"Help... Save me...... Whining! The

heart-rending fear of the female voice completely broke the silence of the night.

In fear, the first sound of a new era begins.

The owner of the vendor selling stinky tofu stared at the ground like a dead fish.

He swore that even if he had seen a hundred horror movies, he would not have the horror of the picture in front of him.

The girl's delicate suit skirt is corroded by the lizardman's green hands.

The snow-white and translucent skin was instantly burned black.

The pink and white arm was easily torn apart by those strange hands that were disgusting to the extreme.

It's like pulling a doll.

It was a big living man, splashing red blood on the vendor's face.

This scalding cold blood made his hair stand on end, and his heart felt cold.

The pair of Scuds that had evaded countless city guards had long been so frightened that they couldn't walk, and they played like a lute.



This picture completely shocked the perception of traders and diners.

A young girl in the flower season, before they had time to rescue.

Just like that, he was dragged into a dark void.

From time to time inside, there was the sound of the girl's struggle.

The screams of extreme fear made their hearts even more chilled and scared.

In the end, the girl's struggle turned into a meaningless voice.

In that dark cave, the sound of swallowing and chewing sounded.

Less than a moment.

Two bloody white bones were thrown out, and the girl's gorgeous skirt could be faintly seen.

A big living person, just like that, was eaten and killed!

Is this still the society of the rule of law that I know?

"My mother! What the hell is this monster.

"Quick... Call the police quickly. "

Run, what a fool you are still stunned, run."

The vendor owner, looking at a frightened couple next to him, was so anxious that he had the mind to scold his mother.

At this time, you still have leisure to take pictures and send videos.

It's really for hot search and traffic, don't even want your own life?!


a white bone stained with green slime, thrown out of a dark cave.

More and more white bones are constantly thrown out.

From the perspective of leg shape, it is vaguely the leg shape of a high school girl.

The three of them were immediately frightened and turned pale.

A smell of urine was particularly pungent in the air.

The man holding the camera lay with yellow liquid under his feet.

Black marks, the cuffs spread from the waist and abdomen to the feet.

I was scared to pee.

You are in the picture.

A lizardman bathed in blood, crawling out of the pit.

Followed by one, two, three....

Their body size is no longer the first, that mini size.

These three lizardmen are unusually tall, explosive and muscular.

The whole body is gray-green, and it exudes the stench of decay.

Especially those goldfish-like agitated eyes were looking at them with a sneer.

It seems that just now they gained more powerful power from that feast of flesh and blood.

How can there be such ugly creatures in the world.

It's so ugly that it's heart-dropping.

Like a mouse and a cockroach, melting, magnifying a hundred times the hybrid.

Not only does it make people see it, but they feel scared.

It's even more tingling.

And more than that.

Dark caves, more lizardmen, countless green arms, climbing out.

In the depths of that hole.

A lizardman more than ten meters long, with a bulging belly and constantly producing a white gray hard shell.

The football-like eggshell cracked and little bloody lizardmen crawled out.

They opened their femme fatale-like inverted triangular mouths and greedily absorbed the air.

Facing the little lizardmen who had just woken up beside him, piercing the neck with sharp claws, a group of small lizardmen ate out.

They, just born, have mastered the flesh and blood instinct to fight each other.

"Flesh and blood, I need more flesh and blood."

A giant mother lizard that signals to the small lizards around it.

"Flesh and blood, on the ground, flesh and blood everywhere, go, go and grab more for me."

At the corner of the giant lizard's mouth, there is still a hand bone.

Originally, this hand bone could be dressed, cooked, mended clothes for his mother, and knitted scarves for his father.

Originally, she should have had this beautiful youth.

It's a pity....

This girl will never wake up again.

At the most beautiful age, buried in this age of cruel sin.

Beautiful thing like a girl.

There will be more, destroyed in an instant, devoured.

That's the price of advent.

Countless players will gain skills, weapons, strength, and status that are powerful enough to transform reality.

Contrary to this.

Countless people will die in this great master.

It's just the beginning.

Embrace the times or be abandoned by them.

Other than that, there is no alternative.

"Go, go quickly..." The

vendor owner, the oil head was shining, he dragged his lame leg and took a spatula.

Watching the vast number of green-skinned lizardmen emerge from the cave, his eyes were desperate.

He knew that this time, he couldn't run away.

"Daughter, live! With my expectations, live well.

He prayed to the sky.

Tonight's moon is so round, it is a little blood-red and dazzling.


This ordinary little trader makes a choice with his life.

Delay with their own lives to give the young couple a chance to escape.


The couple took one last look and ran out with pale faces.

Zizi -

unfortunately, the speed of the small merchant, in front of the agile lizardman, is simply crushed.

"In this weak world, you humans should not be the masters."

The tall lizardman, with his black eagle-like nails, pinched the small vendor's fragile neck.

Toss a handful into the hot oil of fried tofu.

The small trader struggled violently a few times, and finally his hands and feet fell stiffly and he stopped moving at all.

In the oil pan, aromas come out.

A group of green eyes instantly radiated greed.

The sound of swallowing mucus came from their shriveled bellies.

"We need more flesh and blood, more things."

A group of wolf-like eyes stared at the young men and women who had fallen a few times, showing a cruel smile.

This kind of speed, too slow!

Humble humans.

Poor humans.

"The world needs a new master."

In an instant, the peddler's leather shoes fell off, leaving only an empty skeleton.

The ribs of the white bone are still clearly visible.

The cruel way of arranging, like pork, is placed in front of the butcher stall.

This little merchant who got up early and was greedy, day by day, night and night, used countless sweats and toils to support the expenses of a home.

It is a woman's school fee, a wife's new clothes, and a mother's life-saving medicine in her tics.

Oh him! There is no passing through this cruel era, the first moment of arrival.

Like water dissolves in the ocean.

Lifeless, unwilling, and painfully died.

This is a middle-aged man, pitiful and pathetic life.


When the group of young men and women ran hundreds of meters away.

The lizardman finally moved.

That's faster than provincial sprinters.

How could there be such a terrifying monster.

When the game really came to life, people were stunned to find that even the most inconspicuous lizard monster was made.

It is possible to cause a catastrophe that destroys the world and the earth.

"It caught up, it caught up."

The man's soul burst out, smelling the suffocating stench behind him, and the pair of monster claws were pitch black.

Like some kind of hard metal.

"No, I can't die."

The man's heart was crossed, he looked at his girlfriend who was galloping in front of him, grabbed her braid, pulled it back, and pushed her to the ground hard.

The woman fell to the ground, looking at her boyfriend's distant voice, her eyes filled with tears, unbelievable.

The days are long, the affection is endless, in the end, is it just a joke?

The face is like dead ash.

The lizardman instantly overwhelmed the woman.

It's just that her eyes are empty, and she doesn't say a word when she is torn and bitten, like a wooden person.

Perhaps, at the moment of being pushed down by her boyfriend.

Her heart died before her body.

In this era, cruelty is not only monsters, perhaps the human heart is more terrifying than monsters.


More and more sirens sounded in the dark night.

Many buildings smoked, and the streets were full of ants gathering and people taking refuge.

"Where is there a safe place."

Lizardmen, in all incredible ways, will attack from places you don't expect.

This night.

Haojie's first night, the traces left on Rongcheng are indelible.

Right now.

Qin Hao received a voice from his sister.

Qin Linger's voice was panicked, her eyes were full of horror, and behind her was a residential community bursting into flames.

"Brother, save me!"

"If you don't have time to see this message, run away, run away, never come back."

——Qin Linger's pen.

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