In the surrounding area, individual players who are rushing to the City of the Dead are all talking and laughing with some excitement.

Player A:"I heard that there are countless high-star treasure chests buried in the City of the Dead, and there is a chance to get set equipment!"

Player B:"Yes, yes, long before Apocalypse was launched, I saw the official introduction of the City of the Dead map in the announcement, saying that this is a treasure city for new players!"

Player C:"Really? Then we have to make a fortune in the City of the Dead today!" Player

D:"Don't think too simply, I heard that the monsters in the City of the Dead are much more powerful than the monsters of the same level in the wild. It's good not to die in it!"

There are even players who rely on their business acumen and regard this as a copy, and put up advertisements at the entrance of the City of the Dead.——

"Do you need someone to lead the team? You only need 2 gold coins to join the team! There are still two spots left for the three teams. The team has a 14th-level mage ranked 125th in the district list and a 14th-level knight ranked 99th in the district list to lead the team. There is also a nanny. The items we get will be distributed on a roll. Two people who are lying down will be invited. We will start right away!"

Looking at the players who were trying to take people away at the gate of the City of the Dead, Zhang Yi couldn't help but shake his head. They might not even be able to protect themselves once they entered the City of the Dead, and they were still thinking about taking people away? They probably didn't know how powerful the skeletons and undead monsters in the City of the Dead were.

In addition, at the gate of the City of the Dead, there stood an NPC wearing a black robe and looking a little mysterious, with a blue ID floating above his head - the Undead Merchant Ailo!

Another attractive feature of the City of the Dead is that players can receive corresponding tasks on this map. In addition to swiping treasures, they can also get task rewards, the best of both worlds.

The NPC that can trigger the task is this undead merchant, Ailo.

According to the rules, each player can only receive one task from Ailo every day. The difficulty of the task can be chosen by the player and must be completed within the same day, otherwise they will be severely punished.

At this moment, Ailo was already surrounded by players, and they were all scrambling to receive tasks.

So Zhang Yi also approached Ailo and triggered a conversation.

"Adventurers from the town of Hope, are you ready to enter this dangerous city of the undead?"

"I'm ready."

As soon as Zhang Yi finished speaking, Ai Luo nodded:"Okay, come and get your task. Of course, you can also choose to enter the City of the Dead directly, but that will greatly reduce your benefits."

There is only one task that can be received from Ai Luo: [Dead Soul Transmigration].

However, this task can be divided into different levels of difficulty according to the level.

The difficulty coefficient of level 1 Undead Transmigration is 100, which is suitable for new players who have just arrived in the City of the Dead to practice.

The task is not very difficult.

It just requires players to enter the City of the Dead and hunt a certain number of skeletons and undead within a certain level range according to regulations.

For every level increase in the task level, the difficulty coefficient increases by 100, and the corresponding level of skeletons and undead that needs to be killed also increases accordingly.

It is already seven o'clock in the evening, and there are still five hours to refresh today's tasks, so the players who are receiving tasks dare not receive too high-level ones, fearing that they cannot be completed in five hours. Most of them choose the [Dead Soul Transmigration] of level 1-2 difficulty.

Level 1 difficulty Undead Transmigration requires hunting down 15-16 level [Skeleton Warriors]】、【Skeleton Shooter】、【

However, for Zhang Yi, who is only level 13 but has the strength of a level 20 player, it is a bit of a waste of talent to carry out this level 1 difficulty task. Moreover, Zhang Yi's second survival task [Advanced Task

] requires completing three tasks with a difficulty coefficient of more than or equal to 200 points, and the level 2 [Dead Soul Resurrection] just meets the requirement.

So, Zhang Yi took a level 2

"Ding~ You have received the task [Exorcism of the Undead] (Level 2 difficulty), and you can view the details on the task interface!"

【[Reincarnation of the Dead] (Level 2):

Mission Difficulty Coefficient: 200

Description: After the aliens' advance troops massacred the city, Cloud City became a city of the dead. The millions of humans who died tragically in Cloud City had immortal souls. Under the alienation of the alien leader [Loki], they turned into skeletons and undead, guarding the city of the dead for the aliens. Players are requested to enter the city of the dead and reincarnate these dead human souls.

Mission Progress: Skeleton Warrior 0/90, Skeleton Shooter 0/90, Necromancer 0/90, Undead Killer 0/90 (Note: The target killed must be at least level 17) Mission

Basic Reward: 42,000 Experience Points, 60 Silver Coins, 15 Level 2 Strengthening Stones, 50 Human Reputation, 1 Random Equipment (with a certain probability of obtaining rare [Undead Set] equipment)

Failure Penalty: Level -1, loss of 10% of the money on the body, and waiting for one day before you can receive the [Reincarnation of the Dead] mission again.

Remaining time: Complete within today.

A total of 360 skeletons and undead above level 17 need to be killed. Zhang Yi did not dare to neglect it. Holding the flame staff, he followed the crowd into the city of the undead.

Entering the city, he could see that many players were already fighting with the skeleton monsters that could be seen everywhere in the city. The mage's fireballs and the archer's arrows were flying all over the sky, and from time to time there would be one or two screams, and then white light would light up.

The players' complaints also came.

A level 14 warrior player who just came back from the front with little health said:"Fuck! How can this skeleton be so powerful! The level 17 skeleton is as abnormal as the level 20 monster outside! I'm scared, I won't fight anymore, goodbye!"

Another teammate of the warrior said:"Are you not going to complete the mission?"

The warrior player said:"I'll do a few. If I stay one more second, I'll die. I'd rather die in the mission penalty. At least I won't waste the chance to resurrect, and I won't lose my equipment!"

The individual player who was brushing the level 15 skeleton warrior said:"Fortunately, I got a level 1 difficulty one. It's hard to beat a level 15 skeleton. Fortunately, I didn't get a high-level one. Fortunately, it's okay.……"

Seeing the players around him fighting skeletons with great passion, Zhang Yi also began to look for his own target.

Obviously, the players who received the level 1 difficulty [Dead Soul Resurrection] were the most. After passing the level 15-16 skeleton monster area and coming to the level 17-18 area, he found that there were only a few players who were brushing high-level skeletons here.

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