"Sister Xue'er, what should we do?"

Looking at the group of players from the [Stop War with War] team approaching, the knight girl Cherry frowned and said,"Should we go back and hide for a while?"

Xue'er said,"It's okay, the ID is turned off, lower your head, and go!"

As they spoke, several girls moved in unison, opened the status bar and turned off the ID display at the same time, then lowered their heads together, mixed with the pedestrians passing by, and walked forward silently...

As the distance got closer, Yu Zhangyi saw that the group of players coming towards him was about eleven or twelve people, who seemed to have just returned from playing in the wild all night. Their IDs were also very unified, and everyone's nickname started with the word"war".

However, when they passed by the group of players, they were recognized by them unexpectedly!

"Hey, aren't these the sisters from the Hall of Fame? I didn't expect it to be such a coincidence that we actually came to the same main city!"

Among the group of players, the leader was a level 32 black-armored warrior named"Zhan Tianxia", who stood in front of the girls.���He looked at Xue'er and the others with a playful look, and said with a chuckle,"What's the matter? Do you want to pretend you don't know us when you see us?"

Xue'er was a little puzzled and said,"The revenge in the safe zone won't be pursued to the main city, right? How can you, a bunch of grown men, be so petty?……"

The black-armored warrior Zhan Tianxia said angrily:"I was forced by you. Damn it, you chased me and beat me in the Energy City. I was killed by you ten times, and I haven't settled the score with you yet!"

Zhan Tianxia's words actually made Xue'er laugh:"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to do that, you're just too weak……"

"TM!" Zhan Tianxia was so angry that he said,"You people from the Hall of Fame, don't go too far! Don't think that I won't do anything to you just because you are women!"

As he spoke, Zhan Tianxia took out a black sword from his waist, and murderous aura suddenly filled his whole body:"Why don't we take advantage of today to settle the account between us!"

Xue'er took two steps back:"Are you serious?"

"Otherwise, do you think I'm kidding you?" Zhan Tianxia's slightly obscene eyes wandered over Xue'er, who was wearing a revealing archer suit, without any cover, and said with a grin:"Unless you can be my girlfriend, not just today, but in the future, we will stop fighting with war, and we will never trouble your Hall of Fame again, how about it?"

""Pooh!" Without waiting for Xue'er to speak, the knight girl Cherry couldn't help but retorted:"You are a toad wanting to eat swan meat. How dare you set your sights on our sister Xue'er? Don't you even look at your own character? Are you worthy of our sister Xue'er?!"

As Cherry girl retorted like this, the passers-by who stopped to watch the excitement couldn't help but sneer.

"That guy wants to be the old cow eating the young grass!"

"That’s right, he’s ugly, but he still wants a beautiful girl to be his girlfriend! I think he’s dreaming!"

The discussions of the surrounding players made Zhan Tianxia blush. Unable to do anything about the passers-by who were just watching the fun, Zhan Tianxia vented his anger on the Hall of Fame and Xue’er:"Damn, you stinky bitch, don’t be so shameless!" Anyway, he had no face left, and Zhan Tianxia didn’t care about continuing to embarrass himself:"I’ll give you one last chance, either be my, Zhan Tianxia’s woman, or disappear from Moonlight City!"

"Don't force me to do it by force!"

Xue'er frowned.

With the strength of the Hall of Fame, they are not afraid of stopping the war by war, because Xue'er knows that stopping the war by war is just a small team of a hundred people, with about the same number of people as the Hall of Fame. Last time in the Energy City, they were suppressed by the Hall of Fame!

But now, there are only four people on her side, while there are more than a dozen people stopping the war by war!

Despite this, Xue'er refused to give in:"Speak with your ability, you are not qualified to stop the war by war! Don't forget who was beaten to a pulp by our Hall of Fame last time in the Energy City!"

Suddenly, the laughter around became more violent.

Zhan Tianxia was completely furious:"Stinky bitch, you are looking for death!"

"Brothers, go ahead and kill these bitches from the Hall of Fame, and let them know who is the boss of Moonlight City!"

The boss of Moonlight City, this is a bit too much.

Zhang Yi knew that the team that fought to end the war was just a small team that was not in the mainstream, and unlike the Hall of Fame, the team that fought to end the war had no development prospects and would be taken over by [King of the City] over time.】、【sky】.

And with the order of the captain who stopped the war with war, Zhan Tianxia, more than a dozen players behind him rushed towards the girls of the Hall of Fame with their weapons! The

32nd level archer, the Hall of Fame, Xue'er remained calm in the face of danger. Before the battle started, he said to Zhang Yi behind him:"This matter has nothing to do with you. Go quickly, it's not too late!"

Zhang Yi didn't say anything, just stood quietly behind.

Not caring about Zhang Yi, Xue'er stared at the group of Zhan Tianxia players rushing in front with a torch-like gaze, and quickly issued an order:"Most of them are long-range squishy professions. Rourou, you only assist Cherry and let her attract their attention. Shasha, I will cover you and rush forward to kill their mages first!"

As the captain of the Hall of Fame, Xue'er is indeed extraordinary in consciousness and does have the potential to lead the Hall of Fame to become one of the three top teams in Moonlight City in the future!

And as Xue'er finished speaking, the knight Cherry, the priest Rourou and the assassin Shasha also followed Xue'er's instructions and took action.


Cherry raised her shield and stepped forward, activating [Iron Bone] and [Life Shield]. With the double protection and Rourou's real-time treatment, she withstood a round of concentrated fire from the seven mage archers of Yizhanzhizhan, and her health bar dropped by more than half in an instant!

As a price, the seven people who launched the attack from Yizhanzhizhan all turned into ashes.

At this time, Xue'er drew her bow and a rain of arrows slowed down the enemy's charging warriors and knights, buying time for the assassin Shasha.


The shadow flashed, and Shasha quickly sneaked into the enemy's formation. A set of combos actually took away a level 31 magician of the enemy!

But Shasha didn't have a chance to escape. After killing one of the enemies in seconds, she was also pinned down by their two assassins.

At the same time, in addition to Cherry, who had been injured, Rourou was also injured by a round of concentrated fire from several of their archers. Zhan Tianxia even launched a charge and killed Xue'er who was drawing her bow and shooting arrows, and slashed Xue'er to the ground with a fierce sword!

No matter how high the awareness of the Hall of Fame was, with the obvious difference in numbers between the two sides, Xue'er and the other four had no ability to fight against a dozen people who were fighting to stop the war!

Looking at Xue'er who was knocked to the ground by him, Zhan Tianxia laughed:"Stinky bitch, this is all you have?"

"If you don't take the road to heaven, you will be thrown into hell."

"You asked for it!"

As Zhan Tianxia raised his sword and prepared to stab Xue'er, he felt a murderous aura approaching.

Looking ahead, he saw a human beastmaster wearing a black robe like a shroud, holding a dull staff, slowly approaching this side.

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