So, Zhang Yi bypassed the Golden Skeleton King and went straight to the City of the Dead.

At this time, the huge City of the Dead was empty. Except for those who died directly, the rest of the players also returned to the safe zone.

As the saying goes, the most dangerous place is the safest. The people in the King's World probably didn't expect that Zhang Yi would come back to the City of the Dead to level up.

Of course, even if they knew, they didn't have the time to deal with Zhang Yi at this time. King of Glory must have tried every means to take the final blow from the BOSS.

Just when Zhang Yi had just stepped into the City of the Dead, the regional announcement sounded.——

"Ding~ The God of Death, the Golden Skeleton King, has begun to invade the safe zone.

From now on, the protection system of Safe Zone No.

886 is cancelled.

Players in the safe zone are allowed to PK and die, monsters are allowed to enter, and from now until 10 o'clock tonight, all players within 1 km of Hope Town will receive special protection from the system: death within the protection range will not consume the resurrection chance, and will not drop items, but will only lose 10% of the experience points of the current level.

The red name system is cancelled, and players will not gain sin points during this period!


"Ding~ All players in zone 886, please note: Rules for this BOSS invasion: If the safe zone is damaged by the Golden Skeleton King by more than 70%, all players in the safe zone will be punished with death. Please be sure to protect your home and hunt down the Golden Skeleton King together!"

Zhang Yi went straight to the third level area of the City of the Undead without any hurry, picked up the flame staff, and started to kill the surrounding 19-20 level skeletons and undead.

At the same time, in Hope Town, the Golden Skeleton King had already dragged his giant sword to the gate of the safe zone. Countless players gathered at the gate, guarding against it and blocking the invasion of the BOSS.

""Brothers, kill! Don't let the BOSS enter the safe zone!"

Someone in the crowd shouted, because of the special shelter mechanism of the system, the players who had been prepared for a long time, grabbed their weapons and rushed towards the Skeleton King fearlessly.

If it were before, after knowing that this was a real death game world, these players would definitely not waste the precious resurrection opportunity to fight with the BOSS, but now, within the specified time and area, the penalty for death is only a loss of 10% of experience.

The reward is calculated based on the output, this is the reason why the players fight.

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh! Whoosh!


Countless sharp arrows and magic balls were shot out from the hands of a large group of magicians and archers in the back formation, and directly hit the Skeleton King, who was as big as a mountain, and caused a large area of damage from the top of the Skeleton King's head.——






All the damage was minimal, even single-digit and mandatory damage that did not break the defense.

This result was expected.

After all, the Golden Skeleton King was the first 20-level 1-star BOSS in the Apocalypse World!

In addition to the long-range mage shooters who had already started to attack, melee professional warriors, knights and assassins also surrounded the Skeleton King, stabbing and stabbing with their weapons, and greeting them fiercely.

The damage they could cause to the BOSS was similar to that of the mage shooters, and was only a few points.

This was when the BOSS's attributes were weakened by 9.55%. It can be seen that when the Skeleton King first arrived near the safe zone, excluding the slight consumption on the road, the percentage of the blood bar on his head was only about 90%.

And a round of concentrated fire attacks by so many melee and long-range players in Area 886 only knocked down 0.1 percentage points of the Skeleton King's blood!

According to the data obtained by players with a level of 17 or above using the exploration technique: the Skeleton King's total blood volume reached 1.25 million points!

The single damage of more than ten points or even a few points caused by the players was insignificant to the Skeleton King.

At this time, the Skeleton King, who had been attacked by the players for several rounds, also began to fight back.


With a fierce roar that shook the earth, the Skeleton King raised the golden giant sword in his right hand and slashed it down to the ground, landing on dozens of players in the area covered by the giant sword.

Accompanied by screams, the heads of the players touched by the giant sword jumped up one after another with extremely high damage——




Wow! Wow!

More than a dozen white lights lit up at the same time, and more than 90% of the players touched by the Skeleton King were killed instantly!

With an average of 1,500 points of damage, even the warriors on the field could only be killed in one hit! So only 10% of the survivors were knights with thick skin and flesh.

Then, the Skeleton King raised his left foot again, and the huge skeleton foot slapped down, instantly trampling more than a dozen players in a large area into white light!

The crowd was agitated.

"The damage of this BOSS is too terrifying. If you are hit by it, you will be killed instantly!"

"Kill him in seconds, what's the point of being afraid? If you die, you will only lose 10% of your experience. Make more output before he kills you, and you will get more rewards after he is defeated!"

Therefore, the players were fearless and attacked the BOSS with human wave tactics.

The strength of the Golden Skeleton King was really terrifying. Basically, any random action could cause dozens of players to be wiped out!

Although the players' attacks were not painful, the accumulated damage could also make the Skeleton King's health bar drain at an extremely slow rate.

Of course, the main reason was that not all players in the entire 886 area could participate in this battle at the same time.

Because the players' bodies could not overlap, the only people who could attack the Skeleton King were the hundreds of players within a radius of 50 meters.

People outside this range were beyond the effective range, and even mages and archers could not hit the BOSS.

So this looked like a battle between tens of thousands of people, but in reality, it was actually a battle between tens of thousands of people and the BOSS.

There were only two or three hundred people participating in the battle in real time.

Only when the players in the circle died, would the outsiders have a chance to squeeze in and fill the vacancies.

If all the more than 10,000 players in the entire safe zone could attack the Skeleton King, this BOSS battle would only take a few minutes at most.

After all, even if each person could only cause 10 points of damage to the BOSS, so many players could cause 100,000 damage to the BOSS in one round of attack.

While the BOSS battle was going on fiercely in the safe zone, Zhang Yi, who was brushing skeletons in the City of the Dead, opened the live broadcast interface and found that someone was actually broadcasting this BOSS battle live!

So Zhang Yi entered the live broadcast room to find out how the BOSS battle was going.

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