The two hours of rest in the hotel last night only restored Zhang Yi's fatigue to 70%, and the subsequent consumption made his fatigue drop to 45% again.

So Zhang Yi and Han Yarou returned to the hotel. They were about to book two rooms, but Han Yarou suddenly said,"I'm not going to sleep, so you can just book one room, don't waste money!"

"It's okay, I have money."

Zhang Yi blurted out the answer, leaving Han Yarou speechless

"But……"Han Yarou said hesitantly:"I want to stay in the same room with you."

Before Zhang Yi could speak, Han Yarou quickly continued:"But don't worry, I won't disturb your rest, I just want to stay with you!"

Zhang Yi hesitated:"Okay."

After that, he opened a double room. Zhang Yi went to the room and fell asleep. Han Yarou sat on the other bed and began to strengthen her equipment.

"Ding ding ding ding", as the system prompts kept ringing, the strengthening was completed with one click. It only took 2,000 strengthening stones to strengthen all seven pieces of the [Undead Set] to level 25!

Han Yarou was lucky.

However, her level was only 18, and she could not equip this set of top-quality level 20 priest [Undead Set] at present, so she temporarily put them in her backpack.

Looking at Zhang Yi, she found that he had fallen asleep.

Han Yarou climbed onto her bed carefully, fearing that she would wake Zhang Yi up, and lay down lightly on her side, then quietly looked at the other Zhang Yi was lying on a bed, so he didn't bother her.

He slept for another two hours until his fatigue level was full. At nine in the morning, Zhang Yi and Han Yarou went to the City of the Undead together.

In the world of Apocalypse, it seemed that the work and rest time was no longer that important. As long as the fatigue level did not drop to 0%, it would be okay even if they did not sleep all night.

After Han Yarou joined, Zhang Yi's plan had to be temporarily changed.

First of all, he had to take Han Yarou to level up. At least he had to let her level up to level 20 and equip the Undead Suit, so that she would have the ability to assist Zhang Yi. Otherwise, it would be... As Zhang Yi said, Han Yarou's current strength is just that of a burden, and she can't help Zhang Yi in daily battles.

Arriving at the City of the Dead, Han Yarou received a level 3 difficulty [Dead Soul Resurrection] from the Undead Merchant, which she had completed once before.

Because Han Yarou has not yet completed the first level of the challenge, she is not even qualified to enter the second level of the City of the Dead.

In the team state, the two entered the crowded City of the Dead and went directly to the third level area on the first floor.

All around, countless players were teaming up to kill skeleton warriors and undead. In order to let Han As Yarou gained more experience points, Zhang Yi gave up the captain position to Han Yarou.

In this way, when the two of them teamed up, Zhang Yi could gain 50% of the experience points, while Han Yarou, as the captain, could gain 60%.

Anyway, for Zhang Yi, who had already reached level 26, the experience points gained from killing these low-level monsters of level 18 or 19 were negligible, and he no longer cared how low the experience points would be. After choosing an area where skeletons and undead were densely populated, Zhang Yi picked up the Streamer Staff and started to kill them.

Activate multiple attacks.

Boom boom boom!

With 132 points of agility, Zhang Yi swung his staff at an extremely fast speed, instantly sending out countless purple magic balls, which randomly bombarded the surrounding 19-20 level skeletons and undead, exploding with 500 to 600 points of damage on their heads, and killing a skeleton in two or three seconds!

There was no skeleton or undead around that could withstand the damage of three general attack magic balls.

Therefore, because of the slow speed, Han Yarou, who had just followed, had not yet started to participate in the battle, and there were system prompts in her ears.——

"Ding~ Your teammate killed a level 19 [Skeleton Archer], experience value 60!"

"Ding~ Your teammate killed a level 20 Necromancer, experience value 72!"


The system prompts almost once a second, and Han Yarou's experience bar is also rising at a speed visible to the naked eye. In the eyes of other players who are leveling up around him, Zhang Yi's output is simply abnormal!

Player A:"Oh my god, I have never tried to kill monsters like this before. This killing efficiency is too high! He is worthy of being our 886 District God!"

Player B:"I envy that [Yarou] sister. She is actually led by our 886 District 1 Tianbang God Yinuo Qingcheng, and she doesn't have to do anything. She just rubs experience all the way! It's so cool!"

Player C:"I also want to team up with Yinuo Qingcheng, and I also want Brother Qingcheng to help me level up!"

As they spoke, several players around them really tried to come to Zhang Yi to team up, but they were all rejected by Zhang Yi one by one.

Zhang Yi's attitude of focusing on taking care of girls made countless female players around him envy Han Yarou even more.

Because his level was 6-7 levels higher than these 19-20 level skeletons, Zhang Yi could only get 30%-40% of the basic experience by killing them. In addition, the team split the experience by half, so Zhang Yi could only get a dozen or twenty points of experience for each skeleton he killed!

For Zhang Yi, who needed 520,000 experience points to upgrade from level 26 to level 27, even if he killed monsters at a faster speed, the experience he gained could be ignored.

In addition, because their levels were too high, these low-level skeletons and undead almost did not drop equipment and money, and even the drop rate of God's Bone and Undead's Sense was reduced by ten times!

Originally, one out of every five would drop, but now Zhang Yi could only get one God's Bone out of every 50 skeletons he killed!

Under Zhang Yi's explosive output, Han Yarou, who was at level 18, was useless and could only get experience from behind, because the target she locked on was killed by Zhang Yi in seconds before he had time to launch an attack.

After a while, as Zhang Yi raised a lightning chain and killed three skeleton warriors at the same time, a dragon roar was heard in the air, and the hell dragon flames swept down...

A few seconds later, within a radius of 100 meters around Zhang Yi and Han Yarou, no grass grew, and hundreds of skeletons and undead were all killed.

Countless individual players around were shocked.

The next moment, a beam of golden light fell from Han Yarou's head, and Han Yarou, who was originally level 18 with 90%, was directly upgraded to level 19!

Seeing that Zhang Yi was leveling herself up with almost no benefit, Han Yarou was embarrassed to be idle, so she helped pick up the things that the monsters occasionally exploded around.

Under the continuous and rapid bombardment, an hour later, golden light fell again, and Han Yarou reached level 20!

At the same time, Han Yarou received a system prompt——

"Congratulations on completing the first level challenge of [City of the Dead]. The second level teleportation array has been opened!"

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