Han Yarou, who was surrounded by people, was extremely nervous and scared. She could only look helplessly at Zhang Yi who was not far away.

But when she saw that Zhang Yi didn't even look at her, Han Yarou was completely desperate.

Liu Xing and Han Feng, facing several fierce and ferocious men approaching them, couldn't help but retreat:"You...what do you want to do?"

"" Wow!"

One of them, a level 16 warrior with a scruffy beard and a scraggly face named"Yamedie", drew the sword at his waist without saying a word, gradually approached Liu Xing and Han Feng, and said in a cold voice:"You are just useless people. If the girl stays with you, she will be bullied every day in the future, and you can't protect her. Why don't you let us protect her?"

Han Feng no longer retreated. He stood where he was, staring at the burly men with a sharp gaze and said:"My sister is mine, I will protect her myself, don't bother you!"

"Can you protect her?"

Beside Yarou, several other strong men picked up their weapons.

Guan Hao also ran over, but three people could not stop the group of strong men, let alone get close to Han Yarou.

But at this moment, the group of strong men who were approaching Guan Hao and his men seemed to have seen something terrible suddenly. They were terrified and retreated involuntarily. Before

Guan Hao and his men understood what was going on, the group of strong men had already scattered.

Looking back, Zhang Yi, who was wearing a black hat and robe and showed the indifference of a beastmaster, appeared behind Guan Hao and his men at some point.

Guan Hao and Liu Xing The two looked at each other, each with a look of surprise: Could it be that the group of strong men were scared away by Zhang Yi?

At this time, Zhang Yi, wearing the white ID of"Level 17 Beast Tamer·Yinuo Qingcheng" that he had just activated deliberately, walked past Guan Hao and the others and walked straight towards Han Yarou.

The eyes of many players around were attracted by"Yinuo Qingcheng". Only the group of individual players who were still surrounding Han Yarou and intending to do something bad to her were still unaware. It was not until Zhang Yi gradually approached that one of them noticed Zhang Yi.

At first glance, there was a burst of astonishment:"Yinuo Qingcheng!"

With that person's shout, the group of people surrounding Han Yarou turned their eyes to Zhang Yi, each with a look of shock.

"Isn’t this Yinuo Qingcheng, who is number one on the Heavenly Ranking List in District 886?"

"Yes, he looks very fierce. What is he going to do? It seems that he is going after that girl. Is that girl Yarou his friend?"

Amid the discussions of the surrounding crowd, the group of players surrounding Han Yarou saw Zhang Yi approaching with a hint of murderous intent, and they all retreated.

Because their intuition told them that Yinuo Qingcheng was going after the priest girl with the ID"Yaro", how could they dare to continue to embarrass Yarou in front of Yinuo Qingcheng, the number one on the Heavenly Ranking.

Sure enough, seeing the group of players retreat, Zhang Yi did not approach them again, but turned and walked into the City of the Undead.

Han Yarou could not help but breathe a sigh of relief. Looking at Zhang Yi's indifferent back, she felt a warmth in her heart, but also a little lost. Then, along with Guan Hao and the others, she followed Zhang Yi.

Only a group of players who were stationed outside the City of the Undead were left, caught up in a discussion.

Player A:"The boss's momentum is really strong. Even if he does nothing, just standing there, he can scare away a group of people! Awesome!"

Player B:"Yes, everyone in our 886th District knows that Yinuo Qingcheng is a bug. Dozens of professional players in the King's World can't beat him. How can ordinary people like us afford to offend such a top boss?""

Player C:"But then again, those four people seem to be his teammates who have just formed a group recently, because he just called people in the regional chat channel, and I heard that he always comes and goes alone and has never had any teammates.

But didn't the King of Glory just say in the district that whoever forms a team with Yinuo Qingcheng will be his enemy in the King's World? Aren't these people afraid of death? For a Yinuo Qingcheng who ranks first on the Heavenly Ranking, they offended the entire King's World!


Player D:"Yes, although the boss is a boss, the King's World is at least a thousand-man team, and Yinuo Qingcheng has no backing behind him. In the end, the King's World will definitely be more powerful. These few people are afraid that they will be in trouble soon... But why should we interfere in other people's affairs? Just do what we should do!"

City of the Dead."

Zhang Yi and his companions went straight through the first and second level difficulty areas of the first floor, avoiding the large number of people leveling up.

On the way to the City of the Dead, Han Yarou quickly caught up with Zhang Yi who was walking in front of her and whispered,"Zhang Yi...thank you for helping me out just now."

"You're welcome." Zhang Yi didn't look at Han Yarou, and said lightly:"I just don't want them to delay our time to complete the task."

When Han Yarou wanted to say something, she found that Zhang Yi stopped.

Looking around, it turned out that they had arrived at the third-level area.

There were 19-20 level skeletons and undead everywhere. Looking around, there were very few players leveling up in the third-level area. And when Zhang Yi and his team just arrived, they saw several white lights in front of them. A five-man team was directly wiped out by several level 20 skeleton warriors and skeleton archers!

Guan Hao and his team, who happened to see this scene, were stunned:"These level 20 skeletons... are too powerful!"

Liu Xing swallowed deeply and said with some fear:"Otherwise, let's go back and brush lower-level skeletons. At worst, we won't do the task. It's too dangerous to brush here. Our level is so low, I'm afraid we will be killed by those skeletons in seconds!"

At this time, Zhang Yi, who was at the forefront, said,"It's okay. You don't have to do anything. Just stay behind. I'll take care of the rest."

As he said that, when Guan Hao and the others were looking puzzled, Zhang Yi took out the flame staff and began to select targets.

In the task of hunting skeletons, not all skeletons will be counted in the task progress. The skeletons that need to be killed in this task will be given flashing marks by the system. That is, only in the eyes of Zhang Yi and the others who have accepted the task, the skeletons will keep flashing with a faint white light.

Looking around, there are countless skeletons everywhere around, and many of them are glowing. He took a few steps forward, raised the staff, aimed at a level 19 flashing skeleton archer in the effective attack range in front, and began to cast a spell.



A scorching fireball flew towards the skeleton archer in front and hit it directly. The next moment, it brought a damage number on its head that stunned Guan Hao, Liu Xing and the other four behind him.——

-986 Critical Hit!


With an unwilling roar, the level 19 Skeleton Archer, whose total HP was only over 900, was killed instantly by Zhang Yi, and shattered into a pile of debris, scattered on the ground.

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