The group of young players who had just turned into [Pharmacy Apprentices] shone with envy.

The little medicine boy did not have a good status in front of Qin Hao, and this was the examiner of their new profession.

Back and forth, Qin Hao provided medicinal materials, and the assessment instructor provided five boxes full of medicinal herbs.

A clever little pharmacist apprentice, who had long seen what was happening.

"Our examiner, refining medicine for your fingertips?"

Moreover, the quality of these agents seems to be different from the ordinary agents they come into contact with.

They are exhausted and have only acquired the profession of learning potions, and have not yet obtained independent potion recipes.

But the fingertips can make the potion examiner refine the medicine?!

They suddenly felt that the [Pharmacist Apprentice] in their hands was not fragrant.

"Don't be silly, you always want to compare with the big guys at your fingertips, isn't that looking for abuse?"

"You see those players who were not selected as potion apprentices, they worked hard to form teams to level up, and as a result, they couldn't even scrape together the potion money."

"And I don't know when a large number of skeleton monsters poured out nearby, occupying the leveling area, and now I can't even find a place to open monsters, so I can only hide in Silver Moon Village to do brick moving tasks."

"It's so miserable, I suddenly feel that the pharmacy apprentice is still quite fragrant."

"Yes, these White Bone Legions are too powerful, and some players have quietly withdrawn from Silvermoon Village and started to move to other novice villages."

"I heard that this white bone chaos has something to do with fingertips?"


The pharmacy apprentice was talking about it.

"You guys are so idle, have you polished the medicinal powder?"

The witch Xiaoqing's voice was cold, and the little players immediately accompanied the smiling faces, and scattered the birds and beasts with amusement.

She was one of the earliest pharmacy apprentices, and now she has become regular, and her status is naturally much higher than that of these pharmacy apprentices.

It has become a fragrant food attracted by many guilds in Silver Moon Village.

The value of a formal pharmacist is a continuous wealth machine.

If you can get the right potion formula and arm it on guild players, you can immediately open up the upgrade gap with other guilds.

The witch Xiaoqingxiu stared at Qin Hao's disappearing back, "Speaking of this opportunity, it comes from the fingertips." "

Although it was a mistake, she got real benefits.

Only half a day has passed, and the gap between the two has widened.

"Alas, now the status of the fingertip boss, I can only look up."

Witch Xiaoqing put away her complicated thoughts in her heart and chased after her, followed by a group of strange teams.

She desperately chased Qin Hao's back, and the distance was getting farther and farther.

"Running so fast, are you afraid that I will eat you?"

This sound is sensual, and it is a bit of a natural charm.

The witch Xiaoqing gasped, and her hot body appeared amazingly wavy due to movement.

Only then did Qin Hao stop to look at her.

As the first twenty players to fight against the Black Shark Guild, and the only woman among them, she has not forgotten who she is.

Witch Xiaoqing breathed a sigh of relief and pointed to the team of ten people behind her.

"They say it's a miner you hired and they're looking for you everywhere."

The team was peculiarly shaped, wearing domed hats and carrying shovels, hammers and flat weapons in their hands.

They don't look like gamers, but demolition brigades.

They are young and older, they are all over forty, their skin is dark and rough, and they seem to be engaged in physical activity for a long time.

His eyes looked at his surroundings, but he was confused and wary.

Among them, the bald head of the leader walked out, speaking an unusual Mandarin with a slight accent.

"Are you the tip boss? We're here to mine for you, ten people in total, in two shifts. "

Foreman Liu is very enthusiastic, and for the boss who does not default on wages and pays in advance, he regards Qin Hao as a big good person in his heart.

Although he is mining in the game, Liu Gong, who has twenty years of mining experience, firmly believes that he can do it.

This is the mining team invited by the Royal Dragon in the sky?

It's just that the original five-man team has become ten.

Qin Hao didn't get entangled in the number of people, anyway, there was the imperial dragon in the sky to pay.

Moreover, the sound wave detection team was mobilized, and everyone had the sign of "mining proficiency" on their heads.

Mineral yield +105%!

Prove that they are indeed a professional mining team.

Being stared at by Liu Gong's warm and sincere eyes, Qin Hao was a little ashamed.

Buying a simple wayfinding map, Qin Hao handed over the address of the Amethyst Palace to Liu Gong.

"Just follow the direction of the red dot."

Liu Gong suddenly realized, "Oh, isn't this a compass? The

team of ten gradually moved away, and finally settled down a lot.

It's just that there is a middle-aged man with white and tender skin in the crowd, who is particularly conspicuous, his eyes are erratic, but there is a smile on his face.

Zhao Ce was ecstatic in his heart, "The plan succeeded. It's

just that Qin Hao suddenly stopped the mining team, quickly walked in front of him, and cut down with a knife palm.

Before Zhao Ce could struggle, his limbs were weak and he fainted.

"This kid looks treacherous, and he looks like a spy."

Whether it is or not, just in case the imperial dragon is undercover in the sky, Qin Hao would rather kill by mistake than let it go.

