Zhang Yi was a little surprised to see the damage he had taken. You know, he had 61 points of defense. So, the attack power of King of Glory was at least over 160 points!

This attack power... In addition to adding all the points, the bow in King of Glory's hand was at least a two-star enhanced 20 or more!

Because Zhang Yi's counterattacks were all against those with gray names, so until now, Zhang Yi, who had killed 3 King of Glory players in a row, was still a white name, causing the King of Glory, who attacked Zhang Yi, to have his ID above his head turn gray.

And Zhang Yi's eyes suddenly turned to King of Glory, who was shooting arrows from a distance.

Suddenly, he felt a little cold on his back, and the bow and arrow in King of Glory's hand kept hitting Zhang Yi.

Even Zhang Yi couldn't stand the damage of King of Glory. After being hit by several arrows in a row, his health bar dropped by more than half in a blink of an eye!

Regarding the extremely high damage of King of Glory, the onlookers started to discuss again

"As expected of him being the captain of the King's World, he is really good at playing King of Glory and can actually deal such high damage!"

"Yes, you see the bow in his hand is absolutely top-grade. Just now I thought that Yinuo Qingcheng could fight back, but now it seems there is no hope. If King of Glory shoots a few more arrows, he will be dead!"

"Didn't anyone pay attention to Yinuo Qingcheng's health? King of Glory has already hit him with three arrows and he has more than 300 HP left.……"

At this time, Zhang Yi, who had fought his way out of the encirclement, suddenly locked his target on King of Glory in the distance, and quickly approached with a big hammer!

King of Glory, who was still shooting arrows happily from a distance in the back, saw Zhang Yi running towards him, was stunned for a moment, turned around and ran, kiting Zhang Yi while running.

Zhang Yi quickly approached King of Glory while jumping left and right to dodge King of Glory's shooting, causing misses to jump from his head.

Although long-range attacks have the advantage of kiting opponents, they are also more likely to be dodged by opponents by moving around.

【The additional 11 points of Guardian Armor, plus the initial 3 points of the player, a total of 14 points of agility attributes, give Zhang Yi a lot of room for maneuverability.

While approaching King of Glory, Zhang Yi took out a bottle of level 3 red potion from his bag and drank it. A green recovery value of"300" jumped above his head, and the health bar instantly recovered to full value!

In the early stage, in order to pursue damage, few players would add precious upgrade points to agility. The players of King of Glory behind could not catch up with Zhang Yi at all. Even if they caught up, they would be killed by a few hammers and could not stop Zhang Yi from approaching King of Glory.

And obviously, King of Glory has added points with all his strength. Up to now, it only has the initial 3 points of agility attributes, which is a big difference from Zhang Yi in speed, so soon, he was caught up by Zhang Yi.

The result of being caught up is that he was knocked to the ground with a hammer.

Unexpectedly, in addition to attack power, King of Glory is well-rounded, with high vitality and defense, so that Zhang Yi's hammer that can deal more than 110 points of damage to others only deals 90 points of damage to King of Glory, and King of Glory's health bar has only dropped by a quarter.

However, King of Glory panicked, because as a long-range output player, he would definitely not be able to compete with Zhang Yi in close combat.

While King of Glory was hesitating, Zhang Yi struck again with a hammer and dealt 90 points of damage!

King of Glory quickly drew his bow and shot an arrow at Zhang Yi at close range, then took out a bottle of red potion from his bag while retreating, but before he could use it, he was hit on the forehead by a hammer from Zhang Yi who was chasing him.

"With a crisp"bang", King of Glory felt his head buzzing.——

"Ding~ You have been attacked by the player [Yinuo Qingcheng], lost 297 health points, and you are dead!"

"With a"thump", King of Glory fell to his knees, and with a heart full of unwillingness, he turned into a streak of white light and disappeared in front of Zhang Yi.

Last time he used one hammer, this time he used three hammers. Relatively speaking, King of Glory's ability to withstand blows has become much stronger.

And Zhang Yi's last blow just now [Fatal Blow] triggered [Lucky Blow] and happened to be a critical hit, causing 297 points of damage, shocking the audience.

Passerby A:"Oh my God! Almost 300 damage, how did he do that?"

Passerby B:"This guy must be cheating, the damage is too exaggerated……"

Passerby C:"The captain of the King's World, King of Glory, was defeated in one second.……"

After killing the gray-named King of Glory, Zhang Yi, who was not a red-named player, looked down at the place where King of Glory had just died and disappeared, and was surprised to find that in the middle of the scattered copper coins and potions, there was still a delicate silver longbow lying quietly! He actually got the longbow with explosive attack power in King of Glory's hand, which was an unexpected harvest!

It seems that the value of this bow is indeed very high. Almost at the moment when King of Glory died and the longbow was exploded, the group of players in the back of the king's world were not concerned about King of Glory being killed, but... that bow!

"Don't let him pick up the bow, brothers, hurry up and take back the bow that the captain dropped! Quick!"

With the shout of the Supreme King, the remaining twenty-odd people in King's World rushed towards Zhang Yi at the speed of a 100-meter sprint, but they were still a step slow.

When Zhang Yi bent down to pick up the longbow, and replaced the hammer in his hand with the longbow without hesitation, and completed the equipment on the spot, the players of King's World who were originally approaching quickly stopped one after another, and everyone stared at Zhang Yi holding the silver longbow with fear.

At this time, Zhang Yi did not take a close look at the attributes of the bow. He only knew that the reason why King of Glory could cause such a high damage to himself with 61 points of defense was because of the bow.���The damage must have come from this bow, so the attack power of this bow is definitely not lower than his hammer.

So, after equipping the longbow, Zhang Yi, who instantly changed from a warrior to an archer, raised the longbow in his hand and aimed at the players of King's World who were in his attack range.

In the Apocalypse World, the basic attack distance of long-range professions is 50 meters, and these people of King's World are only about 20 to 30 meters away from Zhang Yi.

Seeing that Zhang Yi had already pulled the bowstring, the players of King's World paused for a moment, and then continued to rush towards Zhang Yi.

"Brothers, kill him and get the longbow that the captain exploded from his hand again!"

This group of people is really bold. They know that they can't cause any damage to Zhang Yi's defense, but they still come to die.

Of course, it's also because they think this is just a game. They would rather be killed than be looked down upon by their captain. Besides, the captain said that he would compensate 10,000 yuan for each death. As soon as the voice fell, a flying arrow flew out from Zhang Yi's hand and hit the first one among the group of King's World players. He was holding a big knife and had a gray ID on his head. Level 8 man——


The full health bar above his head was emptied by a single blow, and the swordsman turned into a streak of white light and floated away, leaving behind a pile of coins and potions.

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