Facing Zhang Yi, the human mage who had just killed more than a dozen players in Junlin, the demon assassin girl was not nervous at all.

Instead, she stuck out her tongue and said mischievously:"How did you know I was here~"

Zhang Yi frowned:"I'm not blind……"

"They didn't even notice me!"

"They are blind"


At this time, the girl came closer to Zhang Yi, and said to him with gratitude:"Thanks to you just now, thank you for saving my life!" It was not until then that Zhang Yi saw from such a close distance: it turned out that this demon assassin girl was so beautiful!

Delicate features, fair skin, bright eyes and white teeth.

Even her voice was soft.

This girl is simply a beauty!

Zhang Yi couldn't help but choke up.

"You're welcome."

After a pause, Zhang Yi asked,"You are a demon, what are you doing here among the alien races?"

The girl looked up at the human symbol on Zhang Yi's head, blinked her big eyes and said,"Then you are also a human!"


Zhang Yi changed the question:"How did you get involved with the people from Junlin?"

The girl stuck out her tongue and said,"Isn't it just that I robbed their BOSS and killed a few of them by the way? As for crossing more than ten maps and chasing me for half an hour to get here?"

"You dare to rob Junlin's BOSS, and you dare to kill their people, you are awesome."Zhang Yi couldn't help but sigh.

The assassin girl giggled.

Without saying anything more, Zhang Yi said to the girl:"It is not advisable to stay here for a long time, you should leave here quickly, I will go first"

"Wait a minute!"

The girl hurriedly called out to Zhang Yi who was about to leave:"Little brother, you just saved my life, and I haven't even repaid you yet!"

"How do you want to repay me?"

The girl lowered her head and said shyly:"I have nothing to repay you, I can only promise you my body, if you don't mind~"

Zhang Yi was stunned for a moment: so careless, I am afraid he is setting a trap for me!

Looking at this beautiful girl in front of him, Zhang Yi suppressed the fire in his heart and said lightly:"I despise you."

After that, Zhang Yi turned around and left.

The girl was left standing there, angrily said:"Ah! You actually despise me, no one has ever despised me before.……"

Players who cross races must not be simple, because the cross race conditions of 5,000 gold coins or 10,000 reputation are not affordable for ordinary players.

Unless the lucky number was triggered when the main city was selected.

Apocalypse setting: the 8th, 88th, 888th (and so on) players who choose the main city in each safe zone will get the opportunity to cross races for free.

But no matter how she came, Zhang Yi is not interested in knowing.

Tonight, a team from Junlin was destroyed, which was considered a vent.

After leaving the war ruins, Zhang Yi spent half an hour to reach the dark dungeon.

Looking around, what came into view was a cemetery, and according to the map, the dark dungeon was under this cemetery.

This is a city located underground!

According to the map background marked on the map- the dark dungeon, it was originally a military base built underground by the alien race before the construction of Moonlight City. Later, it was looted by the demon race [Dark Demon Legion], causing the entire city to fall into darkness and death.

In addition, to enter the dungeon, you must pass a challenge: kill 100 dark demons in the [Dark Cemetery] located above the dark dungeon. Only those who complete this challenge can be qualified to enter the dungeon. The

Dark Cemetery is a level 40 wild area map covering the dark dungeon. The dark demons living there are also level 40 monsters.

It can be seen that at this moment, some players are also doing challenge tasks in the Dark Cemetery, hunting the dark demons in groups.

Because the level is as high as 40, there are not many players who are currently doing tasks in the Dark Cemetery, and those who can level up here are basically some family players.

Even for them, it is very difficult to deal with the dark demons in the Dark Cemetery.

Accompanied by screams, white light will light up from time to time in the cemetery shrouded in darkness.

Individual players are even less capable of dealing with these level 40 monsters.

With the idea of completing the challenge task first, Zhang Yi carried the Undead Wand and stepped into the Dark Cemetery alone.

From all directions, the alien players who were gathering in groups to kill demons in the cemetery cast mocking glances at Zhang Yi, a level 33 human beastmaster who entered the cemetery alone and tried to kill demons alone.

"Look at that kid, he dared to come to the Dark Cemetery alone, and he's a rubbish beastmaster from the human race! He's simply courting death!"

"Really? You’re only level 33 and you dare to challenge a level 40 map alone. You must be out of your mind!"

"I guess he's crazy about the [Dark Set] in the Dark Dungeon!"

Ignoring the discussions of the players around him, Zhang Yi fixed his eyes on the countless demons wandering in the dark cemetery.

It was a humanoid demon beast wearing armor, holding a spear in hand, and the red light in its eyes looked extremely creepy in the dark night.

Because its level was much higher than Zhang Yi's, the data panel displayed in front of Zhang Yi was full of question marks.

However, a level 40 dark demon was at most at the same level as the werewolf warrior in the Demon Suppression Tower.

Zhang Yi, who had no pressure in soloing werewolf warriors, should have no problem dealing with these dark demons.

So, Zhang Yi raised his staff and approached the nearest dark demon.

Just entered the 50-meter effective range.


With a roar, the dark demon suddenly raised a spear and rushed towards Zhang Yi!

Zhang Yi held the undead wand, stood there, and prepared to cast a spell.

At this time, the players around seemed to have seen the scene of this low-level human beastmaster being killed instantly by the dark demon with super high attack power.

"Don't overestimate your abilities!"

"You are too confident, you are just a beastmaster."

Various mocking voices spread out.


White light fell, and before the dark demon came close, the Dragon Blood Knight summoned by Zhang Yi appeared in front of the dark demon. He quickly activated the Dragon King Body Guard and the Dragon Blood Shield. Under the double protection, the Dragon Blood Knight thrust the Blood Bath Spear and stabbed with a [Blood Kill], which went straight through the body of the dark demon.

The next moment, a huge damage burst on its head.——

-12834 Critical Hit!

The Dark Demon's full health bar was emptied by the Dragonblood Knight's attack. He let out a wailing roar and fell to the ground.

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