"Little Flower Cat" went through Qin Hao's plan in his mind, did not find any flaws, and began to boldly implement it.

He broke the peachy scandal of the president of the lighthouse country, and on the global assassination list, I don't know how many killers wanted to take off his head in exchange for sky-high rewards.

He even created his own fake death and recreated a fake identity life.

With the hacking ability of "Little Flower Cat", it can easily enter the world's top 500 Internet companies.

However, these large international group companies, mixed with dragons, risk of revealing their identities.

There is life to earn money, but no life to spend.

Therefore, the "little flower cat" disguised its fake identity and could only be forced to enter the black factory to deliver takeaways.

This kind of work is exhausting every day, with a monthly salary of only three or four thousand, and the "little flower cat" is also very tight.

Be careful to sail the 10,000-year ship, this time once the plan is successful, he will change his current predicament.

Huhu -

"Little Flower Cat" adjusted his breathing, his slender fingers raced on the keyboard, and he instantly used the virus to control 30,000 personal computers.

In fact, as long as the "little flower cat" has enough time.

Any electronic product in the country, from broadcasters, cameras, and mobile phones, he can hack into it and gain covert control.

But the official website of Eternal Games simply cannot find its coordinates on the Internet, just like the existence of the void.

"Little Flower Cat" did not care about failed attempts, which did not affect the plan!

Forge the address and start an attack on the private computer of the Royal Dragon in the sky.

Two seconds later.

Zhang Qiming's computer went black again, and a black and white cat's avatar appeared.

The imperial dragon was in good spirits, and sat up from the chair, his eyes were very happy.

Dare to hack into his personal computer, who else can do it except the country's top hacker [Cat]?

This is already the second time, and the imperial dragon has begun to get used to it in the sky.

"You found the information at your fingertips?"

"Nope!" The black and white cat on the computer transforms to form two subtitles.

Royal Dragon was a little disappointed in the sky, could it be that the top hackers couldn't hack into the Eternal Official Website?

What is this existence?

The imperial dragon's mind is spinning in the sky, does it want to mobilize the connections in his official face?

He can achieve the position of the top ten richest people in the country, and there is naturally the protection of the big guy behind him.

Wealth and power are often inseparable.

You must know that the big guy has also grown up step by step.

Before he made a mark, Zhang Qiming secretly helped and invested in a large number of potential officials.

Now that his network has finally come to fruition, the world can't imagine how complex the network behind him is.

That's one of his biggest cards.

But this kind of favor is used less at a time, and he is considering whether to transfer.

For the sake of a fingertip, mobilizing this life-saving favor seems to be somewhat unworthwhile.

Just when Zhang Qiming was about to destroy his personal computer, he planned to replace it with a brand new one. The cat's next words once again aroused his deep interest.

"Although I haven't found the information at my fingertips on the Eternal Official Website, there is a plan to eliminate attribute levy!"

"Really?" The imperial dragon is excited in the sky.

But his tiger eyes quickly became fierce, flashing a trace of danger.

"Wait, how do you know that my attribute points are going to be levied."

As an old fox in the mall, he quickly discovered the mystery in it, and his tone became more and more serious.

"Have you been bought by your fingertips?"

The little flower cat was slightly stunned and did not panic, it seemed that the fingertip god's prediction was correct.

A screenshot appears on the screen of the Royal Dragon in the Sky, which contains some personal information from the fingertips.

Among them, the relationship between the master and servant of the imperial dragon in the sky and the fingertips is impressively in the list.

Of course, this is the data falsified by the "little flower cat", or it was done under the advance instructions of the fingertips.

He began to admire the material at his fingertips like God.

It seems that the little flower cat is playing tricks with the imperial dragon in the sky, but it is actually Qin Hao making moves with the imperial dragon in the sky behind the scenes.

"Who told you I can't hack into the Eternal Official Website?"

"There is no network in this world that I cannot hack, unless it does not exist on the earth."

The little flower cat spoke proudly, full of confidence in this field.

The imperial dragon was happy in the sky, and his cunning eyes flashed, "Can you still find out my information?" "

Once the seeds of doubt are triggered, they are not so easy to dispel.

It is a pity that Qin Hao has strong detection ability, and he has long understood the data of the Royal Dragon in the sky.

A new screenshot of personal attributes appeared, which is simply more detailed than the personal player panel of the Royal Dragon in the sky.

This time, he finally believed it.

"What's the method?"

The little flower cat understood that the fish was hooked and began to wrap up.

"Three million!"

Zhang Qiming's eyes narrowed slightly, a piece of information against attribute levy, why don't you grab three million?

Although he has money, he is not a big dog to be slaughtered.

"You are too greedy, little brother leave a way back, and we will see each other in the future."

"5 million!"

Zhang Qiming typed to reply, "The more you bargain, the more you talk about it?" "

8 million!"

The imperial dragon jumped in the sky's eyelids, although eight million was just pocket money for him.

But across the sea of business, it has always been its own dominant position, grasping the initiative to slaughter others.

I didn't expect that one day, I would be slaughtered by young juniors who didn't know each other.

This kind of young man is not enough to serve as a management under his group.

