Sure enough, these 1-star quality junk equipment above level 5 are still very tempting for these novice players. Zhang Yi quickly sold out more than 40 pieces of equipment on the stall at a price lower than half of the store price, 50-100 copper coins per piece, and earned a total of 35 silver coins!

Excluding the cost of 2 silver coins for equipment identification, there are still 33 silver coins, which is much more cost-effective than throwing these equipment in the store. If these equipment are thrown directly into the system store, the final profit is estimated to be no more than 5 silver coins.

It’s a pity that the equipment enhanced by the [God-level Enhancement] talent has been set to an untradeable state by the system, otherwise the 25-level 1 hammer in Zhang Yi’s bag would be worth at least several gold coins at the moment!

【When the design department of [Tianyun Group] designed this god-level talent, they must have taken various factors into consideration. How could they allow players to use this talent to enhance any piece of junk equipment into a top-notch one, and then sell it at a high price, making money in this cycle? Therefore, they set a setting on [God-level Enhancement] that any equipment that uses its ability will be bound.

Fortunately, Zhang Yi's other god-level equipment with an enhanced level of 25 in his bag was not bound to Zhang Yi because it was not upgraded with [God-level Enhancement]. So

Zhang Yi took out that piece of equipment.

When the 2-star, level 8 [Silver Moon Bow] with an enhanced level of 25, which was emitting bursts of golden light, appeared on Zhang Yi's stall, the players surrounding the stall were instantly excited.

"Holy shit! Enhanced level 25 equipment, and it’s a 2-star quality weapon!"

"Oh my God, I don’t even have a level 10 piece of equipment until now. How did it get to level 25? How many strengthening stones would it take?"

"Silver Moon Bow, isn't this the weapon that Yinuo Qingcheng posted in the regional chat channel before? It seems to have been dropped from King of Glory!"

" 105 attack power, and a talent of 35 armor penetration, this equipment is simply invincible!"

Hearing the surrounding players' discussions, Zhang Yi shouted:"The auction starts now, 1 silver coin is the starting price."

As soon as Zhang Yi finished speaking, the surrounding players went crazy and rushed to bid.——

"I’ll give you 5 silver coins, sell it to me, sell it to me!"

"Are you buying a chicken? 5 silver coins for a 25-star weapon? I'll give you 20 silver coins!"

"I’ll give 30 and I can immediately pool money with my friends!"



After a while, the price of the Silver Moon Bow has been hyped up to 3 gold coins!

The main reason is that the game has only been open for 12 hours, and players don’t have much gold saved. Most players only have a dozen or twenty silver coins. Currently, those who bid more than 1 gold coin are basically players with a team. They can work together to barely raise so much money.

The price is set at 3 gold coins, and no one raises the price anymore, because no one can afford it.

Zhang Yi frowned slightly. Even if he disassembled the Silver Moon Bow, he would not sell it for only this little money, which would be cheap for others.

Because if the equipment is disassembled, half of the reinforcement stones can be returned. King of Glory strengthened the Silver Moon Bow to level 25, which cost at least 400 to 500 level 2 reinforcement stones. After disassembling it, Zhang Yi can get more than 200 level 2 reinforcement stones. Isn’t this more attractive than a few gold coins?

Just when Zhang Yi was about to close the stall and stop selling, a voice suddenly rang out:"I'll offer 20 gold coins!"

20 gold!

The players around looked in the direction of the voice, and saw a male player wearing silver armor, who looked to be about 26 or 27 years old, and exuding the aura of a successful person with his steps, and several players who looked like his teammates walked over.

Zhang Yi saw a familiar ID above his head at first sight - Storm Angel!

Isn't this the guy who previously offered a price to buy Zhang Yi's hidden mission in the regional channel? Moreover, he is the second on the 886 safe zone level list, just behind Zhang Yi!

This is indeed a family. The several level 9 players with relatively complete equipment following behind Storm Angel all have the word"Storm" on their heads.

The individual players around saw the second big man on the sky list and took the initiative to make way.

Storm Angel squatted in front of Zhang Yi's stall, looked at the top-quality longbow on the stall, and said to Zhang Yi:"20 gold, sell it?"

Zhang Yi said without hesitation:"100, no bargaining."

As soon as the voice fell, a sound of people sucking in cold air rang out around him.

"100 gold coins, this guy must be crazy about money!"

"Yes, the official announcement of Apocalypse before stated that the recharge ratio between RMB and gold coins is 10,000:1. How can a top-grade weapon be sold for 1 million? What's more, this is just a level 8 2-star weapon, which will be replaced after one or two days of use!"

However, the Storm Angel did not think the same as the people around him:"If I can get 100 gold coins now, I will not be stingy."

After a pause, the Storm Angel continued:"Why don't we trade in cash? When the official logout bug is fixed, I will go offline and give you 1 million cash."

This Storm Angel is indeed a big money sponsor.

The surrounding players all cast envious glances at Zhang Yi. One million, many people cannot earn so much money in their lifetime.

And this 2-star level 8 longbow is actually not worth much. Its most valuable part is that it has been enhanced to level 25. In the early stages of the game, various resources are in short supply, and many things cannot be bought with money. With this bow, you can greatly increase the distance between yourself and other players in the early stages.

Unexpectedly, when all the surrounding players thought that Zhang Yi would definitely agree, Zhang Yi actually rejected the Storm Angel:"I only want gold coins, not cash!""

"But I really can't afford so much gold coins……"The Storm Angel looked at the Silver Moon Bow, gritted his teeth, and took out a green book from his bag:"Otherwise, I'll add this, do you think it's okay?"

Zhang Yi glanced at the book——

【[Chain Lightning] (Skill Book):

Quality: Green

Description: After use, you can learn the skill Chain Lightning (cast a spell to summon lightning to attack the enemy, and the lightning will ricochet between two other enemies within 50 meters around the enemy, causing 90% magic damage to up to three targets at the same time. When each target is reduced, the skill damage increases by 20%. Cooling time is 12 seconds, and consumes 10 energy points)

Occupation: Magician, Beastmaster (When used by the Beastmaster, the initial damage is reduced to 80%)

Skill slots consumed: 2

It's actually a green group attack skill!

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