Seeing Zhang Yi, Han Yarou stood up, looked at Zhang Yi with eyes swollen from crying, and asked in a hoarse voice:"Zhang Yi, you are sympathizing with me, right?"

Without answering Han Yarou's question, Zhang Yi saw a player in the regional chat channel saying that he saw Han Yarou return to the safe zone, so he immediately rushed back from the City of the Undead and asked Han Yarou:"Why did you leave without saying goodbye this morning, and why did you keep rejecting my friend request?"

"Is it because you think that I was with you last night because I sympathized with you?" Zhang Yi said,"But you should at least give me a chance to answer your question."

After a pause, Zhang Yi asked Han Yarou again,"I have heard about it. What are you doing in District 885?"


Han Yarou stared at Zhang Yi blankly. Just as she was about to explain, her stomach suddenly growled.

Han Yarou bit her lips lightly and lowered her head like a child who had done something wrong.

Zhang Yi sighed helplessly,"I'll take you to eat first."

Then he took Han Yarou to���Zhang Yi went to a western restaurant in the village without asking Han Yarou what she wanted to eat. He called the NPC waiter on his own initiative:"Steak, one medium rare and one medium rare, and two glasses of red wine, one of which should be diluted with one-third of Sprite."

Han Yarou's beautiful eyes quietly watched Zhang Yi who was ordering. She didn't expect that Zhang Yi actually remembered that she liked to eat medium rare steak, and that red wine must be diluted with Sprite!

But Han Yarou didn't say much, because she was afraid that it was her own self-conceit, which would make Zhang Yi, who had finally gotten closer to her, move away from her again.

Soon, the waiter brought two steaks and red wine. Both of them lowered their heads to eat, without a word of communication. It was not until they were almost done with the steak that Zhang Yi said,"Next time, don't leave without saying a word."

Han Yarou, who was cutting the steak, was stunned for a moment and nodded.

At this moment, the voices of several players who were eating in the western restaurant around Zhang Yi reached Zhang Yi's ears.

Player A:"Look at the combined chat channel of our zone and zone 885. The guy who is known as the best in zone 885 is flooding the screen with messages!"

Player B:"Wow, he actually mentioned Han Yarou by name. Remember Han Yarou is Yinuo Qingcheng's girlfriend? That guy, is he openly provoking Yinuo Qingcheng?"

After hearing everyone's discussion, Zhang Yi opened the dual-zone chat interface while eating a piece of freshly cut steak. Sure enough, he saw a guy with the ID [傲视群雄], who was flooding the screen with messages.——

【The Proud One among the Heroes] (District 885, male, level 24 archer):"The trash in District 886 can't protect you. You are the safest only when you are with me, Han Yarou, I will definitely get you!"

【Stand out from the crowd】:"King of the world, Storm Family, I will remember you, wait for the slaughter of the Ao Shi Family in the Energy City!"

The provocative message of Ao Shi Qun Xiong immediately ignited the players in Zone 886.

【Dark Horse] (District 886, male, level 22 assassin):"Bah! You guys from District 885 are rubbish, what a bullshit Ao Shi family, just wait to be abused!"


Looking at the arrogant shouting in the regional channel, Han Yarou quickly explained to Zhang Yi:"He is my cousin……"

Zhang Yi did not speak, but other players in the restaurant began to whisper.

"That arrogant guy has spread the word in the district. It is such a blatant provocation. His woman has been bullied, but Yinuo Qingcheng can actually tolerate it!"

"Yes, if it were me, even if I couldn't do anything to that arrogant guy through the screen, at least I would spread the word in the district and fight him back! If I keep silent like this, that guy will think that I am really afraid of him!"

Han Yarou glanced at Zhang Yi and said nothing.

At this time, Zhang Yi raised his head and saw that Han Yarou's tired face was full of fear and uneasiness, and said,"With me here, no one can hurt you."

After that, Zhang Yi went on to eat steak, while Han Yarou looked at Zhang Yi deeply and nodded.

After a pause, Zhang Yi continued,"After we finish eating, I'll take you to the hotel to rest"

"What about you?" Han Yarou asked

"It's so late, I'm ready to rest."

So, after dinner, Zhang Yi took Han Yarou to the Hope Hotel and booked two five-star rooms.

After sending Han Yarou to the door, Zhang Yi was about to go to his room when Han Yarou suddenly called out,"Zhang Yi!"

Zhang Yi paused, turned around and looked at Han Yarou, and said,"I'm sorry... I didn't control myself last night."

Han Yarou shook her head, bit her lip lightly and said,"I was impulsive, Zhang Yi, I……"

"rest early"

""Zhang Yi!" Han Yarou called out to Zhang Yi again, seeming a little scared:"Tomorrow...will I be able to see you again?"

"Rest early tonight, I'll take you to level up tomorrow morning." After saying this, Zhang Yi went into his room.

Han Yarou, who was standing at the door, had a reassuring smile on her fair face, and then turned and went into the room.

Back in the room, Zhang Yi had just finished taking a shower and lay down on the bed. With a"ding dong" sound, he received a friend notification——

"Ding~ Player [Yarou] has accepted your friend request!"

Immediately, Han Yarou sent a message:"Good night (love)"

In the next room, Han Yarou was lying on the bed, looking at the chat interface with Zhang Yi, tossing and turning, until she saw Zhang Yi finally reply with a"good night", and then she fell asleep peacefully.

It was already twelve o'clock in the night. Zhang Yi had only slept for two hours, recovering his fatigue to 70%, then left the hotel, went to the blacksmith shop to repair the Streamer Staff and the Grim Reaper Boots, which had almost consumed their durability, and then returned to the City of the Dead alone.

Time was running out, and Zhang Yi's plan was to complete the hidden task [Obtain rare materials] after finishing this regional copy [Energy City], and then immediately go to the hidden copy [Dragon Emperor Tomb] 】 was taken down, and by that time he had almost reached level 30, and could go to the main city for the second transformation.

It was indeed not easy to complete so many tasks in the shortest time, so Zhang Yi had to work harder.

The tasks for today in the City of the Dead had been refreshed, but with Zhang Yi's current strength, it would be difficult to challenge the level 29-30 skeleton guards and undead guardians in the third-level second-level area, so he still took a level 6 difficulty [Undead Transmigration], and in the third-level first-level area, he targeted those level 26 skeleton guards and undead guardians.

He worked tirelessly until seven in the morning, and a beam of golden light fell, and Zhang Yi reached level 26!

Stretching, Zhang Yi unconsciously opened the friend list and found 12 unread messages from Han Yarou!

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