Now it can dominate the negotiation situation?!

The frustration under this contrast is what makes the Royal Dragon the most uncomfortable in the sky.

"I agree!" He quickly replied, afraid that the price of the "cat" would increase again.

After all, he can hack into the Eternal Official Website, and he is the only one at present.

"10 million! Do you just have to answer yes or no? "

The imperial dragon is holding back in the sky, and he understands that if he says one more word, the 'cat' may disappear.

Trembling and angry hands clenched into fists, and finally Gona released and punched out three subtitles.

On behalf of Zhang Qiming, he accepted this incredible condition.

Zhang Qiming smiled proudly, and a dangerous plan was born in his heart.

Perhaps with this 10 million transfer records, the "cat" can be sent to prison for extortion.

"Money before information, all money is converted into dark web currency at equal value."

Royal Dragon certainly knows that dark web coins are a universal virtual currency in the world.

One dark net coin is worth 20,000 yuan, and 500 dark net coins are worth 10 million.

The most important thing is that this virtual currency is silent, cannot be monitored by any official channel, and has strong privacy and security.

Originally, Zhang Qiming's plan to fight backwards fell through in the transaction of dark net coins.

Knowing that it was the little flower cat's self-protection means, the imperial dragon had to execute it in the sky.

The situation is stronger than people, and he is no longer qualified to negotiate.

In the end, 500 dark net coins arrived at the private account disguised by "Little Flower Cat".

He also believed what he said and decisively gave a way to counter attribute expropriation.

"There is a creature in the soul sea called the Goo Beast, which can temporarily save and transfer the master's attribute points, and can counter the daily expropriation of the fingertips."

The royal dragon was excited in the sky, and quickly asked the assistants to review.

Soon, it turned out that some players in the nearby birthplace had heard the legend of the Cuckoo Beast.

In the spacious and luxurious office, Zhang Qiming's hearty laughter sounded.

"Haha, I didn't expect it at your fingertips, the war between us has just begun."

"Little Flower Cat" has complicated eyes, and according to the plan of the big man at his fingertips, this is only the first step in revenge.

He stared at the ten million in his hand, a little like a world away.

According to his monthly salary of 4,000 as a black worker, he had to work without food or drink for 208 years.

Is this really a wealth that you can have in an instant?

Next, the moment to divide the loot.

"Little Flower Cat" did not have the mind to swallow alone, according to the original plan of 73 points, Qin Hao can get 7 million.

"Little Flower Cat" is preparing to transfer money through dark web coins.

Qin Hao thought for a moment, "Five or five, after all, you are also short of money." "

For the unique hacking ability of 'Little Flower Cat', Qin Hao attaches great importance to it and thinks about it.

Even if a monster descends into a troubled world, communication skills are always indispensable.

"Little Flower Cat" was moved, and did not pretend to make excuses, and firmly remembered Qin Hao's boldness and grace in his heart.

In a moment, Qin Hao's mobile phone rang a prompt.

"Your 500 dark web coins have all been converted into real amounts, the tail number is xxxx account, and 5 million yuan will be received at 17:43."

However, what puzzles the "little flower cat" is why does the fingertip boss help the enemy solve the attribute problem?

If Qin Hao knew this idea, he would definitely smile.

Help the enemy solve the problem?

Only Qin Hao understood the deep meaning of this, the goo beast looked pure and harmless, and it could also help the master control and save attribute points.

In fact, the Cuckoo Beast is a timeless and famous Liar Bird that accumulates to a certain stage and will abduct all of the player's attributes.

At that time, the players who were deceived were not counted, it was the eternally famous top ten scam times, and the goo beast could be close to the top ten.

And Qin Hao personally mastered the secret of thoroughly domesticating and fusing the Goo Beast, so there was no need to worry at all.

"Royal Dragon in the sky, you think I only need 20% of your attribute points?"

"Sorry, I prefer 100%!"

This is the most wonderful thing about Qin Hao's entire plan, but unfortunately no one knows.

The imperial dragon had been sold by Qin Hao unknowingly in the sky, and he also paid a price of 10 million to enter the pit.

If Zhang Qiming knew the truth in the future and spent 10 million to jump into the fire pit, would he be so angry that he vomited blood.

The first round of planning was successfully completed, which was easier than "Little Flower Cat" expected.

But it doesn't mean easy, and there are hidden dangers.

"If the fingertip guy points out in advance, I will almost be fooled."

"Little Flower Cat" pondered, and his heart recognized Qin Hao's personal ability more and more.

"This person is simply inscrutable, I want to quickly hug my thighs."

The Little Flower Cat became more and more excited, frantically collecting all kinds of materials that Qin Hao lacked.

"'Little Flower Cat' will give you a clover x10, friendliness +10!"

"'Little Flower Cat' will give you unicorn horn x3, friendliness +3!"


It's so fast that it's much more frequent than other players.

Looking at a series of gift messages, Qin Hao wondered if this child had taken the wrong medicine.

Finally, Camosi's legendary mission progress reaches 98%!

Qin Hao leisurely carried Vivian, rode the wolf spirit, and ran towards the Camosi apothecary room like a whirlwind.

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