These players have running quests, pulling monsters, selling medicines, and running maps to fight bosses.

There are casual players, guild professional players, foreign players, and domestic players.

No matter who it is, no matter where it is, all players in the Eternal World were stunned for a moment when they received this news.

It's so appalling!

At this moment, the players of the Eternal World seemed to have been pressed the pause button.

Everyone stopped to discuss, telling their confusion and shock.

The world chat channel has been blown up by this incident, and tens of thousands of words float by every second, and the topics discussed are all related to Qin Hao's breaking limit.

"Envy the big guys, the world announcement is like playing, I haven't made a regional announcement once. Sword

Dance Hongchen: "I admit that I'm sour, is the big guy still lacking a younger brother, I'll make an appointment to sign up, only you are the first to look forward." "

As for the past of being pitted by the fingertips, Sword Dance Hongchen didn't pay attention to it, there is this kind of limit-breaking boss, and the fingertips are not just pinched to death.

"You are an elite guild, is it appropriate to hug your thighs like this?Where is the festival, where is the big guy?Where is the contact information?"

"You are still young, you can't grasp it, you can't endure hardships, let your uncle come to be a junior brother!".

A certified Internet celebrity anchor (anonymous): "Breaking the limit, I'm eighteen years old, white and beautiful, with a thin waist and long legs, salt and sweet, can cook and warm the bed, do you still lack a girlfriend?"

"I want the big guy to show up, I also want to be a little brother." "




Hongchen is cutting down the elite monster, "Who is this person?" He

had a vague answer in his heart, but he couldn't believe it, the Limit Breaking Pill was a strategic resource of the Mythical Guild, and it took 2000 guild contribution points to exchange qualifications.

Don't underestimate these two thousand points, with the energy of the Mythical Guild, it can actually be exchanged for 20 million cash.

Moreover, the 20 million is not a direct purchase, but only a purchase qualification, and it is very difficult to bid with other competitors.

It is extremely difficult for individuals to get resources that break the limit.

So, although a little skeptical, such a precious resource, Hongchen does not believe that the Mythical Guild can give a casual player.

Just when he was trying to save 1500 contribution points, someone had already broken the limit in advance?

announced to the guild leaders: "We have to work hard, even if we are bankrupt, we have to gather the resources to break the limit to the fingertip boss, and we must not let him fall out of the first echelon."

Although he felt that Qin Hao was very strong, he didn't think he could break the limit first.

But I think in my heart that this first person to break the limit should belong to his fingertips, and he must not be left behind.

Only as the guild leader, the sky knows how difficult it is to stock up on resources, especially since it has been less than a week since the server was launched.

Rose was stunned for a moment, "The guild leader is planning to gather the whole guild to cultivate, but he hasn't joined the battle yet, and he hasn't signed a contract yet." "

She joined the campaign to break the basic resources. Inadvertently, I learned the truth of the eternal coming to reality.

To some extent, the fingertip is not the core of its own people, but can only be regarded as a collaborator.

Isn't it a bit unruly for a collaborator to be treated like this?Contrary

to the sky, the tone is reasonable, "Is there anyone among you who has more potential and more ability than your fingertips?"

Everyone looked at the copy record of the Demon Ape Territory, and the copy that could not break through the first level before, as soon as the fingertip came, he directly cleared the level with the fastest record.

They had to admit that Qin Hao was a little weird and terrifying, he was simply omnipotent.

At this time, news came from the media department, "Good news, all the battle videos at your fingertips have exceeded 5 million, and the video account has 1.2 million fans a day, and all of them are live fans, breaking the record of the fastest increase in fans on the whole network."

"In the next step, we can start paying for video viewing, and it is expected that the revenue of each video will be more than 200,000, and the weekly marketing amount will exceed 10 million!".

"President, you're betting on the right treasure at your fingertips, he's a cash cow. "

The opposition faded away, and an agreement was reached on the matter, and no one raised any objections.

Because their wages and benefits may come from the revenue of the battle paid video at their fingertips, what face is there to object?


"Really, fake, can playing games increase lifespan?"

"That game fusion reality is real, and the future will really be rewritten!".

"Players in Huaxia District, have you really increased your lifespan?"

However, these doubts were quickly broken by a bizarre news.

"The old man had just been put into the morgue, and he climbed out of his bag, full of energy and full of energy, claiming that he would have another month to live. "

In the emergency room, the patient in cardiac arrest suddenly resuscitated, opened his eyes and said that he could live for another month. "

A certain terminal cancer patient, the hair that fell out grew back, and it was cured by itself?"


With more and more bizarre news, it was finally reacted by players.

They saw a keyword, "Live an extra month?" If

it's a coincidence, why do patients all over the country wake up and say this?

"I think it's real, I feel like I've grown two centimeters. "

Oh my God, the freckles on my face are gone.

"I broke my leg yesterday and got up today. ""

, it's really a longevity, I'll live one more month, haha, thank you for breaking the limit." In

the end, the style of painting in Huaxia District was the same, and all doubts disappeared.

Everyone, good or evil, is thanking Qin Hao for breaking the limit.

"Thank you, big guy!".

"Thank you, big guy!".



All the chat interfaces on the full screen have swiped out the same sentence, and I sincerely thank you.

Finally, this disappearance was officially certified by the state propaganda, and the life expectancy of all people in the country increased by one month, and some people have a tendency to become stronger.

"Longevity! It can really increase longevity! Thank you to our limit-breaking players in Huaxia!".

"Heaven has blessed us with the blessing that all our people will live longer by one month. Immediately

, a piece of news shocked the eye!

"Incorporate the Eternal World into the national focus, pass the Temporary Emergency Act, and all Eternal players will enjoy state allowances and subsidies.

"Thirteen bureaus were urgently established to guide and train gamers in eternity, better develop the game world, and seek the well-being of the whole country." "

The state has allocated 1,000 trillion yuan for special services in the eternal world. "

The Game Guild Union Bureau was urgently established, and the presidents of seventy-two guilds including Shinhwa were selected to assist the country in dealing with the management of eternity. "

The 211 key universities in the country will open eternal special special recruitment, select gamers, and focus on training. "


A certain parent, "messing around, fooling around, messing around, playing games and playthings are demoralized, how can they be included in the national policy?"

Suddenly, his bare hair grew out, and the parent cried with joy, "Well, who dares to say that games are electronic opium, I, Hu Hansan, am the first to not let him go." "

Son, you have to play the game well, make a name for yourself in the eternal world, and glorify your ancestors!"

The mother of a certain school bully, "Don't do your homework, play the eternal world for me from today, take out your hard work as a school bully, and be a game bully!".

The little girl took off her black-rimmed glasses and opened her innocent eyes wide, "What?"

she looked at the news and fell into deep doubts, how could she wake up and the world had changed the style of painting.


The topics that break the limit are rising steadily, and one news after another is shocking.

The players' minds roared, "The sky has changed, even the country has recognized it!".

It all started with the appearance of the limit-breaker.

At the same time, everyone reacted, "If eternity is included in the national policy, then wouldn't the treatment of this limit-breaking player be treated as a national soldier?"

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