After equipping two 2-star silver bone rings and magician pants with level 25 enhancement, Zhang Yi did not need to move in the next battle.

No matter whether the enemy he faced was a skeleton warrior or a skeleton archer, he would just stand and shoot.

The damage he received from the 18th level skeleton did not exceed 100 points, and Zhang Yi could easily cause more than 300 damage to those skeletons with just a normal attack.

Basically, he could kill a level 18 skeleton in two or three hits, which simply shocked the other players around who were struggling to kill skeletons.

"Standing Mage...? ? ? Awesome……"

"Yinuo Qingcheng is getting more and more terrifying!"

One after another, players began to come over, trying to team up with Yinuo Qingcheng, who had explosive combat power and could kill skeletons like chickens.

A hot archer girl wearing belly-revealing leather armor deliberately walked in front of Zhang Yi, twisting her slender waist, and said to Zhang Yi with a charming and enchanting expression:"Brother Qingcheng, do you want to team up? I'm single and I can flirt with you!"

Zhang Yi revealed his straight male nature:"Get out of the way, you're blocking me from spawning monsters."

I thought that the archer girl was just not pretty enough and her figure was not hot enough. After being ignored by Zhang Yi, there was another girl who looked like a star, with a super sexy figure, long legs, a slim waist, and a melon-seed face. She walked to Zhang Yi very confidently and said to him with a smile:"Brother, what do you think of me?"

Zhang Yi really took a look at the beautiful girl:"You look so good when you smile."

Hearing Zhang Yi praising herself, the sexy girl smiled smugly and said,"Really?" As soon as she finished speaking, Zhang Yi added,"Like a big fool in spring."

""Get lost!"

The two girls were stunned. They didn't know why Zhang Yi suddenly became so fierce.

That was because they didn't know what Zhang Yi had been through.

In his previous life, Zhang Yi, who was betrayed by Lin Ruo, whom he had loved for eight years, no longer knew what trust was. He didn't dare to trust anyone now. Anyone who tried to get close to him must be trying to gain something from him.

Especially women.

Of course, there was another reason. Zhang Yi didn't want to team up with others now. If players teamed up to kill monsters, the experience would be divided equally. With

Zhang Yi's current strength, there was no pressure to kill alone. Why should he bring a burden with him and share the experience with her in the end?

The two girls didn't know what to do. He was asking for trouble again. After being scolded by Zhang Yi, he walked away. After that, no one dared to approach Zhang Yi anymore.

Even such a beautiful and sexy girl, whom other men would be eager to lick, Zhang Yi disdained and scolded her. Those men who wanted to team up with Zhang Yi were afraid of being beaten up.

So, Zhang Yi continued to fight alone.

Before, he dared to deal with only one skeleton at a time. After his defense was improved, Zhang Yi was now so inflated that he dared to deal with several skeletons at the same time.


A chain of lightning fell from the air and hit a skeleton warrior dozens of meters ahead, and then ejected the other two skeleton warriors of level 18 and level 17 around it.——




-111 Burning……

-111 Burning……

-117 Burning...

While the hatred was being attracted, three skeleton warriors, whose health had been reduced by one third, dragged their swords and approached Zhang Yi.

Zhang Yi took advantage of the fact that before they approached, he quickly waved his flame staff, and combined the fireball spell with normal attacks, constantly hitting the three skeleton warriors, causing more than 300 points of super high damage on their heads.

Before they had time to get close, the three skeleton warriors, whose total health was only a little over a thousand, fell to death under the fierce bombardment of Zhang Yi's output turret, and turned into a pile of experience and copper coins, scattered on the ground.

Not in a hurry to pick up the spoils, Zhang Yi then attacked other skeletons around him, until the spoils piled up on the ground around him were so piled that he couldn't walk away, and then Zhang Yi stopped and started to clean up the spoils.

Because if he didn't pick up those things, if he didn't pick them up for more than an hour, they would be recycled by the system. It took several minutes to pick up all the things that exploded from the countless skeleton warriors and skeleton archers killed in the past hour.

After opening the task interface, he found that the progress of the Skeleton Warrior and Skeleton Archer had reached 100%!

This efficiency is like a cheat!

During this period, Zhang Yi hunted more than 200 skeleton monsters and only obtained more than 40 [Divine Bones]. He was still a long way from the 1,000 Divine Bones required for the hidden task [Obtain Rare Materials].

There was no rush for the hidden task, after all, there was a week there. Now we still have to hurry up to complete the task of [Reincarnation of the Undead], because this task must be completed within today.

So, Zhang Yi passed the realm of level 17-18 skeletons and continued to move towards the more advanced and mysterious depths of the City of the Undead, leaving behind a bunch of casual players with shocked and envious eyes.

"How did he become a beastmaster with such high damage? He killed a level 18 skeleton warrior in just a few moves, it's so fucking scary!" A level 14 warrior player sighed:"It takes me a long time to kill a level 17 skeleton warrior, and that's when I work together with my teammates. This guy... kills high-level skeletons like a chicken!"

After that, another archer player next to him sighed:"If only I had such high damage, I would also like to try the feeling of being an output turret!"

At this time, a priest sister said with admiration:"I really want to have such a powerful boyfriend to protect me. If Yinuo Qingcheng was my boyfriend, I would take me to fight monsters and level up together!"


Go straight through the 17-18 level area,���All the skeleton warriors and skeleton archers who tried to stop Zhang Yi were transformed into experience and money under Zhang Yi's high output and were collected by Zhang Yi.

The City of the Dead is divided into three layers, and each layer is clearly divided into the Skeleton Realm and the Undead Realm.

After passing through the Skeleton Realm in front, Zhang Yi came to the other half of the City of the Dead, the Undead Realm.

It was still the same apocalyptic street scene, still the same desolation, but the difference was that there were no skeletons in this area now. Wandering aimlessly on the streets were all humanoid monsters with translucent bodies, some holding staffs in their hands, and some holding short knives in their hands.

They are the Undead Mage and the Undead Killer, the targets that Zhang Yi needs to hunt next.

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