of the 886th district, Zhang Yi may be an ordinary player above the average after arriving in the main city.

Because this is the place where heroes gather.

Therefore, in order to avoid unnecessary trouble after entering the main city, Zhang Yi turned off the gloss display of his equipment.

Walking out of the grove, you can see a city shrouded in thick white fog in front of you!

This is the challenge that players must pass to enter the third-level main city, the City of Misty!

Not only the Ice City, but all the third-level main cities in the Apocalypse World have set up such a challenge around them. No matter where you are, it is unavoidable.

The teleportation arrays of the major main cities were opened as early as the morning of the day before yesterday, so today is the third day since the main city was opened.

In the past two days, countless players have tried to enter the main city, but they were all eliminated by the extremely difficult and unknownly dangerous City of Misty. Therefore, many players who came to challenge the City of Misty for the second or even third time, in order to pass through the City of Misty smoothly and not in vain, stopped outside the City of Misty and discussed countermeasures.

Zhang Yi, who was standing outside the city, couldn't help but sighed:"Uncle, I wonder if there will be a chance to meet you again.……"

A memory about Zhang Yi's previous life that he could not forget came to his mind.……

��At the same time, thousands of players were standing outside the Fog City in the bustling crowd.

A level 30 warrior uncle wearing a complete dark undead suit shouted loudly:"Brothers, team up to go to the Fog City! I've been in there once and know the situation inside. Let's have a few warrior knights with good equipment and strong awareness. Let's put together a tanky melee lineup and kill together!"

A level 30 archer youth with a seemingly valuable golden bow of at least 2-star quality and enhanced by 20 or more said:"Is there a team that needs back-row output? My output is very strong, just bring a few tanks to protect me, I will take you through the Fog City!

" A level 30 priest girl in white with a sexy figure and beautiful appearance said:"Dear brothers, is there anyone who can take me through the Fog City? I guarantee my healing ability, I will definitely not hold you back, please team up……"

Because the City of Mist requires a team of 5, players are choosing other strong players around them to team up with.

Some of them are friends, so they team up directly to enter the city.

At this time, strong professional players such as warriors and mages who seem to be strong based on the quality of their equipment are in great demand.

Of course, if the girl is pretty and has a good figure, the strength factor can be ignored.

Seeing that the players around him have their own teams one after another, Zhang Yi also began to team up with other players.

"Mage priests are looking for a group, if you need me, pull me in!"

As soon as Zhang Yi finished speaking, no one joined Zhang Yi, instead there was a burst of sarcastic voices from the surroundings——

"Beastmaster? This rubbish profession is too useless in the early stage. Who would team up with him? He is just a burden!"

"That’s right, I think the priest girl next to him is okay, but forget about him. His equipment doesn’t have any shine at all. I’m afraid it’s all flat! Or maybe the enhancement level is too low to show it!"

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