Maybe the players were busy completing quests and leveling up at this moment. The originally quiet chat channel suddenly exploded with a sudden message from Zhang Yi.——

【Bad Omen] (Male, Level 16 Assassin):"Wow, this is the first time I see Yinuo Qingcheng boss talking in the area, hurry up and hold your thighs tight! (Sex) (Sex)"

【I Want to Become the Heaven】 (Male, Level 15 Warrior):"The top player on the Heavenly Ranking in District 886 is leading a team to clear the City of the Undead? Wow, I want to join the team! I want to join the team!"

【Mouse Loves Cats (Female, Level 15 Priest):"Brother Qingcheng, please take me with you. I have plenty of milk! I can give you milk anytime! (Cute)"

Dozens of messages popped up in the chat channel at once. Zhang Yi felt relieved. It seemed that deliberately making such a big noise these days, not hiding the ID in the two announcements, openly confronting the king of the world, and making a name for himself in District 886, was still somewhat useful.

So, just as Zhang Yi was about to randomly select a few teammates who were lying dead from the players who were speaking in the regional channel, suddenly an annoying ID popped up in the regional chat channel.——

【King of Glory] (Male, Level 15 Archer):"Everyone in District 886, listen to me, whoever dares to team up with Yinuo Qingcheng is an enemy of King of Glory, and from now on, don't even think about staying in District 886!"

【Honor of Kings】:"I mean what I say. If I find out who of you is close to Yinuo Qingcheng, I will make sure he doesn’t live till tomorrow!"

King of Glory posted seven or eight messages of threats and intimidation, scaring all the players away from showing their heads. The players who had just sent private messages to Zhang Yi to apply for a team also withdrew their messages one after another!

Zhang Yi frowned slightly: Are you all so afraid of King of Glory?

But think about it, because Zhang Yi is doing well in this life and is not afraid of King of Glory, but in his previous life, Zhang Yi was so scared when he saw the people of King of Glory that he avoided them far away and dared not go against them.

After a pause, Zhang Yi continued in the chat channel:"Don't worry, join the team, I will protect you."

As soon as he finished speaking, King of Glory came again:"What the hell! You can't even protect yourself, and you still want to protect others? Yinuo Qingcheng, I tell you, the next time I see you, it will be your death!"

At this time, Zhang Yi was too lazy to talk to King of Glory. The most important task at the moment was to form a team quickly, because if he didn't form a team to receive the task after 12:30, the task would disappear!

So Zhang Yi ignored King of Glory and continued to send team formation messages in the chat channel.

What he didn't expect was that no one dared to contact him for a long time. It would be fine if it was just an amateur player. Zhang Yi thought that if the people of the Storm Family saw his group formation message, they would definitely come to assist him, but the people of the Storm Family didn't make any movement and didn't show up.

A little disappointed.

At this moment, with a"ding dong" sound, Zhang Yi received a friend message——

"Ding~ Player [Yaro] (female, level 15 priest) applied to add you as a friend!"

This ID made Zhang Yi's heart tremble.

After hesitating for a moment, Zhang Yi agreed to the other party's friend request.

Ding Dong~ You received a new friend message!

Yarou:"Where... are you?"

Without waiting for Zhang Yi to reply, Yarou sent another message:"I just saw you talking in the regional channel, so... you would rather call people in the area than team up with us?"

Zhang Yi hesitated and looked at the time. It was already twelve ten, so he replied to Yarou:"I'm in the safe zone, at the blacksmith shop."

Yarou replied to Zhang Yi's message almost instantly:"Okay, wait a minute, we are also in the safe zone, and we will be there soon."

Zhang Yi did not reply to Yarou's message again, because he did not know how he should face this girl now.

Friend or... ex-girlfriend?

Zhang Yi's memory was pulled back to three years ago.

Or for Zhang Yi, who was reborn, it was eleven years ago.

At that time, Han Yarou, the recognized number one school beauty of Linhai Middle School, was in a relationship with Zhang Yi. They were each other's first love, and they were a perfect match.

Although he often skipped classes to play games online with Guan Hao and Liu Xing, Zhang Yi's academic performance has always been among the best in the entire grade.

Although Han Yarou's academic performance was average, in addition to her unworldly appearance and temperament, her family background was also very superior. Her father was the CEO of a listed company and the family assets exceeded 100 million.

The time in high school, with the company of Guan Hao, Liu Xing, and Han Yarou, was really unforgettable for Zhang Yi.

But later, because of something, Zhang Yi had to leave Han Yarou, his first love girlfriend who had sworn to be together for the rest of his life. Because of this incident, he left Guan Hao and Liu Xing without saying goodbye.


Zhang Yi sighed. It was destined. He couldn't hide from it.

Although Zhang Yi had made it very clear when they met before.

Obviously, Han Yarou wanted to take advantage of the opportunity of Zhang Yi's announcement of the team formation to get close to Zhang Yi again.

And Zhang Yi had no way to refuse her, because without Han Yarou's help in forming a team, Zhang Yi would not be able to carry out the task of [Hunting Skeletons]. This was a big event related to the huge reward for the first kill of the Apocalypse World BOSS!

So, after Zhang Yi closed the chat interface, he came to the blacksmith shop in the town.

Because Yi'er had said before that the staff could be forged around noon, now it was almost time to find Yi'er to get the equipment.

It took so long to complete the ten consecutive tasks, and it took great pains to find a first-level energy crystal to finally forge a weapon. It should be a 2-star quality, right?

If the final result is a 1-star staff, Zhang Yi swore that he would send Yi'er back to the Doomsday Factory...

Finding Yi'er who was still forging equipment, Zhang Yi triggered a dialogue

"Young man, you are here!"

Seeing Zhang Yi, Yi'er immediately stopped what he was doing, looked at Zhang Yi with a smile, and said,"I have been waiting for you for a long time, and you are finally here."

Zhang Yi was delighted:"So, Master Yi'er has already helped me build the equipment?"

"It has already been completed, but I don't know if it suits your taste."

Yi Er returned to the shop and came out with a silver staff.

Zhang Yi was stunned when he saw the data of the staff after taking it from Yi Er.——

【Streamer Staff] (Level 18, 3-star quality)!

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