When Zephyr turned the camera back in, the gargoyles had already been defeated, and the live broadcast room was boiling.

"It's actually passed, do you want to set a record for the first clearance?"

"Is this the end of it? It's too fast, I haven't seen enough.

"Haha, the full output lineup can pass, I learned!"

"Don't learn, no one can see that the core of tactics is a great god, and whoever learns will die."

"Huh? Why didn't the keyboard man come out and talk just now? The one who washes your hair upside down, when do you start. "


Snowflake gifts dominate the screen, and the west wind blossoms.

The pioneers, who were still elated just now, felt embarrassed.

"I thought it was over, there were actually two floors?"

<征战>Wuxin quickly put away his excited smile and reprimanded with a straight face: "It's a shame that a group of people who have never seen the world is really shameful." "

The members of the land reclamation team only promised, and they couldn't wait to find a crack to drill into.

The female mage Rose muttered in a low voice, "Captain Heartless, weren't you also very excited just now?" Wu

<征战>Wu looked at Qin Hao, and immediately changed his warm smile.

"Big fingertips, what should we fight next?"

Everyone also held up their ears to eavesdrop, and unconsciously, Qin Hao had become the center of this group of people.

"Bring it!"

Qin Hao spread out his hands and smiled.

<征战>Unintentional confused, "What to take?"

"Don't you have a way of dealing with the gatekeeper yourself?" So do I have to get paid for handling it for you? "

<征战>The unintentional method is naturally to bribe gargoyles through money.

The eyelids jumped three times in a row.

"This master eats people and doesn't spit out bones!"

The conquest guild leader has explained against the sky that the equipment and resources dropped have the highest allocation priority at his fingertips.

So, this is a two-headed pay?

But <征战>he didn't dare to refute it, without Qin Hao's joining, the later copy would only be more difficult.

Frowning and thinking about it, I <征战>made a decision unintentionally.

"If I knew I would take care of my mouth." He secretly regretted it in his heart.

All for the dungeon premiere!

Bite! <征战>Unintentionally give you copper coins + 100,000!

<征战>Rose Wei's eyes lit up with envy, "Captain Wuxin, who slammed the door, when was he so generous?"

"It's really strange that the iron rooster is also willing to pluck its feathers!" Some team members teased.

Enter the center of the snowfield.

The scattered mobs [Snow Wolf LV8/Normal] number (200/300) roared and surrounded them.

Qin Hao saw that there were no negative effects to stack, and his experience was pitiful, so he simply tied his hands and watched the members of the desert reclamation team make a move.

Take this opportunity to observe the cooperation and strength of the land reclamation team.

If this trouble can't be handled, then the next two layers don't need to be seen.

These people are all the elites of the guild, and they are experienced in shooting, spontaneously forming three lines of defense, and taking turns to retreat and output.

The wolf spirit's eyes were hot, "This is all a little brother!"

Qin Hao stroked the wolf spirit's forehead and comforted, "It's too dish, don't waste your place."

Only then did the wolf spirit settle down and look at the seven gray wolves behind him.

The gray wolves are terrified in their hearts, always feeling that they will be kicked out by the commander-in-chief at any time?

Therefore, they also joined the siege vigorously.

The pioneers made promises in front of the boss, and in front of these small wild monsters, it was a heavy punch.

<征战>Under the command of Wuxin, 200 snow wolves were quickly swept away, and no one was even injured.

『Copy Announcement』: Congratulations to the "Fingertip Star Chopper" team for clearing the first layer of [Demon Ape Territory].

Please open the second level entrance within 60 seconds, otherwise you will force exit the copy.

The team members searched around, but did not find the teleportation array.

Countdown: 30!

"What's the matter, don't general copies have teleportation arrays?"

He <征战>looked at Qin Hao without doubt, expecting an answer.

Low-level copies are all unteleported, how can such a high-end transportation method appear here?

Not to mention a level ten copy, even a level fifty copy does not have one.

Qin Hao thought about it and made an appropriate analogy.

