Another 380 gold coins were obtained, and these 380 gold coins were free.


In this life, it feels so good to beat up King of Glory. I guess King of Glory is so angry that he spent more than twice the price to buy these two pieces of equipment.

After dinner, Zhang Yi once again posted a message in the regional channel to find Han Yarou, but still received no response.

I don’t know if it was out of sympathy or lingering feelings, but Zhang Yi was a little worried about Han Yarou.

Without Han Feng, Guan Hao and the others, Han Yarou was alone and could easily be bullied in this world.

As she said before, she had nothing except Zhang Yi, and now, she didn’t even have Zhang Yi.

"Han Yarou, where are you?……"

Zhang Yi, whose fatigue level dropped to 7%, booked a five-star room in the Hope Hotel and stayed there. At

Zhang Yi's current level, the cost of a five-star room is 50 silver coins per hour, and the fatigue recovery rate is 1% every two minutes.

���For Yi, this little money is really nothing.

After sleeping from 8 o'clock to 12 o'clock at noon, Zhang Yi's fatigue level was restored to full value, which was much faster than a one-star room. If you want to restore the fatigue level to full in a one-star room, you have to sleep for at least ten hours!

After waking up, Zhang Yi looked at the information interface, but there was still no news...

Tens of thousands of players in District 886 saw Zhang Yi's bounty message. With so many people, there is no reason why no one has seen Han Yarou until now. There are only two possibilities. One is that Han Yarou has hidden her ID, and the other is that she has left District 886.

Zhang Yi hopes it is the former.

After sorting out his thoughts, the next goal is still very clear.

In the afternoon, I plan to go to the City of the Dead again, complete the challenge of the second floor, open the direct train to the third floor, and then take the third floor 6-7 level difficulty [Dead Transmigration] task by the way, and try to brush out a set of mage undead suits.

There were too many 1-star Undead Sets that Zhang Yi had found on the first and second floors these days. He was even a few pieces short of a complete set of 1-star Undead Sets for Warriors and Assassins! At around 1 p.m., Zhang Yi arrived at the City of the Undead and went straight to the second floor to start.

At this time, there were no other players on the second floor except Zhang Yi. Apparently, no one had completed the challenge of the first floor so far. After spending an entire afternoon, he finally completed the challenge of the second floor. At around 4 p.m., Zhang Yi, who had successfully reached level 25, finally heard the pleasant reminder from the system.——

"Ding~ Congratulations on completing the second floor challenge of [City of the Dead], the third floor teleportation array has been opened!"

Until this time, only one or two teams of players had passed the first floor challenge and arrived at the second floor, and Zhang Yi had already passed through the light curtain and entered the third floor.

This scene also shocked the group of players who had just entered the second floor.

Player A:"Fuck, someone just opened the third floor teleportation array and went to the third floor?"

Player B:"Oh my God, we just entered the second floor. Who is so awesome that he has already completed the second floor challenge!"

Player C:"It's probably Yinuo Qingcheng! And he has been playing alone all the time, so terrifying, it's simply perverted.……"

The third floor is already home to the highest-level monsters in the City of the Dead: Skeleton Guards and Undead Guardians of levels 26-30!

Not only are these two monsters of high level, they are also the strongest monsters in the City of the Dead, and their talents have reached"excellent".

Before this, all the monsters Zhang Yi had encountered were of ordinary talents, only the Skeleton King's talent reached the epic level, and the next was the rare talent [Dragon King Guardian·Dragon Blood Swordsman]. Skeleton

Guard Talent, Guard: Increases self-damage immunity by 15%, and when attacked, reduces the enemy's attack speed by 20%.

Undead Guardian Talent: Attack: Increases self-damage by 15%, and attacks can reduce the enemy's movement speed by 20%.

The combination of Skeleton Guards and Undead Guardians, two high-quality talents, can greatly weaken the player's combat effectiveness. It is estimated that the strength is at a level that requires a team of five players at level 25 to barely deal with it.

After all, they are already ordinary monsters that can drop 2-star equipment at the minimum, and they are completely different from monsters below level 25.

Before entering the City of the Dead, Zhang Yi had already received a level 6 difficulty [Dead Soul Transmigration] task: Hunting 200 Skeleton Guards and Undead Guardians of level 26-28!

So, after arriving at the third floor, Zhang Yi picked up the Streamer Staff and started to brush.

Sure enough, even Zhang Yi, who reached level 25, had a set of 25 enhancements, and even had two 3-star equipment, had a hard time brushing the lowest level 26 Skeleton Guards and Undead Guardians on the third floor.

Fortunately, when dealing with only 1-2 at a time, it was barely manageable, and there was no threat to life, but the speed of brushing monsters was a bit slow.

Starting at 4 pm, this brushing lasted for six hours, and it was not until 10 pm that Zhang Yi completed the level 6 difficulty [Dead Soul Transmigration] task.

So, after submitting the task to the Undead Merchant, Zhang Yi did not go back. Relying on the fact that he still had a lot of fatigue, he returned to the third floor of the Undead City and continued to grind.

Because in the afternoon, he had a total of five 2-star equipment on the third floor, including 3 pieces of Undead Set equipment, which made Zhang Yi taste the sweetness.

As long as he grinds here for a week, not to mention a set of 2-star Undead Set for Mage, Zhang Yi feels that he can collect a set of Undead Sets for each of the seven major professions of Apocalypse!

Although Zhang Yi now has 3-star weapons and shoes.

The basic attributes of the set equipment are much higher than ordinary equipment of the same level and star. It is no exaggeration to say that a level 30 2-star [Undead Staff] is definitely more cost-effective than Zhang Yi's current 18-star 3-star [Streamer Staff], and the attributes are stronger!

In addition, the 50% attack speed bonus of the seven-piece Undead Set for Mage is why Zhang Yi is still obsessed with collecting 2-star sets when he has already entered the stage of pursuing 3-star equipment.

With the intention of collecting a set of level 30 2-star wizard undead suit as soon as possible, Zhang Yi has prepared to stay up all night.

Late at night, darkness engulfs the earth.

Hope Town.

At ten o'clock in the evening, it is still bustling. Many individual players come in and out. Some are ready to come back from a busy day outside to eat and rest. Some have already rested and are ready to go out in groups to kill monsters and level up.

Here, King of Glory and King of Return have just returned from the wild, and King of Glory suddenly received a message from a friend——

"Ding~ Player [Liang Shanbo] requested to add you as a friend!"

As soon as King of Glory accepted the friend request, the other party immediately sent him an exciting message.

Liang Shanbo:"I found the person with the ID [Ya Rou]!"

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