"Carry it back!"

Liu Gong scratched his ears and scratched his cheeks, so he had to follow Qin Hao's orders, and the two carried them towards the mine.

This person is far from their engineering team, and he does not want wages yet, but the main house is forced in, and he is not easy to refuse.

Arriving at the Amethyst Palace, the temporary map is automatically destroyed and the gate slowly opens.

The demolition team came to their familiar home stadium and rushed in.

They don't understand the era game, and when it comes to mining, it's full of energy.

Youyou Luming and Hua Rujin looked at each other, thinking that the god of the fingertips was kind and wanted to release them.

But there are ten more ruthless people, and the speed of mining is called one fast!

"How many years and months will this have to be freed?"

Youyou Luming was upset, playing a game and being caught mining as a black worker, who is reasoning with this?

Zhao Ce woke up slowly, it was dark everywhere, and when he heard that he had to mine for ten hours a day, he fainted in fright.

He is the editor-in-chief of an entertainment media, but unfortunately the traditional print media has sunset under the impact of the Internet trend.

Newspaper sales plummeted, and the company continued to lay off employees, which was almost unsustainable.

Just when Zhao Ce was as anxious as an ant on a hot nest.

Overheard his nephew who was interning at the Whale Group complaining.

The assistant department pretended to do black accounts and hired a mining team from the era game.

And the salary is much higher than mining in reality, this is not a fake account?

Money is naturally first-class and goes into the pockets of some people.

Zhao Ce's mind turned, and he realized that things were not so simple.

The assistant department is the direct management of the group, how much water does the brain have to enter to make this kind of fake ledger that can be seen by a three-year-old child?

He heard that the boss of the Whale Group is always a veteran gamer, and the consumption of games every day is as high as tens of millions of billions.

Zhao Ce secretly rejoiced that he found the key to it, so he secretly sneaked into the mining team.

Maybe you can get acquainted with the boss of the giant whale in the game?

The self-media company of the Whale Consortium is only one of the branches, but it is a giant in the media industry, but it has millions of content creators.

If the company can get the support of Whale Media, it can not only recover from the bankruptcy predicament, but also become a leader in the industry.

Seeing this opportunity, Zhao Ce finally joined the mining team after several twists and turns to find out.

But he never dreamed, "This is real mining!" And

when he wanted to force it offline, several warnings popped up.

No trading!

No communication with the outside world!

It is forbidden to go out of the mine!

Ten amethyst ore quotas need to be paid every day to be eligible to go offline!

Zhao Ce was so remorseful that his intestines were blue, and he couldn't steal the chicken, but sold himself.

Qin Hao's absolute mastery of the space of the Amethyst Palace also deserved Zhao Ce's bad luck.

Conquer the guild headquarters.

Anti-Cangtian is processing and producing Qin Hao's first video screen.

From the title and camera movement, music and other details, he personally checked and finalized them one by one.

They used the specifications of the finished movie to create Qin Hao's battle screen.

After the finished product is made, a small area of delivery is started for flow testing.

"President, this video response is good, we have carried out a small-scale launch, and the click rate and praise rate are close to 90%!"

"This is the potential of a blockbuster!" Everyone involved rejoices.

Against the sky, the efforts were not in vain, "then start docking with content channel providers and strive to make a name for yourself." However

, a strange scene appeared, and the channels that had been cooperating for a long time in the past were sloppy at the same time.

The reasons are also varied.

"Sorry, this week's traffic budget is full."

"The video content is under review and will get back to you in three months."

"We're not going to dock with Anno game content."

This head just refused to cooperate with the battle guild, and turned around and hung up the Great God propaganda poster of the Extreme Guild.

Anti-Cangtian sniffled, "Do you call this a plan to enter the field of era games?" "

Even a fool seems to be targeted at the Battle Guild, but other video collaborations are unimpeded.

Only the battle video at your fingertips, large and small channels find various reasons to shirk.

And when asked who ordered it, they did not dare to answer.

The power behind it must be great!

"This is trouble!"

The Battle Guild has invested more than one million dollars in the fingertip video, which is the highest level of the transfer of the guild leader against the sky.

Seeing that the investment is going to be lost, I am afraid that the board of directors will take the opportunity to make trouble, and will not give up.

At that time, the position of the president will not be able to be kept.

The most uncomfortable thing for the anti-heaven is that he feels that he has failed the trust of the big man at his fingertips.

If he missed this cooperation, I was afraid that Qin Hao would never intersect with the Conquest Guild again.

I thought deeply about it and quickly figured out what the problem was.

"Could it be that Royal Dragon Zaitian is the prince of Giant Whale Media, able to influence the company's decision-making and retaliate against his fingertips?"

At this time, the imperial dragon sat high in the sky on the president's chair, smiling and not smiling, revealing a smirk of conspiracy success.

"This is the gap between our reality, I say in a word, it is easier to pinch you to death than to pinch an ant."

"I want to step on top of my head and make a name for myself, dream! I don't weigh how many pounds I have. "

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