Looking at the entire 886 area, the only one who has the strength to fight against the King of the World is the Storm Family.

So, without saying anything, the players of the two families immediately launched a fierce team battle in front of the Skeleton King, with the goal of snatching the first kill of the Skeleton King!

Because as the first BOSS in the Apocalypse World, the first kill of the Golden Skeleton King is of great importance. Whoever can get the first kill and get all the rewards will be the boss of Area 886!

This is a battle between the King of the World and the Storm Family, a battle of life and death in the future.

At the same time, over in the City of the Undead, Zhang Yi, who was still busy brushing skeletons, didn't know how long he had been brushing, and finally a golden light fell from his head.——

"Ding~ Congratulations on your upgrade, your current level is 18……"

It was not easy to get back to level 18!

Thinking of the King of Glory that caused him to lose a chance to revive and lose a level, Zhang Yi's eyes showed a murderous look:"King of Glory, you are done."

After that, Zhang Yi took out the [Flowing Light Staff] from his bag and completed the equipment, which instantly increased the attack power from 400 points to 701 points!

The invincible 1v1000 war god Yinuo Qingcheng is back!

Then, using the skill slot he just gained after reaching level 18, Zhang Yi picked up the green [Flash] in his bag and completed the learning.

"Ding~ Congratulations on mastering a new skill - Flash!"

Looking at the time, it was almost time. Zhang Yi was about to open the live broadcast interface when he heard a message ring.——

"Ding~ The anchor you follow, [I like you], has started live streaming! Go check it out in the live streaming room!"

After opening the live streaming interface, Zhang Yi saw that there was only one live streaming in the entire interface, and the anchor was none other than"I like you". He then immediately entered the live streaming room.

That"I like you" was quite punctual. Through the live streaming screen transmitted from her perspective, Zhang Yi saw the Golden Skeleton King, who was still swinging a giant sword and killing crazily in the crowd. The health bar above his head was exactly fixed at 10%, no more, no less!

At the same time, it seemed that players from two major gangs were fighting each other.

Without looking at the IDs above their heads, one could tell with one's toes that it must be the King's World and the Storm Family.

However, their fight was meaningless, because no matter who won or lost, the BOSS would eventually belong to Zhang Yi.

So, Zhang Yi did as he had promised"I like you" before, and in the live streaming room After brushing two yachts with a total value of 20 gold coins, he unfollowed"I like you" and exited the live broadcast room.

He took out the long-prepared return scroll from his bag and crushed it immediately.


A white light lit up, and Zhang Yi disappeared in the City of the Dead. With a turn of sight, Zhang Yi appeared in Hope Town.

Holding the streamer staff, Zhang Yi opened the ID above his head and walked towards the village entrance.

At this moment, the largest exit of Hope Town was already crowded with players, and in front of him was the golden skeleton king with only a trace of health left on his head.

And those players could only stand in the safe zone and watch from a distance, and did not dare to fight the BOSS. Various voices of dissatisfaction and complaints also spread from the crowd-

Player A:"The people of King's World are too shameless! They were not there when we fought the BOSS before, and they came out when the BOSS was about to die. They wanted to take the BOSS alone and didn't let us fight the BOSS!" Player

B:"How good is that Storm Family? They are all for their own interests. This is human nature!"

Player C:"But they are so powerful, and we are no match for them. I hope they can fight to the point of both being hurt, and then leave a BOSS behind for us to take advantage of!""


As everyone was discussing, a shout suddenly came from the crowd.

"Yinuo Qingcheng is here!"

As soon as the voice fell, the players turned around and saw a man with"Level 18 Beast Tamer Yinuo Qingcheng" on his head, holding a silver-glowing staff in his hand, and walking out of the town slowly with a murderous aura! The murderous Zhang Yi immediately caused the players to become restless.

In the crowd blocking the entrance of the village, all the players' eyes were focused on Zhang Yi.

A young assassin man:"Wow! Boss, are you going to compete with the two major teams for the BOSS?"

A middle-aged knight uncle:"Why do I feel that he is going to target the people of King of Glory? You can see that his eyes are full of murderous intent. I guess he was killed by King of Glory in the City of the Undead before. Didn't he later say in the district that the game is just starting or something like that?"

A sexy archer girl:"Wow, brother Qingcheng is so handsome! Looking forward to his performance, I feel that the people of King of Glory are going to be unlucky!"

Just when everyone was arguing, Zhang Yi suddenly stopped, hesitated for a moment, then turned around and walked into... a noodle shop on the street!

All the players were stunned.

Some even couldn't believe it, and ran to the door of the noodle shop to see, and actually saw Zhang Yi eating beef noodles leisurely in the noodle shop!

How big... must be his heart? The two major teams outside were fighting the BOSS in full swing, and this guy... actually had the mood to eat noodles here!

After finishing the beef noodles in no time, Zhang Yi touched his belly and burped with satisfaction:"I'm full!"

""Get to work!"

After saying that, he walked out of the noodle shop and looked towards the entrance of the village. He saw that the health bar of the BOSS was still 5%. So, under the incredible attention of the surrounding individual players, Zhang Yi once again picked up the Flowing Light Staff and walked outside.

Looking at the big boss with a magical brain circuit, the players around him dared not say anything, dared not ask anything, but just silently dispersed to make way for the big boss.

At this moment, the battle outside has gradually entered a white-hot stage. It is no longer like before, where a 2-star top weapon with a level of 25 can crush a group of players with 1-star garbage equipment without any pressure. Now, the Storm Angel has no great advantage over the players of the King's World in other aspects except for the level, and can no longer lead the entire family to win with fewer people.

Therefore, the players of the Storm Family were almost killed, and the battlefield was gradually dominated by the King's World, as if the Golden Skeleton King was already in their pocket.

Until I saw a beastmaster man in black clothes holding a staff in his hand, walking out of the safe zone calmly and calmly.

"Yinuo Qingcheng!"A player from King of Glory noticed Zhang Yi approaching and shouted hurriedly,"Captain, Yinuo Qingcheng is here to grab the BOSS!"

"Steal the BOSS?" King of Glory, who was shooting a Storm Family player with an arrow, looked at Zhang Yi with disdain and said,"That guy was killed by us once, and he is useless. Now I have grasped his weakness. A group of mages and archers can kill him in one round!"

After a pause, King of Glory continued,"Don't worry about that rubbish for now. Just send a few warriors to hold him back and don't let him make trouble."

"Everyone else, prepare to take down the BOSS with me. Remember, leave the final blow to me!"

With an order, two warriors and a knight player rushed towards Zhang Yi with swords and shields.

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