"Ding~ You killed the player [Supreme King]. Since the opponent is in the gray list, the sin value is 0!"

Only now did the knight King Return who came late behind understand: Zhang Yi deliberately lured them to launch an active attack to cause the gray list. In this way, Zhang Yi would not gain sin value if he killed them again, and there was a 100% chance that one of their equipment would explode!

But when King Return realized this, it was too late to brake. He rushed over like a fierce bull, and the shield in his hand"slapped" on Zhang Yi's body, knocking Zhang Yi back a few steps. At the same time, at the cost of his own gray list, he brought a mandatory damage of 1 point on his head.

Then, King Return, who became gray, looked at Zhang Yi in front of him who had killed the Supreme King in seconds with a face full of panic.


With his amazing hand speed, Zhang Yi locked onto a single target with a lightning chain, increasing the damage coefficient to 120%. Together with a normal attack, he brought two 1600 critical damages and 700 regular damages over the head of the Returned King, killing him!


A piece of equipment fell from the Returned King, and it was... the Skeleton King Armor!

What luck!

The setting of Apocalypse is that when a player dies and drops equipment, the unused equipment in the backpack will be dropped first with a high probability. The Supreme King and the Returned King are both gray names, and there is a 100% chance that one piece of equipment will be dropped from their body or backpack upon death.

Looking at the two 3-star Skeleton King Armor and Skeleton King Battle Ring on the ground with a total value of 350 gold coins, the King of Glory behind him, his eyes widened, and he rushed to the front while shouting:"Hurry up and pick up the equipment, quickly!"

In the front, the group of King's World players closest to Zhang Yi all rushed to the two pieces of equipment, trying to pick them up before Zhang Yi.

However, how could Zhang Yi, who had come out just for the two pieces of equipment, let the equipment that had finally exploded fall into the hands of King's World again? At this time, because of the attack on Zhang Yi, all the players of King's World had been grayed out.

So, Zhang Yi relied only on the attack power bonus brought by a streamer staff and a silver bone ring, and waved the staff frantically. Under the effect of multiple attacks, countless magic balls were emitted and shot forward, bombarding the King's World crowd in a disorderly manner, and super high damage jumped from their heads.——


-954 critical hit!

-988 critical hit!



Wow, wow, wow!

White lights lit up one after another. None of the players in King of Glory, whose average level dropped to level 15 or 16, could withstand the damage of Zhang Yi, the level 24 beastmaster, and they were killed one after another under the fierce bombardment of the streamer staff.

The King of Glory players behind were stunned: this hand speed, this critical hit rate, this... is it a mage? ? ?

In an instant, more than 20 players in King of Glory were wiped out by Zhang Yi's hands, and turned into a pile of money, strengthening stones and equipment, scattered on the ground.

Zhang Yi, whose ID was still white above his head, put on all his equipment again, and then he picked up the Skeleton King Armor and Skeleton King Battle Ring on the ground without panic.

350 gold coins, for free!

King of Glory was so angry that he wanted to cry, but what could he do? He couldn't beat him.

Looking at Zhang Yi with despair on his face, King of Glory said humbly:"Big Pot, can you return the equipment to me? I... I bought it with my own money.……"

""Okay." Zhang Yi was also"frank":"How much did you pay for it? I'll sell it to you."

"I'm Nima……"King of Glory suppressed his inner anger and said to Zhang Yi,"Okay, go back and put it back in the auction house, and I’ll buy it!"

"Okay, let's talk about it when I get back tonight or tomorrow morning." As he said that, Zhang Yi suddenly raised the Flowing Light Staff and approached King of Glory.

"What are you doing...Don't be so ruthless!"

"What do you think?"

As soon as the voice fell, a fireball was cast in his hand, with a critical damage of more than 1,900 points, killing King of Glory in one blow.

As the only white name among the players of King of Glory, after killing King of Glory, Zhang Yi got 100 sin points, and his ID turned red again.

As for the things that King of Glory players dropped, Zhang Yi simply disdained them. He was too lazy to waste time picking them up, and turned around and left.

Because the two most important things, the Skeleton King Armor and the Skeleton King Battle Ring, had already been obtained.

Although they were of no value to Zhang Yi, these things that fell on the ground were a very rich resource for other players.

So, as soon as Zhang Yi left, the passers-by players around him immediately ran over to grab the things on the ground...

King of Glory, who had spent the last chance of resurrection at the resurrection fountain in Hope Town, finally reached level 14, but returned to level 13, and was simply crying without tears.

"Yinuo Qingcheng is simply my nemesis! How unlucky I am to be assigned to the same safe zone with him!"

Glory of the King lamented in despair, little did he know that Zhang Yi in his previous life had the same feeling as him.

At this time, the Supreme King and the Returned King, who came out of the Resurrection Fountain together with Glory of the King, gnashed their teeth and said,"Captain, this Yinuo Qingcheng is simply too hateful. Otherwise, let's mobilize the whole team's strength again to surround and kill him once more!"

"Kill him!" King of Glory said,"Isn't it enough that we've been abused? Can't you see that the gap between us and him can no longer be made up by numbers?"

"What should we do then?"The King Returned said,"We spent 350 gold coins to buy the equipment, and he just blew it back. He also wiped us out once again. Are we just going to let it go like this?"

"Of course, we can't just let it go like this." King of Glory seemed to have a new countermeasure:"Since we can't start directly from him, we can only change our target."

As he said that, King of Glory immediately opened the regional chat channel, searched for the ID to find"Yinuo Qingcheng", blocked it, and swiped several regional messages.——

【Honor of Kings】:"I am offering a reward of 200 gold coins, twice the price of Yinuo Qingcheng: Whoever finds the trace of [Yaro], please send me a private message!"

【Honor of Kings】:"I am offering a reward of 200 gold coins, twice the price of Yinuo Qingcheng: Whoever finds the trace of [Yaro], please send me a private message!"

【Honor of Kings】:"……"

At nine o'clock in the evening, Zhang Yi arrived at the City of the Dead and entered the second floor to start grinding.

With sufficient hunger, fatigue, and supplies, he grinded all night until eight o'clock the next morning. Suddenly, a server-wide announcement came down while floating in the air.

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