"It's like if you want to cross the river, just find the bridge, and you will build an airport on the other side of the river just to cross the river?"

"So, the teleportation array moves very high-end?"

That's true.

In the late Eternal Period, the legion that can master the tactics of the teleportation array will at least have the strength to compete for the top ten in the world.

Heavenly soldiers at any teleportation point can often change the situation of war.

Qin Hao raised his eyebrows, "Kamosi seems to have mastered the teleportation array as well?" "

At this time.

Camosi was wearing glasses and observing the Xuanwu God pattern with a magnifying glass when he suddenly yawned.

"How do you feel like someone is thinking about me?"

Vivian raised the small book with a thick fist, and her eyes lit up: "I've read it all." "

These are primers for pharmacists, and they are in full form.

As for the other players, they are all castrated versions.

For the request of his best friend Qin Hao, Camosi did not hide his selfishness and taught patiently.

Surprisingly, Vivian's learning efficiency is too fast!

"If you can't just ask for speed, I have to test you."

Camosie said seriously, immediately spot-checking several book problems, and found that Vivian was reciting it backwards.

"What a genius you are! I have never seen an apprentice in pharmacy who comprehends so quickly. Camosi

praised, if it weren't for the elves of his best friend Qin Hao, he would have snatched it up to be cultivated as a disciple.

"Is this fast?" Pouted slightly.

Apparently dissatisfied with the speed at which he learned.

"When will I finish learning before I can meet the master!"

Vivian felt that the ten minutes since Qin Hao left were longer than ten centuries.

The white snow began to melt, the fog boiled, and the [Demon Ape Territory] showed signs of collapse.

"Didn't find the entrance!" <征战>Rose's whole body was wet with mist, and Miaoman's curves appeared.

She summoned a fire and baked her whole body clean.

"I didn't find it either." <征战>No intention to hang your head.

Countdown: 10 seconds

The rest of the wilderness reclamation team turned the [Demon Ape Territory] to the sky, and there was no trace of the entrance.

Is that a failure?

Everyone is very unwilling, obviously they have defeated the gatekeeper BOSS Gargoyle.

"Follow me!" Qin Hao said calmly.

The pioneer team members reborn hope in their hearts, "The fingertip god is here, no accident!" The

mighty thirty-man teammates walked to the edge of the frozen cliff in an instant.

<征战>Rose Wei was stunned, "Fingertip boss, why didn't you see the entrance?"

Qin Hao raised his leg and kicked on <征战>Rose's waist, and she rolled off the cliff with a snowball from the mountain.

A terrified and miserable soprano echoed under the cliff.

The pioneers gasped at the same time.

"What's the situation? The fingertip boss destroys flowers with hot hands! Seeing

Qin Hao's kind gaze, <征战>Wuxin immediately became conscious.

"The entrance is just below the cliff, ready to jump off the cliff!"

Without waiting for Qin Hao to approach, <征战>he had no intention of leading the second team to jump.

Only then did everyone react, revealing an expression of sudden realization.

"Don't move your feet with your fingertips, I'll jump by myself."

In the end, only Qin Hao and Xifeng Lie remained.

The west wind shivered, did not dare to move for a long time, his lips trembled, and his feet seemed to take root.

Step by step away from the cliffs.

"I... I'm afraid of heights! "

The corolla snake excitedly emerged from the snow and slammed it with its iron head, and the westerly wind fell off the cliff crying fiercely.

"Get down, you!"

The crown snake wagged its tail at Qin Hao with an innocent look and said, "Master, I have already dug the hole in the ground, let's take the tunnel." Qin

Hao felt a headache at the bullied leather snake, and slid down the snow slope like a slide.

[Quest Warning! ] The whole team of "Fingertip Slashing Stars" entered the second layer of [Demon Ape Territory], was regarded as an intruder, and suffered the hatred of all crypt monsters.

Every minute, a wave of crypt creatures will be besieged.

Please survive in the crypt for 30 minutes.

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