Not only Zhang Yi, but also the passers-by around him were discussing the newly opened leaderboard.

Passer-by A:"Is the first place on the level list abnormal? Level 38!" Passer-by B

:"What's even more abnormal is that the equipment in the top three of the equipment list seems to all belong to the guy on the level list.……"

Passerby C:"I don't know which great player this is."

Zhang Yi saw the ranking list and realized that there are always people who are better than you. Even though he started with god-level talent and dragon bloodline, there are still many players who are stronger than him!

Moonlight City is no longer as simple as Hope Town.

So, Zhang Yi began to think about the big players on the ranking list.

"When we return to the city, should we eat steak or grilled bullfrog?"

"Forget it, I won't eat something so heavy this morning, let's have some buns!"

While rushing back to the city, Zhang Yi found that the attention of passers-by had shifted from the rankings to him, the human mage.

Looking around, he saw���When the players saw him, they retreated left and right as if they had seen the plague god. They avoided Zhang Yi and even pointed fingers at him.

Zhang Yi couldn't help but frowned and couldn't help but yell at the players who pointed fingers at him:"What are you looking at? Are you racist? Or have you never seen a handsome human brother?"

Zhang Yi shouted like this, and the passers-by players really became much more honest.

Although Zhang Yi always felt that something was wrong, he couldn't tell what was wrong...

Without thinking too much, Zhang Yi, who was very hungry, quickened his pace back to the city.

However, halfway towards the direction of Moonlight City, Zhang Yi suddenly saw a large group of players in front of him running towards this side aggressively! Are these people not coming for him?

Just as Zhang Yi was thinking this, the group of players quickly approached and surrounded Zhang Yi in an instant!

"Ah Xi, it's really coming for me……"

With a sigh, Zhang Yi was surprised to find that the group of players surrounding him were actually players from [King's Landing]! There were so many players that surrounded him, and it was estimated that there were at least one hundred players from [King's Landing]! Moreover, they were all high-level and well-equipped, and they all looked like elite players from [King's Landing].

This made Zhang Yi a little flattered.

The leader, the archer King's Landing, who had been killed by Zhang Yi from level 34 to level 33 and now upgraded to level 34, said to Zhang Yi:"You are more arrogant than I thought, kid, you didn't even run away when you saw so many people coming to my King's Landing. You don't even care about so many people, right?"

Zhang Yi was silent.

In fact, it was not that he didn't run, but he was a mage, who could run faster than him? In the end, he couldn't escape the encirclement of King's Landing, because they came for Zhang Yi this time, so how could they let Zhang Yi escape.

It was also at this time that Zhang Yi finally understood why those passers-by players had been pointing fingers at him before.

It seemed that they had exposed their position.

Glancing at the hundreds of elite players around him, Zhang Yi looked at Jun Lin Tian Xia and said,"You don't have to use so much force to deal with a small beastmaster like me, right?"

A small beastmaster?

Before, Jun Lin Tian Xia did think so. He thought Zhang Yi was nothing more than a rubbish beastmaster with the lowest attribute growth among the seven professions of Apocalypse, until last night when he and more than a dozen people in the team attacked Zhang Yi but were wiped out by him alone.

So this time, Jun Lin Tian Xia didn't dare to be careless.

The 4-star [Demon Shield] with a 100% drop effect on death and the priceless orange skill book [Sword Shadow Storm] were still on Zhang Yi, so this time, Jun Lin Tian Xia came with the mentality that he must kill this human mage and take back the [Demon Shield] from him!

He didn't care about bullying the minority with the majority. So much so that the people watching around were all surprised by this.

"Isn't that guy just a beastmaster? There's nothing special about him except that he's a human player. Why do we need so many people to deal with a beastmaster?"

"Yeah, I don't understand. Maybe it's to show off their team's prestige? Just now, they offered a reward of 1,000 gold coins to this human mage in the main city channel. Is this beastmaster worth 1,000 gold coins?"

"But this guy is also stupid. The people of Junlin were just shouting in the city, but he dared to walk back to the city on the main road! He's like an iron-headed kid!"

Obviously, these onlookers were people who had never seen the battle in which Zhang Yi wiped out Junlin.

Zhang Yi also knew at this moment that it was Junlin who issued a bounty in the main city channel!

The discussions of those passers-by surprised Zhang Yi.

1,000 gold, my god, this bounty is even higher than the bounty issued by King of Glory in the safe zone before!

Zhang Yi's head is becoming more and more valuable.

On this side, Junlin looked up and down at Zhang Yi, who was wearing a black robe like a shroud, and said to Zhang Yi:"Damn, I underestimated you. I didn't expect that a beastmaster like you could successfully counterattack.、"

"This is not a counterattack, but a misunderstanding you have always had."Zhang Yi said:"Because you haven't discovered that the beastmaster is actually the strongest profession in the Apocalypse World."

No exaggeration, this is for those beastmaster players who have persisted.

In the last life until the late stage, all the surviving beastmasters in the Apocalypse World were top gods who could fight ten people at once. The beastmasters who were spurned by countless people in the early stage and were extremely useless were indeed the strongest profession in the Apocalypse World in the later stage!

It's just that the current players would never dream of this.

So Zhang Yi's words were a joke to others.

Jun Lin Tianxia couldn't help laughing:"If I give you some color, you will really open a dyeing factory!"

"You just have better equipment. In the final analysis, you are still a useless beastmaster with poor growth and low skill damage!"

Zhang Yi was too lazy to explain, shrugged and said:"Okay, you are good-looking, whatever you say is true."

Without too much nonsense, Jun Lin Tian Xia got straight to the point:"Hand over the orange skill book and the demon shield on you, and the grudge between you and me will be wiped out. From now on, we, Jun Lin, will not bother you again, how about it?"

Zhang Yi refuted Jun Lin Tian Xia with one sentence:"You are dreaming"

"Shit!" Jun Lin Tianxia was so angry that he said,"I want to see how good you, a rubbish beastmaster, are. You could fight ten people alone last night. Now, can you fight a hundred people alone?"

Zhang Yi took out the Undead Wand slowly, stared at Jun Lin Tianxia with cold eyes, and said,"Want to try?"

After that, he opened the status bar and turned on all the special effects of the equipment.

The next moment, Zhang Yi's whole body was shining with golden light!

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