Three players were approaching, all of them were male players who looked to be around 25 or 26 years old, a level 22 warrior, a level 22 archer, and a level 21 priest, a fairly standard leveling trio.

As the three of them approached her, Han Yarou subconsciously stepped back, but just as she retreated to the edge of the barrier between area 885 and area 886, the barrier blocked Han Yarou like a wall, and at the same time a prompt came——

"Ding~ The area barrier is cooling down. You can pass through again after 8 minutes and 32 seconds!"

At this time, the three players had come to Han Yarou and looked her up and down with malicious eyes.

Among them, the leader, a level 22 silver-armored warrior player with the ID [逆战苍天空], smiled and said to Han Yarou:"Little sister, why are you wandering outside alone at this time of night? There are monsters everywhere in the wild. It's too dangerous. Do you want your brothers to take you back to the safe zone?"

Han Yarou lowered her eyes in fear, not looking at them, and then said:"No, I'm waiting for someone."

"Who are you waiting for?" As Han Yarou finished speaking, another level 22 archer man [Battle of Galaxy] laughed and said,"Aren't you waiting for me, your brother?"

After that, the lowest level and shortest of the three people, the level 21 priest man [Fighting Heaven and Earth] with a wretched face said,"Tsk","Yinhe, you shameless bastard, you are obviously waiting for me!"

"Is that right, little sister?"

"It's been a while since I've seen such a gorgeous girl. Anyway, she's not from our district. Guys, wait on her! Hehehe……"

As they spoke, the three people Han Yarou didn't even know stretched out their claws towards Han Yarou...

At this time, not far away, Liang Shanbo, who had just followed Han Yarou through the barrier and entered the 885th area, hid behind a large stone slab. Looking at the scene in front of him, he quickly opened the friend list, found King of Glory, and sent a message

"Brother Yao, how long will it take you to get there? She has been targeted by several hooligans in District 885 and is in danger now!" Here, King of Glory, who was rushing to District 885, received the message from Liang Shanbo and couldn't help thinking:"This woman! What on earth is she thinking? Running to District 885 alone in the middle of the night, isn't this a sheep walking into a tiger's mouth!"

As he said that, King of Glory immediately replied to Liang Shanbo's message:"I will be there in a few minutes, please help me hold them back first, and don't let them hurt that woman!"

Liang Shanbo said speechlessly:"There are three of them, how can I hold them back by myself? It would be better if there was no regional suppression. I am now under 30% attribute suppression. The three of them beating me is like a father beating his son……"

King of Glory continued,"Brother, no matter what, you must help me hold them back. I will raise the price to 300. You must protect that woman and don't let them hurt her! Hold on for 5 minutes at most, I'll be there!"

King of Glory closed the dialog box.

At this time, King of Return, who was walking side by side with King of Glory, saw the conversation between King of Glory and Liang Shanbo just now, but was a little puzzled and said,"Captain, isn't our plan to capture Han Yarou and use her to threaten Yinuo Qingcheng? If this is the purpose, as long as she is not dead, what does it matter to us if Han Yarou is bullied by someone? As long as she is still alive when we rush over, isn't it enough?"

"You know shit!" While running, King of Glory did not forget to kick King Return, and kicked him into the ditch on the side of the road...

King Return climbed out of the ditch in a daze:"Fuck, changed the plan again???"

In Area 885, under the oppression of the three wretched men, Han Yarou took out her magic wand and tried to defend herself, but her eyes were full of panic.

She didn't expect to encounter such a thing when she just came to Area 885.

At this time, Liang Shanbo, who was hiding behind a nearby stone slab, plucked up his courage and took off a longbow of fire on his back:"When a man dies, the bird flies to the sky, and he will not die for thousands of years! Damn it, for 300 gold coins, I have to fight!"

After saying that, just as Liang Shanbo was about to charge out with his bow and arrow, he suddenly heard a scream from the front!

The scream did not come from Han Yarou, but from... that most wretched priest man, Li Zhan Tian Di!

When Liang Shanbo looked around, he saw a flash of white light in front of him. In front of Han Yarou, there were only two of the three players left, and the priest Li Zhan Tian Di had already passed away.

""Damn it!"

As their teammate Li Zhan Tian Di was killed, Ni Zhan Cang Qiong and Jue Zhan Yinhe turned around at the same time, only to see a powerful archer man wearing a silver mail suit and holding a golden longbow, slowly approaching from the front.

On his head, there was a red ID that shocked Ni Zhan Cang Qiong and Jue

Zhan Yinhe - Level 24 Archer · Proud of the Group!

Ni Zhan Cang Qiong and Jue Zhan Yinhe were frightened by the sudden appearance of the archer player Proud of the Group and retreated again and again.

Proud of the Group stopped and stared at the two with cold eyes, and shouted sternly:"You are looking for death!"

They didn't know why they were suddenly attacked by Proud of the Group. The two seemed to suddenly understand something. They looked back at Han Yarou behind them, and the next moment, they both knelt down in front of Proud of the Group!

"Xiongda, spare me! Xiongda, spare me! We didn't know she was your friend. If we had known earlier, even if we had ten times the courage, we would not dare to offend your friend!"

"puff——"Not far away, Liang Shanbo, who heard the name"Xiongda", almost spit out a mouthful of water:"What the hell, Xiongda?"

At this time, the archer Ao Shi Qun Xiong, who was at level 24 and could at least be ranked second on the Heavenly Ranking in Area 886, did not seem to accept the apology of Ni Zhan Cang Qiong and the others. He raised the golden longbow in his hand and aimed it at the two of them:"Spare my life? Not possible, die to apologize."

As soon as the voice fell,"Swish, swish, swish", Ao Shi Qun Xiong shot out more than a dozen arrows from the bow in one second with an amazing hand speed beyond ordinary people, like a rain of arrows, washing over Ni Zhan Cang Qiong and Jue Zhan Yinhe.

The impact speed of the sharp arrows was so fast that the two had no time to dodge.

In the blink of an eye, they were shot like hedgehogs.

A series of damage numbers as high as two or three hundred points jumped up from the top of the two people's heads continuously, and they didn't even have a chance to fight back.

In an instant, the health bars above the two people's heads were emptied.

Double kill!

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